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377 lines (331 loc) · 17.1 KB

PKAMs per app per device

  • Status: Release candidate
  • Created: 2023-01
  • Last Updated: 2023-07-28
  • Changelog:
    • 2023-04-03 Added mermaid sequence diagrams of current and proposed new flows
    • 2023-07-28 Spec clarifications, some simplifications, some restructuring
  • Objective: Define protocol interactions required to have different PKAMs per app+device

Context & Problem Statement

Current PKAM (Public Key Authentication Method) supports only a single keypair.

  • Key pairs are created by first device/app on the edge.
  • Device/app holds the private key; the public key is placed on the secondary server
  • Access is “all or nothing” - access to the private key delivers access to everything
  • atSign owners are asked to manage/store keys, safely.
    • This is always tricky
    • Inevitable that atSign owners will sometimes accidentally leak keys
  • Apps require the atSign owner to give the keys to the app
  • Authentication flow, given an existing PKAM keypair, is
    • App sends from:@alice to @alice's atServer
    • atServer responds with a challenge data:<challenge>
    • App signs the challenge with its PKAM private key, sends pkam:<signature>
    • atServer verifies the signature against the PKAM public key which it knows


  • Limit likelihood of compromise of private keys
    • Limit private keys required by apps to the bare minimum - a single keypair whose private key may be held on a TPM / secure element
    • No more exporting of keys files for import by other apps+devices
    • Easy-to-use management of app access and app namespace permissions
  • Limit blast radius if private keys are compromised
    • Apply access controls to apps' use of the atSign's namespace
    • Easy-to-use modification / revocation of app access and app namespace permissions


Other considerations

Proposal Summary

This proposal is based upon, and expands upon, this summary proposal

  • APKAM (Application PKAM) - a keypair per app+device
  • MPKAM - an APKAM which has access to the .__manage namespace
  • APKAM enrollment requests can be approved only by apps which have an MPKAM
  • Device/app stores the minimum amount of information
    • unique enrollment ID
    • keys
      • the APKAM keypair
        • the private key may be held on a TPM
      • an APKAM symmetric key specific to this enrollment
        • This is required because -*the approving app needs to be able to send private key(s) to the enrolling app
          • the APKAM private key may be on a TPM which does not support using the private key for decryption but only for signing
  • An enrollment interaction flow will
    • Allow new apps to request that their app+device be approved and have their APKAM public key stored on the atServer
    • Allow requests to be approved or denied by another existing app with the appropriate authority
    • Make encryption keypairs' private keys and symmetric keys available as appropriate to the newly enrolled app by encrypting with the APKAM symmetric key
  • After enrollment, an app needs to be able to
    • Authenticate with APKAM keypair and enrollment id
    • Fetch all keys which have been shared with this enrollment id
      • And decrypt those keys using the APKAM symmetric key
  • There must be a way to revoke enrollment of a given APKAM
    • an enrolled app should be able to revoke its own enrollment
  • Additions to pkam verb syntax
  • New verb enroll for enrollment management
  • New verb keys for management of (1) encryption keypairs (2) 'self' encryption keys

Proposal In Detail

Initial bootstrap enrollment


  • Do CRAM and PKAM as done prior to APKAM
  • Then follow up with an enroll request


In addition to what is done now (CRAM auth, PKAM auth, cutting default encryption keypair and default 'self' encryption key), the client also:

  • generates an 'APKAM symmetric key' and encrypts it with default encryption public key
  • client stores two keys on the server via enroll request
    • default self encryption key - encrypted with APKAM symmetric key
    • default encryption private key - encrypted with APKAM symmetric key
  • client only need to store their enrollmentID, APKAM private key and APKAM symmetric key - however, for backwards compatibility will store those things in addition to everything that is in the current atKeys file format.

Sequence diagram

    participant FirstClient
    participant Server

    note over FirstClient,Server: CRAM Authentication

    FirstClient->>Server: from:@alice
    Server->>Server: store digest <SHA512(${cramSecret}${serverChallenge})>
    Server-->>FirstClient: ${serverChallenge}
    FirstClient->>Server: cram:<SHA512(${cramSecret}${serverChallenge})>
    Server->>Server: fetch stored digest
    Server->>Server: Compare digests
    alt digests do not match
        Server-->>FirstClient: Authentication failed
        FirstClient->>FirstClient: Exit
    else digests match
        Server-->>FirstClient: Success

    note over FirstClient,Server: Onboarding
    FirstClient->>FirstClient: Generate PKAM keypair (ideally on a secure element of some sort)
    FirstClient->>Server: Store PKAM public key
    Server->>Server: Store PKAM public key
    note over Server: New - mark this PKAM key as privileged to enrol subsequent clients
    Server->>Server: Mark this PKAM public key as privileged
    FirstClient->>FirstClient: Generate default encryption keypair    
    FirstClient->>FirstClient: Generate symmetric self encryption key (e.g AES key)
    note over FirstClient,Server: New
    FirstClient->>FirstClient: Generate APKAM symmetric key     
    FirstClient->>FirstClient: Encrypt default encryption private key with APKAM symmetric key - $encryptedDefaultPrivateEncryptionKey
    FirstClient->>FirstClient: Encrypt self encryption key with APKAM symmetric key - $encryptedDefaultSelfEncryptionKey
    FirstClient->>Server: enroll:request:$encryptedDefaultPrivateEncryptionKey:$encryptedDefaultSelfEncryptionKey         
    Server->>Server: Store encrypted default encryption private key e.g $enrollmentId.default_enc_private_key.__manage@alice
    Server->>Server: Store encrypted default self encryption keys e.g $enrollmentId.default_self_enc_key.__manage@alice
    FirstClient->>Server: Disconnect and attempt pkam with enrollmentId
    Server-->>FirstClient: Auth passed
    FirstClient->>Server: Store default encryption public key
    Server->>Server: Store default encryption public key
    FirstClient->>FirstClient: Store enrollmentId and apkam symmetric key(unencrypted) in atKeysFile
    FirstClient->>Server: Delete CRAM secret
    Server->>Server: Delete CRAM secret
    note over FirstClient: Client now only needs access to the enrollmentId,<br/>APKAM private key and APKAM symmetric key<br/> and may store them in atKeys file<br/> or keychain as appropriate 

All subsequent enrollments

This is substantially different from how things are now.


  • An enroll:request command results in a keyStore entry being created in the __manage namespace and a notification being generated on the server and
    delivered to apps which have permission to approve or deny the request
  • Apps which have access can approve or deny the request


  • NewApp sends enroll request
    • atServer creates a private keyStore entry in the .__manage namespace. The key for the entry is <enrollmentId>.new.enrollments.__manage@atSign, where <enrollmentId> is some random id and the data stored is something like:

          "sessionID": "<the session ID of the NewApp connection>",
          "namespaces": [
            {"ns":"one","ac": "r"},
            {"ns":"two","ac": "rw"},
            {"ns":"three","ac": "r"}
          "requestType": "newEnrollment",
          "approval": {"state":"requested"}
    • atServer generates a notification for this keyStore entry. Only apps which have access to the .__manage namespace will receive this notification.

    • atServer responds to NewApp with the usual PKAM challenge data:<challenge>

    • NewApp tries pkam

      • If the enrollment has not yet been approved, get an error code for "Enrollment request not yet approved" and can retry pkam again
      • If the enrollment has been denied, get a fatal error code for "Enrollment request denied", and NewApp may no longer retry the pkam
      • Once the enrollment has been approved, then the response will be accepted
      • NewApp may then retrieve encryption private keys and self encryption keys
        • keys:get:private
        • keys:get:self
    • An already-enrolled app ('ExistingApp') with access to the .__manage namespace

      • Receives and decrypts the notification.
      • Display the request details, and ask the user to approve or deny it
      • Approve:
        • enroll:approve:<enrollmentId>:<encryptedDefaultEncPrivateKey:<encryptedDefaultSelfEncryptionKey>
        • atServer marks the enrollment request as approved
      • Deny:
        • enroll:deny:<approvalID>
        • atServer marks the enrollment request as denied
    • atServer will set timers to expire approval requests after a suitable configurable interval (e.g. 90 seconds). Expired approval requests will be deleted.

    • Upon startup, atServer will load all approval requests with approval state "requested", delete them if they have already passed the expiry interval, and set an appropriate expiry timer otherwise

    • When a request is approved, atServer stores the APKAMPublicKey in an entry with key name public:appName.deviceName.pkam.__pkams.__public_keys

Sequence diagram

    participant NewClient
    participant Server
    participant ExistingPrivilegedClient

    note over NewClient,ExistingPrivilegedClient: Subsequent client onboarding
    NewClient->>NewClient: Generate APKAM keypair (ideally on a secure element of some sort)
    NewClient->>NewClient: Generate new APKAM symmetric key - $apkamSymmetricKey
    NewClient->>NewClient: Encrypt APKAM symmetric key with default encryption public key - $encryptedApkamSymmetricKey
    NewClient->>Server: from:@alice
    Server-->>NewClient: ${serverChallenge}
    NewClient->>Server: enroll:request<br/>:app:<appName><br/>:device:<deviceName><br/>:namespaces:<...><br/>:apkamPublicKey:<apkamPublicKey>:<br/>apkamSymmetricKey<encryptedApkamSymmetricKey<br/>
    Server->>ExistingPrivilegedClient: Send notification with enrollmentID and  $encryptedApkamSymmetricKey
    Server->>Server: Mark enrolment request PENDING
    Server->>ExistingPrivilegedClient: Approve or deny
    note over NewClient: Meanwhile, NewClient will try periodically to authenticate
    alt Pending
        note over NewClient,Server: While pending but not timed out, authentication will fail <br/>but may be reattempted
        NewClient->>Server: pkam:enrollmentId:<enrollmentId>:<PKAM private key SHA256Signature of ${serverChallenge}>
        Server->>NewClient: Authentication failed - approval PENDING
    else Denied
        note over NewClient,Server: If explicitly denied, authentication will fail permanently <br/>until a new enrolment request is sent
        ExistingPrivilegedClient->>Server: Denied
        Server->>Server: Mark enrolment request DENIED
        NewClient->>Server: pkam:enrollmentId:<enrollmentId>:<PKAM private key SHA256Signature of ${serverChallenge}>
        Server->>NewClient: Authentication failed - approval DENIED
    else Timeout
        note over NewClient,Server: If the approval request times out, authentication will fail permanently <br/>until a new enrolment request is sent
        NewClient->>Server: pkam:enrollmentId:<enrollmentId>:<PKAM private key SHA256Signature of ${serverChallenge}>
        Server->>Server: If timeout has expired, Mark enrolment request TIMED OUT
        Server->>NewClient: Authentication failed - approval request TIMED OUT
    else Approved
        note over NewClient,Server: If approved, authentication will succeed
        ExistingPrivilegedClient->>ExistingPrivilegedClient: Decrypt $encryptedApkamSymmetricKey <br/>with default encryption private key<br/> - $apkamSymmetricKey
        ExistingPrivilegedClient->>ExistingPrivilegedClient: Encrypt default encryption private key<br/> and default self encryption key<br/> with $apkamSymmetricKey
        ExistingPrivilegedClient->>Server: enroll:approve:<enrollmentId>:<encryptedDefaultEncPrivateKey>:<encryptedDefaultSelfEncryptionKey>
        Server->>Server: Mark enrolment request APPROVED
        NewClient->>Server: pkam:enrollmentId:<enrollmentId>:<PKAM private key SHA256Signature of ${serverChallenge}>
        Server->>Server: Verify signature using the PKAM public key presented in the enroll request earlier
        alt Verified
            Server->>NewClient: Authentication SUCCESS
            NewClient->>Server: keys:get:private
            NewClient->>NewClient: decrypt encryption private key with $apkamSymmetricKey
            NewClient->>Server: keys:get:self
            NewClient->>NewClient: decrypt self encryption key with $apkamSymmetricKey
            NewClient->>NewClient: write to atKeysFile - enrollmentId, APKAM public and private key, APKAM symmetric key
        else Not verified
            Server->>NewClient: Authentication FAILED

Other details

  • info verb will additionally include details of the APKAM's namespace access
  • All existing verb implementations must change to respect APKAM namespace access controls
  • enroll verb should be rate-limited
  • __global namespace is ONLY used for storing globally accessible keys. It is not usable by any other verb lookup/update/delete/notify/etc
  • Types of enrollment requests. Types are determined by the server
    • newEnrollment
    • overrideEnrollment (app wanting to enroll a new public key)
    • changeNamespaceAccess
    • revokeEnrollment
  • MPKAM apps need access to all encryption private keys
    • If an app being enrolled requires __manage access, then share all encryption private keys with them
    • So they can share the relevant subset with other apps as they enroll
    • Corollary: When an encryption keypair is created in a namespace, it must be shared (1) with all apps which have access to the namespace (2) with all apps who have the MPKAM access (__shared namespace)

Appendix - current flows

First client onboarding

    participant Client
    participant Server

    note over Client,Server: CRAM Authentication

    Client->>Server: from:@alice
    Server->>Server: store digest <SHA512(${cramSecret}${serverChallenge})>
    Server-->>Client: ${serverChallenge}
    Client->>Server: cram:<SHA512(${cramSecret}${serverChallenge})>
    Server->>Server: fetch stored digest
    Server->>Server: Compare digests
    alt digests do not match
        Server-->>Client: Authentication failed
        Client->>Client: Exit
    else digests match
        Server-->>Client: Success

    note over Client,Server: Onboarding
    Client->>Client: Generate PKAM keypair
    Client->>Server: Store PKAM public key
    Server->>Server: Store PKAM public key
    Client->>Server: PKAM authentication
    Server-->>Client: Auth passed
    Client->>Server: Delete CRAM secret
    Server->>Server: Delete CRAM secret
    Client->>Client: Generate encryption keypair
    Client->>Server: Store encryption public key
    Server->>Server: Store encryption public key
    Client->>Client: Generate AES key for private data
    Client->>Client: Generate and store atKeys file

Subsequent client onboarding

Use the PKAM keys from the atKeys file which was generated during first client onboarding

    participant NewClient
    participant Server

    NewClient->>Server: from:@alice
    Server-->>NewClient: ${serverChallenge}
    NewClient->>Server: pkam:<PKAM private key SHA256Signature of ${serverChallenge}>
    Server->>Server: Verify signature using the stored PKAM public key
    alt Verified
        Server->>NewClient: Authentication SUCCESS
    else Not verified
        Server->>NewClient: Authentication FAILED