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File metadata and controls

241 lines (140 loc) · 5.78 KB


|THIS| provides some directives to customize presence and behaviors.

For customize presentation

Sphinx can manage multiple documents, so that |THIS| can build multiple presentation slides.

If you want to configure one presentaion from some, use this directive into your source.

.. rst:directive:: revealjs-slide

   Write ``revealjs-slide`` directive on directly below of title header.

   .. note::

      Directive based customize has options less than conf based
      because implementation restrict.

   .. rst:directive:option:: theme
      :type: string

      Override ``revealjs_style_theme``.

   .. rst:directive:option:: google_font
      :type: string

      Override ``revealjs_google_fonts``, but it can specify only one.

      .. warning:: This option is not work in v2.x. It will removed in v3.x

   .. rst:directive:option:: conf
      :type: JSON-string or no-value

      Override ``revealjs_script_conf``, but single line only.


   .. code-block:: rst

      Presentation title

      .. revealjs-slide::
         :theme: moon



For customize sections

If you want to change behavior of sections, use these directives.

.. rst:directive:: revealjs-section

   To change behavior per section, write directive per section.

   .. rst:directive:option:: data-XXX

      This directive can accept any ``data-`` attributes included options of section element for Reveal.js [#]_.
      For more information, please see `Reveal.js documentation <>`_.

      .. [#] Reveal.js plugins use ``data-`` attributes often to customize behavior.

      .. note::

         This may be not completed all attributes for Reveal.js.
         If you find missing attribute, pleas post issues or pull-requests into GitHub.


   Write ``revealjs-slide`` directive on directly below of section title header.

   .. code-block:: rst



      .. revealjs-section::
         :data-background-color: #009900

.. rst:directive:: revealjs-break

   If you want to transition section with keeping title,
   ``revealjs-break`` can use.


   Write ``revealjs-break`` to point of want to split section.

   .. code-block:: rst



       Content 1

       .. revealjs-break::

       Content 2(next slide)

   .. rst:directive:option:: data-XXX

      It accepts attributes as same as ``revealjs-section``.

   .. rst:directive:option:: notitle

      If it is set in directive, next section page does not display title.

.. rst:directive:: revealjs-vertical

   To change behavior of sections rendered vertical (called as vertical slides [#]_).

   .. [#] Pleas see `Reveal.js document <>`_ to know about this.

   .. rst:directive:option:: data-XXX

      It accepts attributes as same as :rst:dir:`revealjs-section`.
      There are affected on all slides vertical from declared section.


   Write ``revealjs-vertical`` to point of want to split section (second level).

   .. code-block:: rst


      .. revaeljs-vertical::
         :data-background-color: #009900

For interactive contents

.. rst:directive:: revealjs-code-block

   This is extends of :rst:dir:`code-block` direcrive for presentation.

   If you want to use custom attributes in code-block.

   .. rst:directive:option:: data-line-numbers
      :type: string or no value

      Code highlighting pattern. See `Reveal.js document <>`_


   .. code-block:: rst

      .. revealjs-code-block:: python
         :data-line-numbers: 1

         def hello():

   .. rst:directive:option:: data-ln-start-from
      :type: integer

      Set number of first-line in code block.
      When this is assigned, display line numbers even if ``data-line-numbers`` is not set.

   .. code-block:: rst

      .. revealjs-code-block:: python
         :data-ln-start-from: 3


      Please see `Reveal.js document <>`_.

.. rst:directive:: revealjs-literalinclude

   This is extends of :rst:dir:`literalinclude` direcrive for presentation.

   If you want to use custom attributes in literalinclude.

   External attributes are same from :rst:dir:`revealjs-code-block`.

.. rst:directive:: revealjs-fragments

   .. note::

      There are cases not working regular.

   Inject ``fragment`` attribute into objects.
   Referer to `"Fragments" from Reveal.js <>`_

   You can see `demo <>`_ to know usage.

   .. rst:directive:option:: custom-effect
      :type: string

      When it is set, inject as custom class.
      You can customize behavior of fragments transitions with CSS.


   Write block as directive that you want to present as fragments.

   .. code-block:: rst

      .. revealjs-fragments::

         * First
         * Second
         * Third

.. rst:directive:: revealjs-notes

   When you write this section, inner text are as content of `Speaker View <>`_.

   If you write some directives on same-level, Reveal.js uses first direcrive only.

   .. note::

      You must be careful for comment block when you set :confval:`revealjs_notes_from_comments` in ````.
      Reveal.js recoginzes first ``<aside>`` element as content of speaker-view,
      so you may not see directive content as notes.


   .. code-block:: rst

      .. revealjs-notes::

         This content output into <aside> element on <section>.