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Minimal functional interface to AC²E for Hy.


Install with pip:

$ pip install git+

Or by cloning:

$ git clone
$ pushd hace
$ pip install .


Make sure AC²E and all dependencies are installed.

Backend Access

One way is to create a symlink from the resource directory of the AC²E repository, which contains all the backends as git submodules, to ~/.ace. hace will automatically look there if pdk_path and ckt_path are not specified.

$ ln -s /path/to/ace/resource $HOME/.ace

It should look something like this:

├── sky130-1V8
│   ├── op1
│   │   ├── input.scs
│   │   └── properties.json
│   ├── ...
│   ├── pdk
│   │   ├── cells
│   │   │   ├── nfet_01v8
│   │   │   │   ├── sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8__mismatch.corner.scs
│   │   │   │   ├── sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8__tt.corner.scs
│   │   │   │   └── sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8__tt.pm3.scs
│   │   │   └── pfet_01v8
│   │   │       ├── sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8__mismatch.corner.scs
│   │   │       ├── sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8__tt.corner.scs
│   │   │       └── sky130_fd_pr__pfet_01v8__tt.pm3.scs
│   │   ├── models
│   │   │   ├── all.scs
│   │   │   ├── corners
│   │   │   │   └── tt
│   │   │   │       └── nofet.scs
│   │   │   ├── parameters
│   │   │   │   └── lod.scs
│   │   │   └── sky130.scs
│   │   ├──
│   │   └── tests
│   │       ├── nfet_01v8_tt.scs
│   │       └── pfet_01v8_tt.scs
└── ...

Environment Variables

Alternatively you can set environment variables, telling hace where to find the pdk and testbenches.

$ export ACE_BACKEND=/path/to/ace/resource
$ export ACE_PDK=/path/to/ace/resource/<tech>/pdk

Where <tech> has to be a valid backend such as xh035-3V3 for example.


Otherwise paths have to be given explicitly to the make_env function via the kwargs pdk_path and ckt_path.

Getting Started

Please refer to the AC²E documentation for environment IDs and available backends.

import hace as ac

amp = ac.make_env('op2', 'xh035-3V3') 
siz = ac.random_sizing(amp)
res = ac.evaluate_circuit(amp, params = siz)


Create an ace environment object:

amp = make_env( ace_id: str                         # ACE Environment ID
              , ace_backend: str                    # ACE Backend ID
              , pdk_path: Optional[List[str]] = []  # Path to ace backend
              , ckt_path: Optional[str] = None      # Path to testbench
              , sim_path: Optional[str] = None      # Path to store results
              ) => amplifier                        # Returns ace env obj

Where ace_id can be any supported AC²E environment id such as op1 .. 9, nand4 or st1. And ace_backend should be a supported/installed backend, such as sky130-1V8.

res = evaluate_circuit( amp                                   # Amplifier object
                      , params: Optional[Dict[str, float]]    # Sizing parameters
                      , blocklist: Optional[List[str]]        # List of blocked simulations
                      ) => Dict[str, float]                   # Returns performance

The blocklist argument may specify a list of simulations that will not be performed. To get a list of all available simulation analyses one may call

sim = simulation_analyses(amp) => List[str]     # List of available analyses

To get the simulation result of the previous run without simulating again:

res = current_performance(amp) => Dict[str, float]

The following functions can be used for accessing and indexing the Dictionaries:

sizing_identifiers(amp) => List[str]        # Keys in optional params dict
performance_identifiers(amp) => List[str]   # Keys in current performance dict

Get random sizing parameters:

rng = random_sizing(amp) => Dict[str, float]    # Random sizing parameters

Get sensible initial sizing parameters:

siz = initial_sizing(amp) => Dict[str, float]    # "Good" sizing parameters

Save the current state to a file (.json, .yaml and .csv are currently supported):

dump_state(amp, file_name="file.ext") => Dict[str, float]     # Dumps current state

Load a state (created with dump_state):

load_state(amp, file_name: str) => Dict[str, float]           # Loads the given state 

Concurrent / Parallel Programming

The concurrent API acts much the same as the default one. Create pooled amplifier object:

amps = ac.make_env_pool( ace_ids: List[str],
                       , ace_backends: List[str]
                       , pdk_paths: Optional[List[List[str]]] = [[]]
                       , ckt_paths: Optional[List[str]]       = []
                       , sim_paths: Optional[List[str]]       = ["/tmp", ..] 
                       ) => amplifier_pool

There is a short hand for creating a pool of the same environment.

envs = ac.make_same_env_pool( num_envs: int
                            , ace_id: str,
                            , ace_backends: str
                            , pdk_paths: Optional[List[str]] = []
                            , ckt_paths: Optional[str]       = []
                            , sim_paths: Optional[str]       = "/tmp"
                            ) => amplifier_pool

The AcePoolEnvironment is a namedtuple with an envs and pool field. Where the former is a dict mapping an ID to an environment.

Parameters of environments in a pool can be set with a dict mapping an ID to a dict that is then passed to set_parameters.

envs = ac.set_parameters_pool( pool_env
                             , pool_params dict[int, dict[str, float]]
                             ) => pool_env

An environment pool can be evaluated in a similar way.

ress = ac.evaluate_circuit_pool( pool_env
                               , pool_params Optional[dict[int, dict[str, float]]] = {}
                               , npar: int = len(os.shed_getaffinity(0)) // 2
                               ) => simulation_results

So far the blocklist is not supported in pooled environments.

Further Reading

See ACE Documentation.


Minimal interface to analog-circuit-library.




