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DNX edited this page May 29, 2019 · 2 revisions

Some random ideas

Define skeleton credential types, i.e

  • AWS
    • description
    • accessid
    • secret
    • default_region
  • Non-specific
    • description
    • key

Support storage backends, such as:

  • bitwarden
  • lastpass
  • 1password
  • OS keystore

**Encryption via gpg or ssh key? **

**create global config file **

  • default key
  • storage backend
  • optional timeout periods
  • lockout periods

Allow for non-interactive shells

How to work on OSX with their terminal restore stuff

Investigate whether we are using an optimal encryption mode, keylength, etc

Better installer

Ensure redundancy - backup the encrypted file until re-encrypted and verified

** Cache an open time**

Or at least something so that list and use don't need to have the passphrase typed twice.

If .git exists in the dir where a local keyfile is created, ensure the keyfile name is in .git_ignore

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