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Company App

Simple implementation of a programming challenge in which companies have many employees. Both companies and employees have a similar but slightly different unique token. Try it out on Heroku.


This application requires:

  • Ruby 2.5.0
  • Postgres 9.x+

Getting Started

  1. Install the dependencies: bundle install
  2. Create the development and test databases: bin/rails db:create db:migrate db:test:prepare
  3. Run the specs to confirm everything is working: bundle exec rspec
  4. Start the web server: bin/rails server
  5. Point your browser to http://localhost:3000


I created a large chunk of the code with the following three commands:

  1. rails new company-app --skip-action-cable --skip-turbolinks --skip-coffee --skip-spring -m
  2. bin/rails g scaffold company name:string --no-routing-specs --no-helper-specs --no-view-specs
  3. bin/rails g nested_scaffold company/employee first_name:string last_name:string --no-routing-specs --no-helper-specs --no-view-specs

I chose to use scaffolds in this app, because the "main part" of the app is the token generation and not the UI.

Since this is a small app, I chose to implement the token generation as a mixin which uses ActiveRecord callbacks on the model. This is probably the simplest solution. If the project was larger, then I would recommend encapsulating the company/employee creation in service objects that call the token generator explicitly (i.e. instead of via callbacks). If the project would use CQRS and event sourcing (i.e. persist the events instead of just the latest state), then I would implement it asynchronously as a process manager.

This is not a production ready app. At least the following things are missing:

  • Use rubocop to enforce a common style guide
  • Everything must be localized
  • Consider using client side rendering (e.g. + server side API instead of server side rendering
  • Use UUIDs instead of integers for ids (especially if they are going to be exposed by an API)
  • Use foreman for starting the web server (and other processes)
  • Always soft-delete instead of hard-delete on destroy action
  • Paginate all results in views
  • Add request specs if the backend implements an API
  • Use namespaces for all modules/classes
  • Exception logging
  • Performance monitoring


Company programming challenge






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