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Official code to accompany the ICLR 2024 paper "Retro-fallback: retrosynthetic planning in an uncertain world"


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Retro-fallback (ICLR 2024)

Paper Conference GitHub

This is the official code to accompany the paper introducing retro-fallback: an algorithm for retrosynthetic planning with uncertainty. It contains a minimal python implementation of the methods described in the paper, code to reproduce the experimental results, all numerical results presented in the paper, and code to re-create the plots in the paper.

Code overview

The layout of this repository is as follows:

  • retro_fallback_iclr24/: a minimal python package implementing retro-fallback and all associated metrics. This package is further segmented into two parts: methods specific to our ICLR experiments (see retro_fallback_iclr24.iclr24_experiments), and general code for retro-fallback and SSP (everything else).
  • tests/: tests for our code (can be run with pytest)
  • misc/: contains some data
  • official-results/: contains all data for our experiment (in .tar.gz format)
  • scripts/: all scripts associated with our code


The code can be installed with pip by running

pip install .

This should install all dependencies. If this does not work for you, you may need to install pytorch or other packages manually using another method (e.g. conda), then trying the pip installation again.

Preparing datasets

The experiments run for this paper require downloading/preprocessing a small number of datasets. Instructions for each dataset are in files in the following directories:

  • retro_fallback_iclr24/iclr24_experiments/eMolecules
  • retro_fallback_iclr24/iclr24_experiments/fusion_retro
  • retro_fallback_iclr24/iclr24_experiments/guacamol (NOTE: recreating dataset from scratch requires eMolecules inventory)
  • retro_fallback_iclr24/iclr24_experiments/retrostar190 (NOTE: this does not actually require you to run anything)

Instructions to reproduce results

Our code is intended to be reproducible at multiple levels, from re-making the plots in the paper to re-running our entire set of experiments. Here we give instructions for each of these tasks.

Reproducing the plots (most basic)

This does not require any special installation (with the exception of the reaction kernel plots). First, extract our official data by running the following commands.

# Results for "comparison" experiments
for tarfile in official-results/comparison/*.tar.gz ; do
    tar -xzvf $tarfile -C results-comparison/

# Results for "variation" experiments
for tarfile in official-results/variation/*.tar.gz ; do
    tar -xzvf $tarfile -C results-variation/

NOTE: if you have run your own experiments this will overwrite the outputs from those experiments, so be careful.

After that, all plots can be reproduced by running the script:


This requires the tueplots package to be installed, but otherwise does not require any ML libraries (except for the final script to make reaction kernel plots, which are not central results).

Re-running experiments

The results in this paper are based on a large number of experiments. The commands to run these experiments can be printed by running:

# comparison experiments
# (first argument is the directory for the experiments to output to; change if desired)
python scripts/ results-comparison

# variation experiments
python scripts/ results-variation

Note that running these scripts will also create the directories for the results to be written to. The commands can be run in any way you see fit. The xargs program might be useful for this, e.g.:

python scripts/ results-comparison | xargs -I {} -P 2 bash -c {}

This will run all commands, 2 in parallel (specified by -P 2).

After running the experiments, it should produce similar results to those contained in the official-results directory. Plots can then be generated using the commands above.


This repository will not be under active development, since its purpose is to reproduce the results presented in the paper. However, if you want to make a PR, please install pre-commit and run tests with pytest to check that your PR does not break anything.


Official code to accompany the ICLR 2024 paper "Retro-fallback: retrosynthetic planning in an uncertain world"







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