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275 lines (201 loc) · 7.63 KB

File metadata and controls

275 lines (201 loc) · 7.63 KB

Auth0 Front-end Guidelines


Keep your markup as lean as possible and make sure you make good use of HTML tags, use the right elements to describe your content.

<!-- Not so good -->
<div class="text">This is a user.</div>
<div class="avatar">
  <img src="avatar.jpg">

<!-- Better -->
<p>This is a user.</p>
<img class="avatar" src="avatar.jpg" alt="Username">


  • Use the alt attribute properly and always include it in required elements.
  • Write links and buttons as ‘button’ and ‘a’ accordingly.
  • Remember as per HTML5 anchors can be block level.
  • Label all your form controls
  • Make sure your page is navigable using the keyboard’s tab key.
  • :focus styles are just as important as :hover styles.
<!-- Not so good -->
<img src="cat.jpg" onclick="window.location = '/cats'">

<div class="button">Click me I'm a button</div>

<!-- Better -->
<a href="/cats" title="Go to Cats section">
  <img src="cat.jpg" alt="A cat.">

<button>Click me I'm a button</button>

Boolean attributes

Boolean attributes don’t need a value specified. The presence (true) or absence (false) of them in an HTML tag will suffice as per HTML5 spec.

Declaration order & grouping

When possible, try to enforce the following order and grouping on your property declarations. This makes css dramatically more readable.

  • Positioning
  • Box model
  • Typographic
  • Visual


  • Use dashes and lowercase letters for your class names.
  • Keep classes as short as possible, but prefix them accordingly when they belong to a specific component.
  • Namespace js behaviors and bindings using .js-*, but keep css styling out of them. This way they won’t get deleted by error.
  • Namespace component states by using a .is-* prefix. (e.g. .is-open, .is-collapsed, .is-loading)


Use transitions when possible. Transition only affected properties to save on performance. (e.g. border 0.5s ease is better than all 0.5s ease)

Avoid animating properties other than opacity or transform as these perform much better.

/* Not so good */
.cabinet {
  transition: all 0.5s ease;
  margin-top: 0;
} {
  margin-top: 20px;
/* Much better */
.cabinet {
  transition: transform 0.5s ease;
  transform: translateY(0px);
} {
  margin-top: 20px;
  transform: translateY(20px);


Use the right unit for the job.

  • Favor rems or ems for relative values, preferably typography.
  • Don’t be afraid of using px when you want to exactly define a measure.
  • Use vh, vw, vmin and vmax when you need measures relative to the viewport.
  • Use rgba if you need transparent colors, else use hex values (eg. #000).
  • Don't abuse calc().
  • Don't abuse !important.


Avoid arbitrary colors and magic numbers. Favor defined units and have your colors be or descend from defined colors.

/* Not so good */
.cabinet {
  background: #BADA55;
  padding-bottom: 27px;
/* Much better */
.cabinet {
  background-color: color_black;
  padding-bottom: gutter;

Selectors & Architecture

  • Avoid selectors tightly coupled to the dom. Use only classes and no element tags. This keeps your components element flexible.

  • Avoid nesting. Try to keep the cascade to a maximum of 3 elements. Use prefixes to avoid unnecessary nesting.

  • When keeping CSS in different files, organize them by components rather than pages.

  • Only show visual components when they have the required events or behaviors attached to them. Failing to do so may cause the page to break or functional tests to fail. Example:

      // dialog contains a confirm button with class .confirm
      var dialog = $(...);
      // WRONG: Event is defined **after** show has been called.    
      // There could be a noticeable delay between dialog showing
      // and event binding.
      $('.confirm', dialog).click(function () {
        // Do logic here

    The right way would be doing:

      // dialog contains a confirm button with class .confirm
      var dialog = $(...);
      // RIGHT: Event is defined **before** show has been called.    
      $('.confirm', dialog).click(function () {
        // Do logic here


  • Mobile (min-width: 320px)
  • Mobile landscape (min-width: 568px)
  • Tablet (min-width: 768px)
  • Desktop (min-width: 992px)
  • Desktop HD (min-width: 1200px)

Use our breakpoint mixin to declare your media queries. It helps keep code clear and media queries consistent.

Breakpoint usage and media queries

  • Keep media-query declarations as close as possible to their relevant selector. This will prevent other developers from missing them or making mistakes.
  • Ideally, use one media query declaration per each rule, as opposed to having them at the end of a document or in separate files.
  • Use mobile-first media queries when possible. (e.g. min-width: 480px).
/* Very maintainable */
  color: blue;
  border-radius: 3px;
  padding: 10px 20px;
  max-width: 100%;
    max-width: 620px;
    font-size: 18px;
    max-width: 740px;
    font-size: 20px;
.main-area .hero-cta
  color: red;
    max-width: 100%;
  color: yellow;
  color: teal;
/* Not very maintainable */
  color: blue;
  border-radius: 3px;
  padding: 10px 20px;
  max-width: 100%;

.main-area .hero-cta
  color: red;
  color: yellow;
  color: teal;
@media (min-width: 768px)
    max-width: 620px;
    font-size: 18px;
@media (min-width: 992px)
    max-width: 740px;
    font-size: 20px;
  .main-area .hero-cta
    max-width: 100%;

Complex Grids

Use the grid mixin when a declarative grid doesn’t meet your needs. This can help you reorder components across different resolutions.

/* Stylus */
  grid(2, "20px", "li")
    grid(3, "20px", "li")
    grid(4, "20px", "li")
    grid(5, "20px", "li")
<!-- Markup -->
<ul class="item-list">
  <li><img class="avatar" src="mark.jpg" alt="Mark"></li>
  <li><img class="avatar" src="steve.jpg" alt="Steve"></li>
  <li><img class="avatar" src="bill.jpg" alt="Bill"></li>
  <li><img class="avatar" src="linus.jpg" alt="Linus"></li>
  <li><img class="avatar" src="larry.jpg" alt="Larry"></li>
  <li><img class="avatar" src="sergey.jpg" alt="Sergey"></li>

Retina assets

Always prefer SVG over raster assets. When using raster assets like .png or .jpg remember to compress them and have them be retina-ready.

Recommended Plugins

Use Boostrap plugins, available through Styleguide, when possible.

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