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preparation stage

Install Node.js

  • Install Node according to your system environment.
  • After the installation is complete, use the node -v command to view the installed Node.js version information [version 8.x and above]:
$ node -v

Install Serverless Devs

  • Run the command in the command line:
$ npm install @serverless-devs/s -g

View more [detailed information]( 89%E8%A3%85%E5%92%8C%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8)

  • After the installation is completed, you can check the Serverless Devs version through s -v.
$ s -v

Serverless Tool Version: *.*.*


  1. Register or log in Authing
  2. Follow the prompts to create a user pool, an application, enter the application and view the application configuration
  3. Obtain in the application configuration: App ID, App Secret and authentication address
  4. Create a new user under this application

Please refer to:Create application

Create application

Initialize the application

  • Execute commands on the command line

    $ s init authing && cd authing

Change setting

  issuer: issuer address
  client_id: application ID
  client_secret: application secret
  flow: optional value is code or implicit
  redirect_uri: default callback address
  refresh_token: true or false

Configuration explanation

Parameters Type Description
issuer string The issuer address of the Authing application.
client_id string Authing application ID.
client_secret string Authing application secret key.
flow string Login method, [Authorization code mode]( %88%E6%9D%83%E7%A0%81%E6%A8%A1%E5%BC%8F-authorization-code-flow) or [implicit mode]( authentication/oidc/oidc-authorization.html#%E4%BD%BF%E7%94%A8%E9%9A%90%E5%BC%8F%E6%A8%A1%E5%BC%8F-implicit-flow ), the optional value is code or implicit. The authorization code mode returns code, which can be exchanged for id_token, access_token and refresh_token. The implicit mode directly returns id_token and access_token, and refresh_token cannot be obtained.
redirect_uri string Default callback address, the content can be any one of the callback addresses configured in the Authing console. If you do not specify the callback address when you initiate login, the callback will be called back to this address by default.
refresh_token boolean Whether to return refresh_token. Only valid when flow is code, refresh_token is never returned when implicit. After enabling this option, the user needs to confirm the right after logging in each time.

Deployment function

  • Execute commands on the command line
$ s deploy

# Output information
Start ...
It is detected that your project has the following project/projects <AuthingDemo> to be execute
Start executing project AuthingDemo

  You can configure the specified key in yaml. For example:

    Component: fc
    Provider: alibaba
    Access: Fill in the specified key here

Start the pre-hook
[Hook / Plugin] npm install --production
Executing ...
npm WARN authing@0.0.1 No repository field.
npm WARN authing@0.0.1 No license field.

End the pre-hook
Waiting for service Authing to be deployed...
Service Authing deploy success

Waiting for function Authing to be deployed...
file .s is ignored.
Package complete.
Function: Authing@Authing updating ...
Deploy function Authing successfully
function Authing deploy success

Trigger: Authing@AuthingTriggerNameHttp deploying ...
This domain name is a temporary domain name. It is only used as a learning test and cannot be used in production environment.
        TriggerName: TriggerNameHttp
        Methods: GET,POST,PUT
        Url: 37679582-********
        EndPoint: https://********
Trigger: Authing@Authing-TriggerNameHttp deploy successfully
Start deploying domains ...
This domain name is a temporary domain name. It is only used as a learning test and cannot be used in production environment.
Project AuthingDemo successfully to execute

  Service: Authing
  Function: Authing
    -Name: TriggerNameHttp
      Type: HTTP

Interface document

log in

When you need to log in the user, let him click this link or redirect him to this address: http://37679582-********

  • Interface description: initiate login.
  • Interface address: GET /login
Parameters Type Required Description
redirect_uri string No The callback address after successful login, it is recommended to pass parameters, if not, the default authing.yml will be used.

Use code to exchange token and user information

After the user logs in, Authentication will return an authorization code code to the configured callback address. You need to call http://37679582-******** this interface, Complete the code exchange token, token exchange user information operation.

  • Interface description: Use the authorization code code returned by Authing to exchange token and user information.
  • Interface address: GET /code2token
Parameters Type Required Description
code string Yes Authorization code code, in the form of a random string.
redirect_uri string No Callback address, it is recommended to pass parameters, if not, the default authing.yml is used. If the redirect_uri parameter is passed when calling the login interface, it must be passed here, and it needs to be the same as the one passed during login.

Verify IdToken

When a user accesses your protected business API, it is recommended to call this interface to verify the legitimacy of the user's identity.

  • Interface description: verify the legality of IdToken.
  • Interface address: POST /verify-id-token
Parameters Type Required Description
idToken string Yes idToken content

Verify AccessToken

  • Interface description: verify the legitimacy of AccessToken.
  • Interface address: POST /verify-access-token
Parameters Type Required Description
accessToken string yes accessToken content

Refresh Token

  • Interface description: verify the legitimacy of AccessToken.
  • Interface address: POST /refresh-token
Parameters Type Required Description
refreshToken string Yes refresh_token content, returned by the /code2token interface.
redirectUri string No The callback address, it is recommended to pass parameters, if not, the default authing.yml is used. If the redirect_uri parameter is passed when calling the login interface, it must be passed here, and it needs to be the same as the one passed during login.

Sign out

  • Interface description: log out.
  • Interface address: GET /logout
Parameters Type Required Description
redirect_uri string No The redirection address after logout, you can fill in at will.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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