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Authlete Library for Deno


This is a Deno library for Authlete Web APIs.


Apache License, Version 2.0

Source Code


The followings are the requirements that must be met before you start using this library.

  • You need to have your own account at Authlete. For more details about account registration, see this document.

  • The experimentalDecorators option and the emitDecoratorMetadata option must be set to true in your tsconfig.json.

  • The deno run command must be executed with the --allow-net option and the --allow-read option.

Quick Usage

Step 1: Import modules.

import { AuthleteApiFactory } from '';

Step 2: Configure and create an AuthleteApi instance.

// Create a configuration object.
// NOTE: Replace the following credentials with yours.
const config = {
    serviceOwnerApiKey:    'YOUR_SERVICE_OWNER_API_KEY',
    serviceOwnerApiSecret: 'YOUR_SERVICE_OWNER_API_SECRET',
    serviceApiKey:         'YOUR_SERVICE_API_KEY',
    serviceApiSecret:      'YOUR_SERVICE_API_SECRET'

// Create an AuthleteApi instance with it.
const api = AuthleteApiFactory.create(config);

Step 3: Invoke methods of the instance to access Authlete APIs.

Example 1: Get list of services.

// Get list of services.
// This calls Authlete '/service/get/list' API.
const response: ServiceListResponse = await api.getServiceList();

// Output information about each service.
for (const service of

Example 2: Create a new client application.

// Create an instance of Client class.
const request = new Client();

// Set some properties.
request.clientName  = 'My Client';
request.description = 'This is my client.';

// Register the new client application to Authlete.
// This calls Authlete '/client/create' API.
const response: Client = await api.createClient(request);

// Output the information about the created client application.


How To Get AuthleteApi

All the methods to communicate with Authlete Web APIs are gathered in AuthleteApi interface. As an implementation of AuthleteApi interface, this library provides AuthleteApiImpl class. The following explains how to get an instance of AuthleteApiImpl class.

Option 1: Use the constructor of AuthleteApiImpl class.

// Create a configuration object.
const config: AuthleteConfiguration = { ... };

// Create an instance of AuthleteApiImpl class.
const api: AuthleteApi = new AuthleteApiImpl(config);

Option 2: Use create() method of AuthleteApiFactory class.

// Create a configuration object.
const config: AuthleteConfiguration = { ... };

// Create an instance of AuthleteApiImpl class.
const api = await AuthleteApiFactory.create(config);

Option 3: Use getDefault() method of AuthleteApiFactory class.

// Get the default instance of AuthleteApiImpl class.
const api = await AuthleteApiFactory.getDefault();

NOTE: When you call getDefault() method of AuthleteApiFactory class first, it reads the configuration information from authlete.json in the execution directory using AuthletePropertyConfiguration class and then instantiate AuthleteApiImpl class with it. The method caches the created instance in AuthleteApiFactory class. This means subsequent calls to the method just returns the cached instance.


There are mainly two ways of configuring an AuthleteApi instance as below.

Option 1: Use AuthleteConfiguration interface.

// Create a configuration object.
const config: AuthleteConfiguration = {
    baseUrl:               '...',
    serviceOwnerApiKey:    '...',
    serviceOwnerApiSecret: '...',
    serviceApiKey:         '...',
    serviceApiSecret:      '...'

// Create an AuthleteApi instance with it.
const api = await AuthleteApiFactory.create(config);

Option 2: Use AuthletePropertyConfiguration class.

If you would like to use a property file to externalize configuration, you can use AuthletePropertyConfiguration class (which is an implementation of AuthleteConfiguration interface). This class provides create() method, which internally reads a property file named authlete.json in the execution directory and create a configuration object based on that. Here's a usage example.

// Create a configuration object by reading 'authlete.json'.
const config = await AuthletePropertyConfiguration.create();

// Create an AuthleteApi instance with it.
const api = await AuthleteApiFactory.create(config);

Valid keys in the property file (authlete.json) are as follows.

Property Key Description
baseUrl URL of Authlete server (Defaults to
serviceApiKey API key of a service
serviceApiSecret API secret of a service
serviceOwnerApiKey API key of your account
serviceOwnerApiSecret API secret of your account

AuthleteApi Method Categories

Methods in AuthleteApi interface can be divided into some categories.

  1. Methods for Authorization Endpoint Implementation
  • authorization(request: AuthorizationRequest)
  • authorizationFail(request: AuthorizationFailRequest)
  • authorizationIssue(request: AuthorizationIssueRequest)
  1. Methods for Token Endpoint Implementation
  • token(request: TokenRequest)
  • tokenFail(request: TokenFailRequest)
  • tokenIssue(request: TokenIssueRequest)
  1. Methods for Service Management
  • createService(service: Service)
  • deleteService(serviceApiKey: number)
  • getService(serviceApiKey: number)
  • getServiceList(start?: number, end?: number)
  • updateService(service: Service)
  1. Methods for Client Application Management
  • createClient(client: Client)
  • deleteClient(clientId: number)
  • getClient(clientId: number)
  • getClientList(developer?: string, start?: number, end?: number)
  • updateClient(client: Client)
  1. Methods for Access Token Introspection
  • introspection(request: IntrospectionRequest)
  • standardIntrospection(request: StandardIntrospectionRequest)
  1. Methods for Revocation Endpoint Implementation
  • revocation(request: RevocationRequest)
  1. Methods for User Info Endpoint Implementation
  • userInfo(request: UserInfoRequest)
  • userInfoIssue(request: UserInfoIssueRequest)
  1. Methods for JWK Set Endpoint Implementation
  • getServiceJwks(pretty: boolean, includePrivateKeys: boolean)
  1. Methods for OpenID Connect Discovery
  • getServiceConfiguration(pretty: boolean)

How To Release

1. Update Documents

Update,, and

2. Publish Library

Go to Github Release page and release a new version (See this page for more details about releasing).

Creating a new release automatically triggers a webhook which publishes the new version to

See Also


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