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Client Side Marketing

Jeremy Albright edited this page Jul 7, 2022 · 1 revision

Inferred Marketing Campaigns

Marketing campaigns are usually tracked by some common parameters in the URL. These following parameters will be extracted from the URL and attached to your leads, which will in turn be delivered through lead delivery/notification:

  • utm_campaign
  • utm_source
  • utm_medium
  • utm_content
  • Parameters s1 through s5

These can be used any way that you see fit; they are for your benefit only. If additional parameters should be tracked, please let us know.

Static Embeds

In most cases, the AskAva API scripts will handle loading these marketing parameters into the Widget automatically. However, in the case of the "Static Embed", there is no supporting API script, so these parameters will need to be added to the src attribute on the <iframe> element manually.

The end result may look similar to this:

<iframe src="<...other standard parameters...>&utm_campaign=1234567890"
    ...other standard attributes...
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