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apb is a tool for helping APB authors create, build, and publish their APBs to container registries. It enforces best practices and takes care of the details so they should be easy to deploy.

  1. Installation
  2. Typical Workflows
  3. APB Commands

Installing the apb tool


Go must be correctly installed and running on the system.

Running from a container

NOTE: You must configure your host networking to allow traffic between your container and the minishift vm if you are using minishift. Execute to setup necessary iptables rules.

Pull the container:

docker pull

There are three tags to choose from:

  • latest: more stable, less frequent releases
  • nightly: following upstream commits, installed from RPM
  • canary: following upstream commits, installed from source build

Create the .apb directory where our configuration data will be stored:

$ mkdir -p ~/.apb

Create an alias which mounts this directory along with our Kubeconfig into the container:

$ alias apb=docker run -it --rm --privileged -v $PWD:/mnt -v $HOME/.kube:/.kube -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $HOME/.apb:/.apb -u $UID

Run apb version to verify everything is working properly:

$ apb version

RPM Installation

For RHEL or CentOS 7:

su -c 'wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/ansible-service-broker.repo'

sudo yum -y install
sudo yum -y install apb

For Fedora 26, 27, 28+:

sudo dnf -y install dnf-plugins-core
sudo dnf -y copr enable @ansible-service-broker/ansible-service-broker-latest
sudo dnf -y install apb

Installing from source

Installing from source - Go

Install Go 1.8+.

sudo dnf install -y golang

Clone this repo into your $GOPATH

git clone

Install the apb tool into $GOBIN

cd apb && make install
Installing from source - Tito

Alternatively you can use tito to install.

tito build --test --rpm -i

Test APB Tooling

Run apb help to make sure the tool is installed correctly

$ apb help
Tool for working with Ansible Playbook Bundles

  apb [command]
Available Commands:
  binding     Manage bindings
  broker      Interact with an Automation Broker instance
  bundle      Interact with ServiceBundles
  catalog     Interact with OpenShift Service Catalog
  completion  Generates shell completion scripts.
  config      Set tool defaults
  help        Help about any command
  registry    Configure registry adapters
  version     Get version

      --config string   configuration file (default is $HOME/.apb)
  -h, --help            help for apb
  -v, --verbose         verbose output

Use "apb [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Access Permissions

The apb tool requires you to be logged in as a tokened cluster user (system:admin is not sufficient because it does not have a token that can be used for the tool's authentication). In addition, there are a number of RoleBindings and ClusterRoleBindings that must exist to permit the full breadth of the apb tool's functions.

The easiest option is to ensure the user has the cluster-admin ClusterRoleBinding. To be clear, this is effectively cluster root and should only be used in a development setting.

oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin <user>
oc login -u <user>

If you would like a more strictly permissioned environment, we have an Openshift Template available that can be applied with the following command:

oc process -f templates/openshift-permissions.template.yaml -p USER=<your_desired_user> | oc create -f -.

By default, the template will permission the developer user. If that is your user, it is safe to leave off the -p flag, which overrides the default value. Obviously, this command must be run by a user with sufficient permissions to create the various roles. The developer account does not have such permissions. oc login -u system:admin should be sufficient.

Typical Workflows

Creating and Testing APBs

In version 2.0.0 and above, apb allows you as a developer to develop and test APB images without using an Ansible Service Broker. apb allows the user to configure registries to source APBs from and stores the list of images locally (in ~/.apb). Once the images are found, apb allows the user to provision the APB directly for testing.

Initializing the APB is done with ansible-galaxy:

ansible-galaxy init --type apb <apb-name>
Using the internal OpenShift registry

After modifying the APB as desired, we need to create a buildconfig so that an imagestream is populated in a namespace which apb can read from.

We recommend putting APB images into the openshift namespace since imagestreams in the openshift namespace are accessible to all authenticated users by default, but apb works with any accessible namespace. More information is available in

You can make APB imagestreams in namespace foo accessible to the apb tool by adding a new registry adapter with:

apb registry add lo --type local_openshift --namespaces foo
Using a remote registry (DockerHub)

Once your image is pushed to an organization on Dockerhub, you can configure apb to check the registry for available APBs. If your images exist in organization foo, you can configure a new registry adapter with:

apb registry add foo-dockerhub --type dockerhub --org foo

To run the provision playbook:

apb bundle provision <apb_name> 

To view available APBs:

apb bundle list

APB Commands

These are the top level commands with each subcommand documented under the parent:












Interact with Ansible Playbook Bundle images present in the apb tool

apb bundle [COMMAND] [OPTIONS]
Subcommand Description
deprovision Deprovision APB image
info Print info about APB image
list List available APB images
prepare Stamp APB metadata onto Dockerfile in base64 encoding
provision Provision APB images
test Test APB images
Option, shorthand Description
--help, -h Show help message
--kubeconfig, -k Path to kubeconfig to use

Provision mediawiki-apb APB image

# Provision mediawiki-apb in the background
apb bundle provision mediawiki-apb

# Provision mediawiki-apb and follow APB logs
apb bundle provision mediawiki-apb --follow

# Provision mediawiki-apb using 'admin' sandbox-role
apb bundle provision mediawiki-apb --sandbox-role admin

# Deprovision mediawiki-apb without prompting for parameters and follow APB logs
apb bundle deprovision --skip-params --follow



Manage bindings on an OpenShift cluster

apb binding [command]
Subcommand Description
add Add bind credentials to an application
Option, shorthand Description
--help, -h Show help message for binding
--namespace, -n Namespace of binding

Create binding out of secret foo-secret and add it to Deployment Config bar-dc:

apb binding add foo-secret bar-dc

Our example APBs create secrets that match the name of the APB pod.

To bind Postgresql APB to Mediawiki:

  1. Provision Postgresql (apb bundle provision postgresql-apb)
  2. Provision Mediawiki (apb bundle provision mediawiki-apb)
  3. Wait for APBs to finish provisioning
  4. Run oc get secret, look for a secret named bundle-<hash> that matches the hash from your Postgres APB run
  5. Run oc get dc and identify the DeploymentConfig you want to add your bind secrets to
  6. If the DeploymentConfig is named mediawiki-1234 and the bundle hash is 772f6e70-[...] a binding command may look like:
$ apb binding add bundle-772f6e70-3ee5-4fce-9c26-1dec57cc0c40 mediawiki-1234

INFO Create a binding using secret [bundle-772f6e70-3ee5-4fce-9c26-1dec57cc0c40] to app [mediawiki-1234]                                 
Successfully created secret [bundle-772f6e70-3ee5-4fce-9c26-1dec57cc0c40-creds] in namespace [apb].                                      

Use the following command to attach the binding to your application:
oc set env dc/mediawiki-1234 --from=secret/bundle-772f6e70-3ee5-4fce-9c26-1dec57cc0c40-creds

Type the recommended command to complete the binding:

$ oc set env dc/mediawiki-1234 --from=secret/bundle-772f6e70-3ee5-4fce-9c26-1dec57cc0c40-creds
deploymentconfig "mediawiki-1234" updated

This will redeploy Mediawiki pod and you should see the full application backed by a Postgresql instance.



Interact with Ansible Service Broker

Bootstrap and list available APBs in an Ansible Service Broker instance

apb broker [command]
Subcommand Description
bootstrap Bootstrap an Ansible Service Broker instance
catalog List available APBs in Anisble Service Broker catalog
Option, shorthand Description
--help, -h Show help message for broker

Bootstrap an Ansible Service Broker instance using config values stored in ~/.apb/defaults.json

apb broker bootstrap



Interact with OpenShift Service Catalog. Force the Service Catalog to relist its available APBs from an Ansible Service Broker instance

apb catalog [COMMAND] [OPTIONS]
Subcommand Description
relist Force a relist of the OpenShift Service Catalog
Option, shorthand Description
--help, -h Show help message
--output, -o Display output as yaml or json

Force a relist of the service broker specified by config values stored in ~/.apb/defaults.json

apb catalog relist

Force a relist of the service broker specified by config values stored in ~/.apb/defaults.json, printing output as JSON.

apb catalog relist -o json



Runs an interactive prompt to configure defaults for the apb tool

apb config [OPTIONS]
Option, shorthand Description
--help, -h Show help message

Set new defaults for apb

$ apb config
Broker namespace [default: openshift-automation-service-broker]: 
Broker resource URL [default: /apis/]: 
Broker route name [default: openshift-automation-service-broker]: 
clusterservicebroker resource name [default: openshift-automation-service-broker]: 
# Broker route suffix values: 
# -------------------------------
# 3.9:   "ansible-service-broker"
# 3.10:  "ansible-service-broker"
# 3.11+: "osb"
Broker route suffix [default: osb]:                                     

Saving new configuration.... 



Generates shell completion scripts. This gives completion scripts for bash and zsh.

apb completion [COMMAND] [OPTIONS]
Subcommand Description
bash Generate shell completion script for bash
zsh Generate shell completion script for zsh
Option, shorthand Description
--help, -h Show help message

Generate bash completion script

apb completion bash



Get help information for any command

apb help [COMMAND]

Get more information about the apb broker subcommand

apb help broker



Add, list, or remove registry configurations from the apb tool. We support all available registry types available within the Ansible Service Broker

apb registry [COMMAND] [OPTIONS]
Subcommand Description
add Add a new registry adapter
list List the configured registry adapters
remove Remove a registry adapter
Option, shorthand Description
--help, -h Show help message

Add a registry named dockerhub configured to use organization dune from Dockerhub

apb registry add dockerhub --org dune 

List configured registries

apb registry list

Remove registry named dockerhub

apb registry remove dockerhub



Displays current version of apb tool

apb version