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autoroute Build Status Documentation

  • document and test the autoroute.Router
  • add examples for common situations
    • authentication
    • metricization
    • generated clients

build wicked fast, automatically documented APIs with Go.

Autoroute works by using reflection to automatically create an http.Handler from any number of Go functions. It does this by using a concept called an autoroute.Codec which dictates how a certain HTTP Content-Type (parsed by mime.ParseMediaType) maps to a certain class of Go functions.

Basic Example

In the general case, we can automatically create a JSON Handler from a function like this

package main

import (


type SplitStringInput struct {
	String string `json:"string"`

type SplitStringOutput struct {
	Split []string `json:"split_string"`

func SplitString(ssi *SplitStringInput) *SplitStringOutput {
	return &SplitStringOutput{
		Split: strings.Split(ssi.String, " "),

func main() {
	// autoroute includes a powerful Router of its own, that's deeply
	// integrated with autoroute's handlers and provides many mechanisms
	// for avoiding duplicated code. For this example, we're showing off
	// our use of standard net/http interfaces by using the standard library
	// http mux.
	mux := http.NewServeMux()

    // create a new *autoroute.Handler (compatible with http.Handler from the stdlib)
    // even though autoroute uses reflection, it provides a handy set of pre-validations
    // to ensure you know ASAP if you've passed something incorrect.
	h, err := autoroute.NewHandler(SplitString, autoroute.WithCodec(autoroute.JSONCodec))
	if err != nil {
	mux.Handle("/", h)

	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", mux))

After we build and run the above program, we can try it out

ian@zuus ~ % curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:8080' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"string":"test string split me"}' 

In addition to the happy path, our new handler automatically supports many common use cases, such as

handling incorrect content type (http status code 415):

ian@zuus ~ % curl -w "%{http_code}" -XPOST 'http://localhost:8080' -H 'Content-Type: application/potatoes' -d '{"string":"test string split me"}'

limiting input size (this is harder to demo, but you can control it via autoroute.WithMaxSizeBytes(your-max-byte-size-int64) when you create a handler)


Autoroute supports running any middleware you can imagine to modify requests along the way. Common use cases for this is to easily apply authentication and authorization rules to many different routes without writing lots of duplicate code.

Autoroute currently ships with two basic middlewares, autoroute.BasicAuthMiddleware and autoroute.SignedHeaderMiddleware. The former of which restricts access to only those with a preset username and password via http basic auth, and the latter validates a whitelist of incoming headers using an internal HMAC (i.e. requires that a api-key header is signed properly before even letting it get to your code).

Look in the examples/middleware folder for a non-trivial example of this.

Codecs and Roadmap

In addition to the default codec (autoroute.JSONCodec), we hope to ship many more codecs soon, such as

  • autoroute.CSVCodec (parse application/csv automatically)
  • autoroute.FormCodec (parse application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/form-data), outputting JSON
  • autoroute.HTMLCodec ^ same as FormCodec, but output text/ html

We also plan to implement a mechanism for returning binary, custom file types (PDFs, Images, etc)