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Custom RPC Scripts

This is a brief outline of how to use the TKO RPC interface to write custom results analysis scripts in Python. Using the AFE RPC interface is very similar.


  • make your script any place in the client with a
  • to import the rpc stuff you need do:

    import common  # pylint: disable=W0611
    from autotest_lib.cli import rpc
  • to create the object you need for making the rpc calls use "comm = rpc.tko_comm()"; you can pass in a host name if you want to point at something other than what's in the global_config.ini file in your client.
  • you can get the test detail with code like:

    test_views ="get_detailed_test_views", ...filters go here...)

    The filters are basically django filters. I won't go into much detail here, the obvious ones you'd want to use are:

    • job_tag__startswith - set it to something like "1234-" to get data on job 1234
    • hostname - if you want data for a specific hostname, set this
    • test_name - if you want data for a specific test name, set this

      So you could do something like:

      test_views ="get_detailed_test_views", job_tag__startswith="1234-", hostname="myhost")

The test_views returned by that call is a list of dictionaries, one dictionary for each test returned by the call. The main keys you're concerned with will be "attributes" and "iterations".

attributes is a dictionary of all the test level keyvals - you can see stuff like "sysinfo-uname" here.

iterations is a list of dictionaries, one for each iteration. Each dictionary has two entries; an "attr" one, which is a dictionary of all the key{attr}=value attributes in the test, and a "perf" one, which is a dictionary of all the key{perf}=value attributes.

And...that's basically how you access all that info. You make that call and get a big list of dictionaries. Oh, and avoid calling it without filters; trying to pull down data for every single test can be a bad idea (depending on the size of your database).