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Here we have notes about networking setup in virt-test.


How to configure to allow all the traffic to be forwarded across the virbr0 bridge:

echo "-I FORWARD -m physdev --physdev-is-bridged -j ACCEPT" > /etc/sysconfig/iptables-forward-bridged
lokkit --custom-rules=ipv4:filter:/etc/sysconfig/iptables-forward-bridged
service libvirtd reload

How to configure Static IP address in virt-test

Sometimes, we need to test with guest(s) which have static ip address(es).

  • eg. No real/emulated DHCP server in test environment.
  • eg. Test with old image we don't want to change the net config.
  • eg. Test when DHCP exists problem.

Create a bridge (for example, 'vbr') in host, configure its ip to, guest can access host by it. And assign nic(s)' ip in tests.cfg, and execute test as usual.


ip_nic1 =
nic_mac_nic1 = 11:22:33:44:55:67
bridge = vbr



The Nttcp test suite is a network performance test for windows, developed by Microsoft. It is not a freely redistributable binary, so you must download it from the website, here's the direct link for download (keep in mind it might change):

The knowledge base article associated with it is:

You need to add the package to winutils.iso, the iso with utilities used to test windows. First, download the iso. The get started documentation <../basic/GetStarted> can help you out with downloading if you like it, but the direct download link is here:

You need to put all its contents on a folder and create a new iso. Let's say you want to download the iso to /home/kermit/Downloads/winutils.iso. You can create the directory, go to it:

mkdir -p /home/kermit/Downloads
cd /home/kermit/Downloads

Download the iso, create 2 directories, 1 for the mount, another for the contents:

mkdir original
sudo mount -o loop winutils.iso original
mkdir winutils

Copy all contents from the original cd to the new structure:

cp -r original/* winutils/

Create the destination nttcp directory on that new structure:

mkdir -p winutils/NTttcp

Download the installer and copy autoit script to the new structure, unmount the orginal mount:

cd winutils/NTttcp
wget -O "winutils/NTttcp/NT Testing TCP Tool.msi"
cp /usr/local/autotest/client/virt/scripts/ntttcp.au3 ./
sudo umount original

Backup the old winutils.iso and create a new winutils.iso using mkisofs:

sudo mv winutils.iso winutils.iso.bak
mkisofs -o winutils.iso -max-iso9660-filenames -relaxed-filenames -D --input-charset iso8859-1 winutils

And that is it. Don't forget to keep winutils in an appropriate location that can be seen by virt-test.