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An extremely simple set of SASS components to help build out the basic layout of a given site. Ignores style as much as possible, focusing on layout, and built for responsive design.


Getting the SASS Files

To get the SASS files, just include atom-sass in your NPM package:

npm i --save-dev atom-sass

(Optional) Update SASS includePaths for Easy Imports

You can optionally also update your SASS includePaths configuration to make @import statements simpler. Most of the documentation below assumes that you have completed this step, for brevity.

To do so, just add node_modules/ to your includePaths configuration. For example:

const sassConfig = {
    includePaths: [

Which results in:


@import "path/to/node_modules/atom-sass/sass/split"; 


@import "atom-sass/sass/split";


Each component is separated into its own SASS file, and each component can have any number of configuration variables based on the components' function. To include a component, simply add @import "atom-sass/sass/[component name]" to the appropriate SASS file. See the Components section for a list of components, their names, and any configuration variables they have.

Making Split Areas Stack

You may want to make splits stack at some breakpoint, or some arbitrary change in your site. Instead of providing classes to do that (as your mileage may vary, especially per split element), I've elected to put in no mechanism for quickly making things stack at a certain breakpoint.

Instead, if you wish to do this, please do the following:

All split components use flexbox to size and position themselves. Therefore, the quickest way to just make a split stack is to apply display: block to any split element at whatever breakpoint you want. IE:

@media (max-width: 768px) {
    .split {
        display: block;

I realize that some may want some sort of automatic class, like split-stack-mobile or similar, and I'll look in to a more general purpose solution. If you have any ideas or requests, feel free to open an issue.


See below for a list of components.


Name: container
Import: @import "atom-sass/sass/container";
Classes: .container

Any element with this class will automatically fill the entire width of the screen, unless the screen width is greater than $atom_container_max (default: 1151px). If the screen width is greater than that value, then the contents of the element will max out at that width, and margin will be evenly applied to the left and right sides to center the content.

In addition, a gutter (applied via padding) is added to the left and right side for mobile devices, and screens smaller than $atom_container_max.


<div class="container">
    <!-- Your content here -->



Type: Unit
Default: 1151px

The maximum width of the content in the container.


Type: Unit
Default: 15px

The amount of padding to add to the left and right of the container as a gutter for mobile devices.

Icon Unordered List

Name: icon-ul
Import: @import "atom-sass/sass/icon-ul";
Classes: .icon-ul

Provides a way of replacing the default unorder lists' bullet icons with any other icon. Just apply the icon-ul class to any <ul> element to change its icons.


<ul class="icon-ul">
    <!-- list items here -->



Type: Font Family
Default: FontAwesome

The font family of the font to use to render the icon.


Type: String
Default: '\f00c' (fa-check in FontAwesome)

The string holding the character code of the character in the font to render in the place of the bullet points.


Type: Color
Default: #000

The color of the icon.


Name: split
Import: @import "atom-sass/sass/split";
Classes: .split .split-item

When the split class is applied to an element, it will evenly split the horizontal space within it amoung all of its children that have the split-item class on them.


<div class="split">
    <div class="split-item">
        Column 1
    <div class="split-item">
        Column 2
    <div class="split-item">
        Column 3

Split List

Name: split-list
Import: @import "atom-sass/sass/split-list";
Classes: .split-list .split-item .split-*

Any element with the split-list class applied to it will make all elements with split-item beneath it take up an even amount of columns, and wrap down the page.

The amount of horizontal space taken up by a given split-item is determined by the split-* class applied to the parent split-list element, where the * represents the split number. By default, split-2, split-3, and split-4 are available, but these are configurable.

The split number determines how much space the items take up by computing 1 / [split number], and multiplying that by the total amount of horizontal space available.

So, for example, split-3 means that all split-item elements would take up one third, or 33.3% of the available horizontal space.


<div class="split-list split-2">
    <div class="split-item">
        Column 1 Row 1
    <div class="split-item">
        Column 2 Row 1
    <div class="split-item">
        Column 1 Row 2
    <div class="split-item">
        Column 2 Row 2



Type: Array
Default: (2, 3, 4)

List of integers representing each split number available for use.

Uneven Split

Name: uneven-split
Import: @import "atom-sass/sass/uneven-split";
Classes: .uneven-split .split-item .split-match .split-fill .split-*

When the uneven-split class is applied to an element, it will split the horizontal space within it among all of the elements beneath it that have the split-item class on them.

The precise amount of space each split-item element is given is based on the split class applied to it.

split-match causes the split item to only take up as much space as it needs based on its contents, and to neither grow nor shrink.

split-fill causes the split item to fill all of the remaining space. If there are multiple split-items with the split-fill class on them, then they will all get an even distribution of the remaining space after all other splits.

split-* actually represents an unknown number of additional classes, where the * is a wildcard where a number would normally be. By default, the uneven-split module comes with split-1 split-2 split-3 split-4 as classes, however, these are configurable.

The number in the split-* class reprsents how many columns a given split-item with that class takes up. So, for example, a split-item with the class split-2 would span two columns worth of space horizontally. The amount of columns is determined by the $atom_uneven_split_split_basis variable, and defaults to 12.


<div class="uneven-split">
    <div class="split-match">
        I'm exactly the size I need to display this text.
    <div class="split-fill">
        I'm going to take up any remaining space not taken up by other splits.
    <div class="split-2">
        I'm going to span 2 columns, which by default represents ~16% of the 
        horizontal space.
    <div class="split-4">
        I'm going to span 4 columns, which by default represents ~33.3% of the
        horizontal space.



Type: Boolean
Default: true

If true, includes the split-match class. Can be set to false to exclude it to reduce output CSS size and remove unused classes.


Type: Boolean
Default: true

If true, includes the split-fill class. Can be set to false to exclude it to reduce output CSS size and remove unused classes.


Type: Integer
Default: 12

Determines the amount of columns that will be available for a given split. See the main documentation for this module for more information on the columns.


Type: Array
Default: (1, 2, 3, 4)

Represents a list of all available classes for the split-* classes. So, for example, if you changed this to (1, 2) then only split-1 and split-2 would be available.

The rendered size of each split for these numbers is determined by the amount of columns.