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☀️ Part 15: Debugging

📚 You will learn

  • how to see debug messages from Cypress itself
  • how to debug individual commands
  • common sources of problems



Something goes wrong

👎 Documentation, GH issues and chat do not help.

Open an issue 🎉

  • reproduction code
  • expected results
  • video / screenshots
  • Cypress internal messages


Typically cypress open works and cypress run does not work


Run Cypress with DEBUG

Stop the application server and run Cypress only.

DEBUG=cypress* \
  npx cypress run \
  --spec cypress/integration/02-adding-items/demo.js

Note: You should see a LOT of messages before the error is shown


Cypress uses debug module to control debug CLI messages.

Read Good Logging


# See CLI messages
DEBUG=cypress:cli npx ...


Debugging CLI

A few debug messages from CLI module


In addition to cypress:cli there are DEBUG name for each package in

  • cypress:launcher - controls finding and opening browsers
  • cypress:server - the ❤️ of Cypress that controls everything

and others


Detailed logs

note: there are more levels to DEBUG messages

# prints very few top-level messages
DEBUG=cypress:server ...
# prints ALL messages from server package
DEBUG=cypress:server* ...
# prints messages only from config parsing
DEBUG=cypress:server:config ...

This allows you to isolate the problem a little better


Debug logs in the browser

If the problem is seen during cypress open you can print debug logs too. Open browser DevTools

localStorage.debug = 'cypress*'
// to disable debug messages
delete localStorage.debug

Reload the browser "Cmd + R"


Debugging browser

There is only "cypress:driver" package that runs in the browser


Step through test

Open 'cypress/integration/02-adding-items/demo.js' and add cy.pause() command

it('adds items', function () {
    // ...

Note: You can observe the application, the DOM, the network, the storage after each command to make sure everything happens as expected.


After the test has finished'command name', ...args)

Runs single command right now. Might change in the future.


Common problems

👎 Missing --

Forgetting to use -- when calling npm run cy:run with arguments

npm run cy:run --record --spec ...

NPM "swallows" --record argument


✅ Solution

Separate NPM and Cypress arguments with --

npm run cy:run -- --record --spec ...

note: in the future, we will try to do the right thing even if you forget to separate with --, see #3470


✅ Solution

Use npx that comes with modern Node versions

npx cypress run --record --spec ...


✅ Solution

Use yarn run

yarn run cy:run --record --spec ...


👎 Cypress GUI slows down on longer tests

Usually caused by large DOM snapshots for time-traveling debugger


Use DevTools debugger

Just put debugger keyword in your callbacks

it('adds items', function () {
    .type('todo A{enter}')
    .type('todo B{enter}')
    .type('todo C{enter}')
    .type('todo D{enter}')
  // NO
  cy.get('.todo-list li') // command
    .should('have.length', 4) // assertion


it('adds items', function () {
    .type('todo A{enter}')
    .type('todo B{enter}')
    .type('todo C{enter}')
    .type('todo D{enter}')
    .then(() => {
      // YES
  cy.get('.todo-list li') // command
    .should('have.length', 4) // assertion


Todo: debug from callback function

Add custom expectation function after c.get('.todo-list li') to see elements it returns


cy.get('.todo-list li') // command
    .should($li => {
    .should('have.length', 4)



Try cy.debug command

cy.get('.todo-list li') // command
  .should('have.length', 4)




note: debugger and cy.debug only work in cypress open when DevTools is open.


Debug messages inside cy.task

To show debug messages from the backend code in cypress/plugins


If you app throws an error

⌨️ Add in "todomvc/app.js"

// throw error when loading todos
loadTodos ({ commit }) {
  commit('SET_LOADING', true)

  setTimeout(() => {
    throw new Error('Random problem')
  }, 50)

+++ Random problem

Cypress catches exception from the application


Todo: let's ignore the "Random problem"

Before visiting the page, set error handler

cy.on('uncaught:exception', (e, runnable) => {
  console.log('error', e)
  console.log('runnable', runnable)
  // return true if you WANT test to fail


If you want to print the caught error:

beforeEach(function visitSite () {
  cy.log('Visiting', Cypress.config('baseUrl'))
  cy.on('uncaught:exception', (e, runnable) => {
    console.log('error', e)
    console.log('runnable', runnable)
    // this is NOT going to work
    cy.log('caught error', e)
    // return true if you WANT test to fail
    return false

+++ cy.log does not work

cy.log changes current command chain. +++

You might try to use Cypress.log instead, but there is a problem #3513. So use this secret method to log

cy.on('uncaught:exception', (e, runnable) => {
  console.log('error', e)
  console.log('runnable', runnable)'log', 'caught error', e)
  // return true if you WANT test to fail
  return false


Todo: set up global error handler

in "cypress/support/index.js"

Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', (e, runnable) => {
  console.log('error', e)
  console.log('runnable', runnable)
  // return true if you WANT test to fail


How to debug "cypress run" failures

🔪 Isolate the problem


  • look at the video recording and screenshots
  • split large spec files into smaller ones
  • split long tests into shorter ones
  • run using --browser chrome @ulend

Note: We are working on upgrading the Electron version shipped with Cypress.


👎 There is no command log in the terminal output

Cypress tests run in the browser.

We are working to send all browser events during the test to the terminal #448



Saves the Cypress test command log as a JSON file if a test fails

Userspace plugin bahmutov/cypress-failed-log



  • cypress-failed-log is already installed in this repo
  • follow instructions in cypress-failed-log README and turn it on

Note: Need to uncomment the command in cypress/support/index.js and add task in cypress/plugins/index.js


Run failing test

  • add a failure to the cypress/integration/02-adding-items/demo.js spec
  • run this spec from the command line to see the command log

Note: expected result is on the next slide


Failed log

cypress-failed-log output.

note: there is also a JSON file with the log


🏁 Debugging is hard

  • race conditions in your application
  • bugs in Cypress
  • weird browser and server behavior


🏁 Use DevTools

debugger and cy.debug()

Pauses both tests and application

Todo: demonstrate this

Note: It is nice to show how debugger pause stops all application's timers.


🏁 Isolate the problem

  • smaller specs and tests
  • failed log
  • DEBUG=... verbose logs