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Tenancy support in AKO

This feature allows AKO to map each kubernetes / OpenShift cluster uniquely to a tenant in Avi. ControllerSettings.tenantsPerCluster needs to be set to true to enable this feature.

Steps to enable Tenancy in AKO

  • Create separate tenant for each cluster in AVI. For the below steps, lets assume billing tenant is created by the Avi controller admin. Alt text
  • Click create Alt text
  • Create the ako-admin and ako-tenant roles which gives appropriate privileges to the ako user in admin and billing tenant. Alt text
  • Create a new user for AKO in AVI under Administration->Accounts->Tenants Alt text
  • Click create Alt text
  • Assign ako-admin and ako-tenant roles to admin and billing tenant respectively. Alt text
  • In AKO, Set the ControllerSettings.tenantsPerCluster to true and ControllerSettings.tenantName to the tenant created in the earlier steps.
  • In AKO, Set the avicredentials.username and avicredentials.password to the user credentials created above.

With the above settings AKO will map the billing cluster to the billing tenant and all the objects will be created in that tenant.

Note: In NodePort mode of AKO (when L7Settings.serviceType is set to NodePort), VRFContext permissions are not required in admin tenant in AVI Controller.