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Probabilistic Computation with Emerging Covariance: Towards Efficient Uncertainty Quantification

Probabilistic computation with emerging covariance: towards efficient uncertainty quantification,
Hengyuan Ma, Yang Qi, Li Zhang, Wenlian Lu, Jianfeng Feng

This repository provides implementation for training and evaluating moment neural networks (MNNs) trained through the Supervised Mean and Unsupervised Covariance (SMUC) approach based on the Pytorch library.


Building robust, interpretable, and secure artificial intelligence system requires some degree of quantifying and representing uncertainty via a probabilistic perspective, as it allows to mimic human cognitive abilities. However, probabilistic computation presents significant challenges due to its inherent complexity. In this paper, we develop an efficient and interpretable probabilistic computation framework by truncating the probabilistic representation up to its first two moments, i.e., mean and covariance. We instantiate the framework by training a deterministic surrogate of a stochastic network that learns the complex probabilistic representation via combinations of simple activations, encapsulating the non-linearities coupling of the mean and covariance. We show that when the mean is supervised for optimizing the task objective, the unsupervised covariance spontaneously emerging from the non-linear coupling with the mean faithfully captures the uncertainty associated with model predictions. Our research highlights the inherent computability and simplicity of probabilistic computation, enabling its wider application in large-scale settings.

Model summary

In module, we provide full-connected MNN (Heaviside2, ReluNet2), mixed MNN (CNN_ReluNet2, CNN_Heaviside2), and the corresponding verision using batch-wise trick (Heaviside, ReluNet, CNN_ReluNet, CNN_Heaviside).

The architecture of this repository

  • Heaviside and ReLU moment activation.
  • network architectures of MNN such as Heaviside, ReluNet, CNN_ReluNet, CNN_Heaviside.
  • full-connected feed-forward stochastic neural network.
  • useful utilities for analyzing results of MNN.
  • preprocessing of datasets.
  • examples for training and evaluating MNN for classification tasks.
  • examples for training and evaluating MNN for regression tasks.
  • demo for out-of-detection detection using MNN.
  • demo for gradient-based adversarial attack defending and awareness using MNN.
  • demo for simulating stochastic network using parameters of MNN.
  • data: directory for storing datasets such as UCI regression dataset and notMNIST dataset.
  • checkpoints: directory for storing some pretrained checkpoints.


  • python 3.7
  • pytorch: 1.11.0
  • torchvision: 0.12.0
  • scipy: 1.7.3
  • numpy: 1.21.6
  • matplotlib: 3.5.1


Classification task

Code for training a Moment Neural Network (MNN) using the Supervised Mean and Unsupervised Covariance (SMUC) approach for image classification tasks on MNIST, FashionMNIST, CIFAR-10, and CIFAR-100. To provide a demonstration, we have constructed different architectures for each dataset, and feel free to modify them according to your specific needs. For the MNIST dataset, we have included an example of a fully-connected network. For the FashionMNIST dataset, we have provided an example of a modified LeNet5 network. For the CIFAR-10 dataset, we have included an example of a modified VGG13 network. For the CIFAR-100 dataset, we have included an example of a modified VGG13 network with large channels number.

$ python --dataset cifar10 
                                --train_batch 256 
                                --test_batch 128 
                                --opt adam
                                --lr 0.0001 
                                --epochs 120 
                                --weight_decay 0.0005  
  • dataset is the name of dataset (mnist, fashionmnist, cifar10, or cifar100).
  • amp is the option for whether to use data amplification
  • heaviside is the option for whether to use Heaviside moment activations, if not true, ReLY moment activations are applied.
  • batch_cov is the option for whether to use batch-wise covariance trick during training (see Supplementary Information of the paper for details).
  • train_batch is the batch size of training.
  • test_batch is the batch size of evaulation.
  • opt is the type of optimizer (adam or sgd).
  • lr is the learning rate.
  • epochs is the number of training epoches.
  • weight_decay is the factor of weight decay.
  • save_model is the option for whether to save the model checkpoint.

Regression task

Code for training a Moment Neural Network (MNN) using the Supervised Mean and Unsupervised Covariance (SMUC) approach for regression tasks on the UCI regression datasets. Before running the following experiment, please download the data/ and extract its contents.

$ python --datadir data\uci_datasets
                            --dataset concrete 
                            --norm_type min_max
                            --train_batch 64 
                            --opt sgd
                            --lr 0.0001 
                            --epochs 1000 
                            --sigma1 0.5
                            --sigma2 0.5
                            --test_times 20
  • datadir is the directory of dataset.
  • dataset is the name of dataset (housing, concrete, energy, kin8, protein, power, wine, yacht).
  • heaviside is the option for whether to use Heaviside moment activations, if not true, ReLU moment activations are applied.
  • data_normis the option for whether to normalize the dataset before training.
  • norm_typeis the typy of data normalization (min-max, mean_std)
  • batch_cov is the option for whether to use batch-wise covariance trick during training (see Supplementary Information of the paper for details).
  • train_batch is the batch size of training.
  • opt is the type of optimizer (adam or sgd).
  • lr is the learning rate.
  • epochs is the number of training epoches.
  • sigma1 is the setting of the hyperparameter $\sigma_1$.
  • sigma2 is the setting of the hyperparameter $\sigma_2$.
  • test_times is the times of the experiments.

Out-of-distribution detection

Code for out-of-distribution (OOD) detection using MNN. Before running the following experiment, please download the pretrained checkpoint checkpoints/ and the NotMNIST dataset data/ and extract it in the data directory.


Gradient-based adversarial attack defense and awareness

Code for adversarial attack defense and awareness using Heaviside MNN. the FGSM We apply fast gradient sign method (FGSM) to generate adversarial samples. If set the $\sigma_1,\sigma_2$ as zero, FGSM has no effect to the model, otherwise, the model is awareness to the FGSM, and the output entropy increases. Here we demonstrate two examples for MNIST and CIFAR-10 dataset respectively. Before running the following experiment, please download the pretrained checkpoint checkpoints/ for the MNIST case and checkpoints/ for the CIFAR-10 case.

python  --dataset mnist
  • dataset is the name of dataset (mnist, cifar10).
  • defending is the option for whether to set the $\sigma_1,\sigma_2$ as zero to defend the adversarial attack.

Numerical simulation on the stochastic network

Code for simulating the feed-forward neural network constructed by the parameters trained on MNN. Before running the following experiment, please download the pretrained checkpoint checkpoints/ for the Heaviside case and checkpoints/ for the ReLU case.

python --net_type  heav
                          --load_model_path checkpoints\
                          --times 5500
                          --dt 0.1
  • net_type is the type of the moment activation used network of dataset (heav, relu).
  • load_model_path is the path storing the pretrained checkpoint of MNN.
  • times is the number of the simulation time steps.
  • dt is the size of the time step.


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