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RFC: Support GraphQL API for existing Relational Databases (SQL) #815

renebrandel opened this issue Sep 20, 2022 · 33 comments

RFC: Support GraphQL API for existing Relational Databases (SQL) #815

renebrandel opened this issue Sep 20, 2022 · 33 comments


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renebrandel commented Sep 20, 2022

Amplify CLI’s GraphQL API allows you to create new GraphQL API powered by AWS AppSync and DynamoDB within 5 minutes! We’re looking to extend Amplify’s GraphQL capabilities to support customers with existing data sources, especially relational databases (RDS). We will also expose aggregation scenarios via these RDS data sources, such as sum, average, max, min.

We are proposing a new developer experience to bring existing relational databases into your GraphQL API. This RFC breaks down into:

  1. How to generate a GraphQL schema from an existing relational data source
  2. How to apply authorization rules for relational datasources
  3. How to rename/remap inferred data model names and their field names

Workflow summary

Image showing the workflow detailed in the following section

  1. Customer sets up their database connection information
  2. Customer generates their GraphQL schema
  3. Customer add in authorization rules using @auth
  4. Customer customizes type and field name mappings
  5. Customer deploys the GraphQL API and corresponding library code is generated

A. Configure existing relational database

The general gist to give customers the ability to input the connection information of the relational database and Amplify CLI will discover all tables and columns to generate a representative GraphQL schema.

Customers can run amplify import api and get a new selection.

> amplify import api
? Select from one of the below mentioned services: (Use arrow keys)
❯ GraphQL (Existing MySQL data source)
  GraphQL (Existing Postgres data source)

This creates and opens a new amplify/backend/api/schema.rds.graphql file. (You can skip the CLI step and create this file manually in your filesystem as well!)

This GraphQL file is pre-filled with a template to provide the database connection information:

Option A.1 - Provide your connection URL, use environment variables for login info:

Customers provide their database login information via environment variables or “.env” files. Amplify CLI will automatically add .env to .gitignore. Amplify Hosting customers can reuse the existing “Environment Variables“ feature to inject the values required at build time.

## 1. Set USERNAME and PASSWORD as environment variables in your shell or populate them in a ".env" file. 
## 2. Replace "ENTER_YOUR_DATABASE_URL_HERE" on line 8 to your SQL database endpoint
## 3. Run "amplify api generate-schema" to generate the GraphQL API based on your
##    relational database.
## Using Amplify Hosting? Populate these values under the "Environment Variables" tab.

input AMPLIFY {
   engine: {

Option A.2 - Just provide engine type and endpoint:

To limit any unintended exposure of critical information within the schema, we provide an expanded engine field with more specific connection information options. Upon amplify push or amplify api generate-schema, we prompt via the CLI in a secure input for username and password. (For Amplify Hosting, the flow remains the same)

input AMPLIFY {
  engine: {
    type: String! = 'mysql',
    endpoint: String! = '<>'
$ amplify api generate-schema
Enter the username for ********
Enter the password for ********

Option A.3: Enable both - A.1 and A.2

The benefit with this approach is more flexibility but that can potentially also lead to more confusion down the road due to different paths leading to the same outcomes.

input AMPLIFY {
  engine: {
    type: String = "mysql",
    endpoint: String = "<>"

## OR
input AMPLIFY {
  engine: {

B. Generate GraphQL schema from database

Customers can run amplify api generate-schema and a user-edited GraphQL schema gets generated to allow you to add further features. (Note: the command name is NOT final. Would love your ideas in the comments!)

$ amplify api generate-schema

⠖ Generating GraphQL schema based on mysql://
✔ Successfully generated GraphQL schema in amplify/backend/api/schema.rds.graphql

The generated schema will infer directives including @model, @primaryKey, @index, and the relationship directives (@hasOne, @hasMany, @belongsTo).

Option B.1: Re-use the same file where you configured the setup

In the schema.rds.graphql, where you configured the connection information a new section is generated below, where we’ll allow you to apply “limited edits”.

The benefit of this is that you have one file that defines the source of truth of your GraphQL schema for RDS. There is a drawback that it might cause confusion on where the “line” is between the input vs. the output of Amplify.

input AMPLIFY {
   engine: {
      url = 'postgres://{USERNAME}:{PASSWORD}@{URL}'

# Review possible edits here: <URL>

type user @model {
   id: ID! @primaryKey
   name: String
   phone_number: String
   settingsId: ID!

Option B.2: Create a separate “.generated” file

In the same folder, we create a schema.rds.generated.graphql file with the auto-generated content. The edits that a customer can make are still limited as we’ll see in the following sections.

This allows you to cleanly separate out what the “input” config is vs. the Amplify-generated output. The drawback of a solution like this could be that multiple files can get messy and version controlling these files correctly might add additional mental overhead.


input AMPLIFY {
   engine: {
      url = 'postgres://{USERNAME}:{PASSWORD}@{URL}'


# Review possible edits here: <URL>

type user @model {
   id: ID! @primaryKey
   name: String
   phone_number: String
   settingsId: ID!

If this is the preferred route, we could explore alternative, non-file-based DX for data source input. Though traditionally, Amplify customers loved when everything was defined “in-place” on the schema-level. One of the major positive feedback we’ve received from the GraphQL Transformer v2 update.

C. Add authorization rules to GraphQL API with RDS data source

While the generated schema is a good start, it still requires some authorization capabilities to be fully function. As said previously, customers can make limited edits to the auto-generated portion to “layer in” authorization rules just like they would with the DynamoDB today.

Note: Amplify’s GraphQL API’s are “deny-by-default”. It is a requirement to use @auth rules or a global authorization rule to open the API access to clients.

input AMPLIFY {
   engine: {
      url = 'postgres://{USERNAME}:{PASSWORD}@{URL}'

# Review possible edits here: <URL>

type User 
    @auth(rules: [
        { allow: owner, ownerField: 'id', operations: [read, update, delete] }]) {
   id: ID! @primaryKey
   name: String @auth(rules:[{ allow: public}, { allow: owner, ownerField: 'id', operations: [read, update, delete] }])
   settingsId: ID!

The goal is for these edits to feel natural if you’re already an Amplify GraphQL customer. The authorization rules’ strategy, provider, and operations should “just work” on the model-level and field-level. See launch phases below for better breakdown on feature availability.

D. Rename RDS-inferred data model & fields

Not all database table names are “frontend-developer-friendly”. We want to give customers the ability to rename the inferred data models to introduce better ergonomics downstream.

For example, there is a database table “users” with columns “id” and “email_address”. There are two changes that could be made to make it more ergonomic:

  1. “users” should be renamed to “User” (singular and pascal case) to better represent a data model
  2. “email_address” might be renamed to “emailAddress”. snake_case is not idiomatic for most frontend languages such as in JavaScript (React), Java, Swift.

Option D.1: Rename the types and map to the original name via a directive

Customer can rename the type to the updated name and use the @mapsTo directive to point to original database name. This would be an extension to Amplify CLI’s existing @mapsTo directive. Amplify CLI can automatically add in these mappings to make types and field names idiomatic by-default.

(We would love to hear if you’d like to introduce a new directive for this use case or re-use the existing directive. In addition, what are your thoughts on Amplify CLI automatically inferring this?)

type User 
    @mapsTo(name: "user")
    @model {
   id: ID! @primaryKey
   emailAddress: String @mapsTo(name: "email_address")

Option D.2: Rename the types and fields via a directive

Customer can rename the type to the updated name via the @renameTo directive to point to original database name.

This would be a departure to an existing pattern of the @mapsTo directive but allows the customers to provide only “additive” updates. This also introduces additional mental overhead for the customer on the codegen outputs because you don’t need to do this for the existing DynamoDB workflows.

(If you prefer this approach, we’d love to hear your suggestion on the directive name.)

type users
    @renameTo(name: "User")
    @model {
   id: ID! @primaryKey
   email_address: String @renameTo(name: "emailAddress")

Option D.3: Use a “mapping definition” in the input AMPLIFY

In the “input” section of the file, customers can provide mapping information in a centralized way.

This allows customers to centrally manage the type and field name-mappings. The drawback is that in creates a “duality” of where the customer is supposed to edit the inputs vs. where the customer is supposed to edit the “generated outputs”.

(If you prefer this option, we would love to hear your idea on what the actual format of the “mapping” could be.)

input AMPLIFY {
   engine: {...}
   mappings: [
     { from: 'users', to: 'User' },
     { from: 'users.email_address', to: 'User.emailAddress' }

E. Deploying and interactions with libraries

Upon amplify push, Amplify CLI will generate an AppSync GraphQL API with the attached RDS data source and authorization rules via CloudFormation.

In addition, similar to the existing DynamoDB experience, the code generation happens upon a successful push and the Amplify libraries can consume the generated codegen files (.js, .swift, .java) just as they do today.


How do I iterate on my data model?

Here’s a diagram on the end-to-end iteration workflow. The goal is to retain what we can from your schema edits. If you make “additive” changes to your schema, such as adding columns or tables, your existing model edits’ mappings and authorization rules will be maintained.


The Amplify CLI can throw a (non-blocking?) warning on the changes that were “discarded” between iterations. This provides customers a history of the discarded changes within the terminal to easily reference back to if needed. This could look something like:

$ amplify api generate-schema

⚠️ Table 'users' has been deleted from the database. The following type will be removed:
type User @model @mapsTo(name: 'users') {

? Continue (Y/n)

(Note: This warning is intended to help you catch issues in pre-production environments before going to production. This warning will be “too late” if your app only has one environment (“prod”) as there is already a drift between the database and the GraphQL API.)

Can I have multiple GraphQL schema files for my GraphQL API?

Amplify CLI today already supports multiple GraphQL schema files for one GraphQL API. This launch will be purely additive to that existing feature.

Can I have multiple RDS data sources for my GraphQL API?

Yes. We will likely phase it out though to initially first allow one data source while this feature is in preview period and then gauge if this is critical for general availability launch based on customer feedback.

We also would love to learn if you have major use cases to support multiple RDS data sources within one GraphQL schema file.

Which directives are supported?

Our initial goal is to infer as many directives as possible from the data source including: @model, @primaryKey, @index, and the relationship directives (@hasOne, @hasMany, @belongsTo).

At general availability launch, customers can add in @auth and any directive/changes required for remapping.

Do you have a major directive that you’d like to see support for? Let us know below!

How are we going to provide aggregation queries?

Our current plan is to add sum, max, min, and average to the selection set on list operations. To get the latest signUpDate, you could do:

query listUserAndGetLatest {
  listUsers {
     items {
     max {
        field: signUpDate

We still need to iterate on this areas to iron out the exact API definition.

How are we going to phase the launch of this feature?

We are going to phase this feature into multiple previews phases. This is our tentative plan. Based on your comments, we’ll surely move things around a bit:

Milestone I: Preview phases:

  1. Initial preview with 1 engine type (mysql or postgres) and only API Key authorization
  2. @auth directive support on the model-level
  3. @auth directive support on the field-level
  4. Support for renaming types
  5. Support for renaming fields
  6. Support for multiple RDS data sources

Milestone II: General availability launch
Milestone III: Support for multiple engine types (mysql and postgres)

What is NOT in scope of this RFC:

  • Amplify generating connection pooling infrastructure for your RDS. We will assume you have an RDS proxy or an alternative solution in-place.
  • How to author custom business logic beyond the automated CRUD queries/mutations generated by Amplify’s @model directive. That’s covered in another RFC that we’re going to publish VERY soon!

Questions for the community

  • What are your thoughts and feedback on the proposed developer experience options (A - E)?
  • Which RDS engine type do you use most?
    • MySQL
    • PostgreSQL
    • MariaDB
    • Microsoft SQL server
  • Where do you host your RDS?
    • Amazon Aurora
    • Amazon RDS - MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Microsoft SQL server
    • PlanetScale
    • ...another provider?
  • Do you already have an RDS proxy configured for most of your databases to manage connection pooling?
    • Yes
    • No
    • What is connection pooling?
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Hi @renebrandel!

I have a couple of questions:

  • How would the GraphQL schema be generated? will Amplify automatically detect that Schema once I provide the connection details for my database?
  • So after the schema is created - I can then use the amplify codegen models command to generated the type-safe models to use in my frontend app? Is that the workflow?

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Hi @abdallahshaban557:

How would the GraphQL schema be generated? will Amplify automatically detect that Schema once I provide the connection details for my database?

The "amplify api generate-schema" (command not finalized, any suggestion?) will scan the existing SQL database tables and infer the GraphQL schema. Once inferred, the GraphQL models are now available with resolvers for CRUD operations.

So after the schema is created - I can then use the amplify codegen models command to generated the type-safe models to use in my frontend app? Is that the workflow?

Exactly! The goal with the "amplify api generate-schema" is to create a GraphQL schema just like the ones customers create today. All subsequent commands to generate client-side configurations should "just work". So amplify codegen models (which also runs after amplify push today) will create .dart, .swift, .js, .java files to further consume on the Amplify libraries.

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got it! Thank you @renebrandel - this answers my questions! I like the command name for amplify api generate-schema that makes sense to me! Maybe providing a shorthand as well to just generate my schema and push it in one-go would be great as well! maybe with a conditional argument or something? Although that might be dangerous since I'd want to review my generated schema BEFORE starting to spin up resources with amplify codegen, I am going back and forth on that!

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majirosstefan commented Sep 21, 2022

  1. What about migrations support ? Extending columns, adding default values, e,g. setting length constraints e.g. ?
  2. Would there be any possibility to run raw query (e.g. some postgres specific thing) ?
  3. What about sql triggers ? // or e.g. connecting Lambda to listen to the changes in the given table (maybe as an alternative to dynamo streams ?)
  4. We are using different engine (or extension) for Postgres that is deployed in RDS (it's something related with GEO / points on the map) - would be nice if types would be generated for that too (or we could add them manually)
  5. What if we have something deployed in prod, but we do not want to build new features with the naming coming w/ Amplify ? (python is using smth like "daily_challenge" for table names). Would there be possibility to e.g. freeze table names ? Or specify different naming for createdAt / updatedAt columns?
  6. Would it be possible to use something like autoIncrement for primary keys ? (primary key would become one of 1,2,3,4,5 instead of just uuid)

Right now we are using e.g. Sequelize framework (ORM) inside nodeJS lambda to connect to the RDS DB instance - mainly to add either more features to the platform / or fix things in legacy backend written in Python.

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Regarding the auth topic, please support IAM based authentication, at least when using first party RDS-based databases.

Also, instead of hardcoding credentials, consider supporting credentials stored in Secret Manager. This way they can automatically be rotated by SM.

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Hi @renebrandel , I hope you are doing well. I have a question, will it be available for Oracle as well?

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Hi @renebrandel
I look forward to this feature becoming a reality soon. I will leave some feedback.

I think that case of using mapsTo directive is best about Option D.
I think that it is better identifier of user table is represented as User in GraphQL schema. But when using renameTo it is represented as user in schema.

Which RDS engine type do you use most?


Where do you host your RDS?

Amazon Aurora
Amazon RDS - MySQL, PostgreSQL

Do you already have an RDS proxy configured for most of your databases to manage connection pooling?


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@majirosstefan - Thanks for all the feedback! Let me work through some of these questions over the next week in more-depth with the team to provide more actionable next steps!

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@dreamorosi - Yes! We'll support IAM-based authentication built-in whenever it's possible. We liked to reserve the Username + Password combination only for databases where IAM is not possible. For example, DBs hosted externally outside of AWS.

This brings up an interesting point that we should probably discuss on how to surface it to the customer that if it's within Aurora etc. to prompt/warn them explicitly to use IAM.

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@gnunez-dev - thanks for bringing Oracle up! For now, we're seeing most interest in MySQL and Postgres. One main area of complexity is the DB column type to GraphQL type matching. Once we've achieved a reasonable structure for MySQL and Postgres, we'll probably tackle that next. Generally when we ask our customers MySQL seems to be the primary choice at this point but would love to hear others' feedback as well to verify if we're making the right prioritization.

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@fossamagna - thanks so much for your feedback! Just to verify I understand correctly, you'd prefer if Amplify just auto-inferred/suggested these remappings in (Section D), then customers apply edits on those?

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Maybe providing a shorthand as well to just generate my schema and push it in one-go would be great as well! maybe with a conditional argument or something?

I'd need to think through the lifecycle some more and really verify how often the database definitions are changing. What do you think of on every amplify pull and amplify push to at least verify with the database if the database schema has changed and then throw a warning. Something like:

amplify pull
⚠️ Your database ('s schema is out-of-sync with your GraphQL schema.
  Run "amplify api generate-schema" to apply the latest database schema changes to your GraphQL API" 

@josefaidt josefaidt mentioned this issue Oct 4, 2022
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Local mocking is in scope of this RFC? or Is that covered in another RFC?

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majirosstefan commented Oct 5, 2022

  1. The sequelize framework (what we are using )is offering to call 2 "sync" methods - this behavior could be useful to you:

Regarding limits - they are mostly length limits for strings (VARCHAR (100), etc) - specifying length for each field in given model does not force you run sync // this is useful in our scenario when we are connecting to existing DB

  1. perfect! Sometimes it's easier to run raw query, parse results to JS objects and send them to the app (e.g. "batch" gets: like SELECT * FROM products WHERE catid IN ('1', '2', '3', '4') or smth with "group by", etc

  2. a - no that's not a thing I meant
    b - not sure about it - but I would expect something that mimics DynamoDB streams
    c- I forgot to mention transactions - this is the feature that we use. Model A is updated in together with model B or not at all
    d - On Cascade Delete - I am not sure if that's supported already or not

  3. Would be great if that would be supported // or scenario where dev can edit (or add) custom types to support different database engine & (types?) - this is the first link that I found on Google in regard to that

  4. again, they are features born in sequelize : (Enforcing the table name to be equal to the model name or not) ==>
    so type User @model could be stored in table "users_something_different" and not just "user"

  1. we leave it to sequelize

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kevinold commented Nov 2, 2022

@renebrandel Overall this looks great! A few thoughts below:

A. Configure existing relational database

amplify import api is less intuitive as I'm not thinking that I would be importing an API, but a database. For consideration amplify import database.

I like Option A.1 and ++1 for .env support!

B. Generate GraphQL schema from database
“Amplify generate schema” is weird as I'm not expecting it to generate my schema, but connect to my database and retrieve the schema. Suggestion would be amplify api update schema

We may do wanna do push/pull terminology as when I would update my schema in my RDS, I'm not thinking I'd run "generate-schema" for it to get the changes.

I like Option B.1, keep everything in one file.

C. Add authorization rules to GraphQL API with RDS data source

Love the use of @auth rules!

D. Rename RDS-inferred data model & fields

Option D.1

Definitely NOT Option D.3, too confusing and has a DSL feel to it.

Note: At first, I thought I liked a combination of D.1 and D.2, reuse of the existing @mapsTo only for fields, but not for tables (those would use renameTo). The more I thought about it, I feel the "mapping" concept applies to the table as well and "rename" is confusing.

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Awesome news for support Databases on Amplify. It will solve GDPR related issues. I'm looking forward to see this working. When it will be arrive ?

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Hi @MarlonJD - what kind of GDPR-specific use cases are you looking for this to solve?

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Hi @MarlonJD - what kind of GDPR-specific use cases are you looking for this to solve?

If we can connect to and RDB that means, I can use amplify for big companies which has some IT Rules, universities that has some it rules. They want to use their own server or database. If we can use any database like posgres, mysql, msSQL. It will create the opportunity to use it in many different institutions, for these reasons, I cannot use amplify for specific IT rules.

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vtemian commented Apr 25, 2023

Hello @renebrandel!
Really nice RFC! Do you have a timeline for releasing it? I'm more than keen to test it and provide feedback.
I see some active branch feature/rds-support.

Which RDS engine type do you use most?

Where do you host your RDS?
Amazon Aurora

Do you already have an RDS proxy configured for most of your databases to manage connection pooling?

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djbuch commented Aug 1, 2023


is there any plan to have this being functionnal any time soon ?


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renebrandel commented Oct 11, 2023

PREVIEW ANNOUNCEMENT: MySQL Database support for Amplify CLI


Key features:

  1. Effortlessly create a real-time, secure GraphQL API for your MySQL database. Generate the entire API with just your database endpoint and credentials. CRUDL operations, client code generation out-of-the-box!
  2. Works with MySQL databases hosted anywhere. Within a VPC, outside of a VPC, outside of AWS even. All supported.
  3. Built-in iteration workflow. Changed the database schema? Just run a command to apply the latest table schema changes.
  4. You can use the SQL generated schema standalone, or use it in conjunction with your existing DynamoDB-based GraphQL schema

How to get started?

  1. Install the tagged release:
npm i -g @aws-amplify/cli@12.5.3-rds-3.0 --loglevel=error --force
  1. Check version with amplify version. It should print 12.5.3-rds-3.0. THIS STEP IS IMPORTANT! If the version doesn't match, run amplify uninstall or npm uninstall -g @aws-amplify/cli and go back to step 1.
  2. Create a new Amplify project
mkdir rds-project && cd rds-project && amplify init -y
  1. Import a new API with amplify import api and answer the questions regarding your database endpoint
amplify import api
  1. Deploy your GraphQL to the cloud
amplify push -y

(you can now go to the AppSync console and try some queries!)

How do I run custom queries/mutations in SQL?

  1. Open the generated schema.rds.graphql file
  2. Add a custom query or mutation and use the @sql(statement: "") pass in parameters using the :<variable> notation.
type Query {
   listRestaurantsInState(state: String): Restaurants @sql("SELECT * FROM Restaurants WHERE state LIKE CONCAT('%', :state, '%')")`
  1. Deploy your API changes using amplify push -y

How do I create relationships between two data models (database tables)?

Use the @hasOne and @hasMany directives to establish a 1:1 or 1:M relationship. Use the @belongsTo directive to create a bi-directional relationship back to the relationship parent.

# 1:M relationship example
type Blog @model {
  id: String! @primaryKey
  content: String
  posts: [Post] @hasMany(references: ["blogId"])

type Post @model {
  id: String! @primaryKey
  content: String
  blogId: String!
  blog: Blog @belongsTo(references: ["blogId"])

# 1:1 relationship example
type User @model {
  id: String! @primaryKey
  name: String
  profile: Profile @hasOne(references: ["userId"])

type Profile @model {
  id: String! @primaryKey
  details: String
  userId: String!
  user: User @belongsTo(references: ["userId"])

How do I rename a model or field in the GraphQL API?

In API schema, you can change a field and model name by using the @refersTo directive. If you don't provide the @refersTo directive, Amplify assumes the model name and field name matches exactly the database table and column names.

Assume you have the following API schema:

type Todo @model @refersTo(name: "todos") {
   content: String
   done: Boolean

To change the "done" field name to "isCompleted", add the @refersTo directive with the original field name and rename the done field name to any desired value.

type Todo @model @refersTo(name: "todos") {
   content: String
   isCompleted: Boolean @refersTo(name: "done")

How do I iterate on my API when database schema changes?

  1. Make any adjustments to your SQL statement such as:
  PersonID int PRIMARY KEY,
  LastName varchar(255),
  FirstName varchar(255),
  Address varchar(255),
  City varchar(255)
  1. Generate an updated schema amplify api generate-schema
  2. Deploy your changes to the cloud
amplify push -y 

How do I provide feedback?

Post in this thread and mention me: "@renebrandel"

Roadmap / Coming soon:

  1. Use @auth rules to add model-level and field-level authorization rules. Add an authorization layer for your database to have fine-grained authorization for end user data.
  2. Postgres database support. Support the same feature set but also for Postgres databases.
  3. L3 CDK construct support. Allow generated GraphQL schema for RDS databases to be passed into the L3 Amplify GraphQL API CDK construct. Allowing customers to use RDS without installing the Amplify CLI.

What are known issues?

  • If your table isn’t showing up in the GraphQL schema, it is VERY LIKELY that you forgot to set a PRIMARY KEY on the table
  • A directive not working? Check if it’s on the roadmap above as “Roadmap/ Coming soon”

Sorry for the delayed response on this thread. I really want to give out a special thanks for folks in this thread for providing your feedback thus far:

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connorwilloughby commented Oct 31, 2023

Possible bug

  • amplify version: 12.8.0-rds-4.0
  • rds: postgres: 15.3


  1. amplify api import
  2. Enter details for a RDS instance
  3. amplify push
Deployment failed.
Deploying root stack webapp [ ====================-------------------- ] 1/2
        amplify-amplifyc32f5ae0ce464-… AWS::CloudFormation::Stack     UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE       Mon Oct 30 2023 20:52:06…
        apiwebapp                      AWS::CloudFormation::Stack     CREATE_FAILED                  Mon Oct 30 2023 20:51:31…
Deploying api webapp [ ====================-------------------- ] 2/4
        GraphQLAPI                     AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi       CREATE_COMPLETE                Mon Oct 30 2023 20:51:14…
        GraphQLAPITransformerSchema3C… AWS::AppSync::GraphQLSchema    CREATE_FAILED                  Mon Oct 30 2023 20:51:28…
        GraphQLAPIDefaultApiKey215A6D… AWS::AppSync::ApiKey           CREATE_COMPLETE                Mon Oct 30 2023 20:51:16…

🛑 The following resources failed to deploy:
Resource Name: GraphQLAPITransformerSchema3CB2AE18 (AWS::AppSync::GraphQLSchema)
Event Type: create
Reason: Schema Creation Status is FAILED with details: Found 1 problem(s) with the schema:
There is no top level schema object defined.
  1. amplify api generate-schema
  • schema.rds.graphql is unchanged
  1. amplify push

same outcome as above

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Hi @connorwilloughby - it seems like you're connecting to a PostgreSQL database. In this preview build we only support MySQL. That'll likely be the root cause of the issue. We're going to publish a PostgreSQL-compatible version of the preview soon.

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No worries, I did read that your rds 3.0 version only supported mySql but after seeing the flow updated in the 4.0 branch thought id give it a go.

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@connorwilloughby - we just dropped a new tagged release. THis preview should support Postgres as well:

npm i -g @aws-amplify/cli@12.8.0-rds-5.0

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connorwilloughby commented Nov 8, 2023

Hi @renebrandel,

Looks like im getting the same thing again;


PS C:\Users\Connor\Documents\Github\second_amplify> amplify push
/ Fetching updates to backend environment: staging from the cloud.- Building resource api/webapp
⚠️  WARNING: your GraphQL API currently allows public create, read, update, and delete access to all models via an API Key. To configure PRODUCTION-READY authorization rules, review:

/ Fetching updates to backend environment: staging from the cloud.✅ GraphQL schema compiled successfully.

Edit your schema at C:\Users\Connor\Documents\Github\second_amplify\amplify\backend\api\webapp\schema.graphql or place .graphql files in a directory at C:\Users\Connor\Documents\Github\second_amplify\amplify\backend\api\webapp\schema
√ Successfully pulled backend environment staging from the cloud.
- Building resource api/webapp
⚠️  WARNING: your GraphQL API currently allows public create, read, update, and delete access to all models via an API Key. To configure PRODUCTION-READY authorization rules, review:

\ Building resource api/webapp✅ GraphQL schema compiled successfully.

Edit your schema at C:\Users\Connor\Documents\Github\second_amplify\amplify\backend\api\webapp\schema.graphql or place .graphql files in a directory at C:\Users\Connor\Documents\Github\second_amplify\amplify\backend\api\webapp\schema

    Current Environment: staging

│ Category │ Resource name │ Operation │ Provider plugin   │
│ Api      │ webapp        │ Create    │ awscloudformation │
√ Are you sure you want to continue? (Y/n) · yes

⚠️  WARNING: your GraphQL API currently allows public create, read, update, and delete access to all models via an API Key. To configure PRODUCTION-READY authorization rules, review:

✅ GraphQL schema compiled successfully.

Edit your schema at C:\Users\Connor\Documents\Github\second_amplify\amplify\backend\api\webapp\schema.graphql or place .graphql files in a directory at C:\Users\Connor\Documents\Github\second_amplify\amplify\backend\api\webapp\schema
- Building resource api/webapp
⚠️  WARNING: your GraphQL API currently allows public create, read, update, and delete access to all models via an API Key. To configure PRODUCTION-READY authorization rules, review:

- Building resource api/webapp✅ GraphQL schema compiled successfully.

Edit your schema at C:\Users\Connor\Documents\Github\second_amplify\amplify\backend\api\webapp\schema.graphql or place .graphql files in a directory at C:\Users\Connor\Documents\Github\second_amplify\amplify\backend\api\webapp\schema
? Do you want to generate code for your newly created GraphQL API Yes
? Choose the code generation language target typescript
? Enter the file name pattern of graphql queries, mutations and subscriptions src\graphql\**\*.ts
? Do you want to generate/update all possible GraphQL operations - queries, mutations and subscriptions Yes
? Enter maximum statement depth [increase from default if your schema is deeply nested] 2
? Enter the file name for the generated code src/API.ts

Deployment failed.
Deploying root stack webapp [ ====================-------------------- ] 1/2
        amplify-amplifyc32f5ae0ce464-… AWS::CloudFormation::Stack     UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE       Wed Nov 08 2023 19:43:25…
        apiwebapp                      AWS::CloudFormation::Stack     CREATE_FAILED                  Wed Nov 08 2023 19:42:50…
Deploying api webapp [ ====================-------------------- ] 2/4
        GraphQLAPI                     AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi       CREATE_COMPLETE                Wed Nov 08 2023 19:42:34…
        GraphQLAPIDefaultApiKey215A6D… AWS::AppSync::ApiKey           CREATE_COMPLETE                Wed Nov 08 2023 19:42:36…
        GraphQLAPITransformerSchema3C… AWS::AppSync::GraphQLSchema    CREATE_FAILED                  Wed Nov 08 2023 19:42:47…

🛑 The following resources failed to deploy:
Resource Name: GraphQLAPITransformerSchema3CB2AE18 (AWS::AppSync::GraphQLSchema)
Event Type: create
Reason: Schema Creation Status is FAILED with details: Found 1 problem(s) with the schema:
There is no top level schema object defined.

🛑 Resource is not in the state stackUpdateComplete
Name: GraphQLAPITransformerSchema3CB2AE18 (AWS::AppSync::GraphQLSchema), Event Type: create, Reason: Schema Creation Status is FAILED with details: Found 1 problem(s) with the schema:
There is no top level schema object defined., IsCustomResource: false


input AMPLIFY {
  engine: String = "postgres"
  globalAuthRule: AuthRule = {allow: public}


input ModelStringInput {
  ne: String
  eq: String
  le: String
  lt: String
  ge: String
  gt: String
  contains: String
  notContains: String
  between: [String]
  beginsWith: String
  attributeExists: Boolean
  attributeType: ModelAttributeTypes
  size: ModelSizeInput

input ModelIntInput {
  ne: Int
  eq: Int
  le: Int
  lt: Int
  ge: Int
  gt: Int
  between: [Int]
  attributeExists: Boolean
  attributeType: ModelAttributeTypes

input ModelFloatInput {
  ne: Float
  eq: Float
  le: Float
  lt: Float
  ge: Float
  gt: Float
  between: [Float]
  attributeExists: Boolean
  attributeType: ModelAttributeTypes

input ModelBooleanInput {
  ne: Boolean
  eq: Boolean
  attributeExists: Boolean
  attributeType: ModelAttributeTypes

input ModelIDInput {
  ne: ID
  eq: ID
  le: ID
  lt: ID
  ge: ID
  gt: ID
  contains: ID
  notContains: ID
  between: [ID]
  beginsWith: ID
  attributeExists: Boolean
  attributeType: ModelAttributeTypes
  size: ModelSizeInput

input ModelSubscriptionStringInput {
  ne: String
  eq: String
  le: String
  lt: String
  ge: String
  gt: String
  contains: String
  notContains: String
  between: [String]
  beginsWith: String
  in: [String]
  notIn: [String]

input ModelSubscriptionIntInput {
  ne: Int
  eq: Int
  le: Int
  lt: Int
  ge: Int
  gt: Int
  between: [Int]
  in: [Int]
  notIn: [Int]

input ModelSubscriptionFloatInput {
  ne: Float
  eq: Float
  le: Float
  lt: Float
  ge: Float
  gt: Float
  between: [Float]
  in: [Float]
  notIn: [Float]

input ModelSubscriptionBooleanInput {
  ne: Boolean
  eq: Boolean

input ModelSubscriptionIDInput {
  ne: ID
  eq: ID
  le: ID
  lt: ID
  ge: ID
  gt: ID
  contains: ID
  notContains: ID
  between: [ID]
  beginsWith: ID
  in: [ID]
  notIn: [ID]

enum ModelAttributeTypes {

input ModelSizeInput {
  ne: Int
  eq: Int
  le: Int
  lt: Int
  ge: Int
  gt: Int
  between: [Int]

enum ModelSortDirection {

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chrisbonifacio commented Nov 9, 2023

Hi @connorwilloughby 👋

Can you please run amplify version and confirm that you are on version 12.8.0-rds-5.0?

Also, the schema you shared seems like a compiled schema. Is that file from the amplify/backend/api folder or the amplify/backend/api/build folder?

It looks like you only have the engine and globalAuthRule in the editable schema.rds.graphql file.

UPDATE: I edited your comment to fix the formatting.

Were you able to connect to your database and generate models from your database schema before running amplify push?

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Hi @chrisbonifacio

Thanks for reaching out. So the result of amplify version is 12.8.0-rds-5.0.

The result of amplify push is the same as the console output from my last comment.

PS C:\Users\Connor\Documents\Github\second_amplify> amplify import api 
⚠️ This feature is in preview and is not recommended to use with production systems.
√ Select the database type: · PostgreSQL
Please provide the following database connection information:
√ Enter the database url or host name: · {AWS_HOSTNAME_REDACTED}
√ Enter the port number: · 5432
√ Enter the username: · {UN_REDACTED}
√ Enter the password: ·
√ Enter the database name: · {DB_NAME_REDACTED}
√ Successfully fetched the database schema.
Successfully imported the database schema into C:\Users\Connor\Documents\Github\second_amplify\amplify\backend\api\webapp\schema.rds.graphql.


input AMPLIFY {
  engine: String = "postgres"
  globalAuthRule: AuthRule = {allow: public}

actions taken

amplify import api
amplify api generate-schema
amplify push

It seems to be sending a generic graphql api which does not reference the database schema provided during the amplify import api step.

Deployed api webapp [ ======================================== ] 9/9
        GraphQLAPI                     AWS::AppSync::GraphQLApi       CREATE_COMPLETE                Fri Nov 10 2023 17:10:07…
        GraphQLAPINONEDS95A13CF0       AWS::AppSync::DataSource       CREATE_COMPLETE                Fri Nov 10 2023 17:10:09…
        GraphQLAPIDefaultApiKey215A6D… AWS::AppSync::ApiKey           CREATE_COMPLETE                Fri Nov 10 2023 17:10:09…
        GraphQLAPITransformerSchema3C… AWS::AppSync::GraphQLSchema    CREATE_COMPLETE                Fri Nov 10 2023 17:10:21…
        Blog                           AWS::CloudFormation::Stack     CREATE_COMPLETE                Fri Nov 10 2023 17:11:09…
        Comment                        AWS::CloudFormation::Stack     CREATE_COMPLETE                Fri Nov 10 2023 17:12:12…
        Post                           AWS::CloudFormation::Stack     CREATE_COMPLETE                Fri Nov 10 2023 17:12:12…
        ConnectionStack                AWS::CloudFormation::Stack     CREATE_COMPLETE                Fri Nov 10 2023 17:12:24…
        CustomResourcesjson            AWS::CloudFormation::Stack     CREATE_COMPLETE                Fri Nov 10 2023 17:12:36…

Any questions please let me know!

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@connorwilloughby did you ever run amplify add api before amplify import api?

It does seem that the API being deployed is using one of our starter schema templates.

Do you have both a schema.graphql and a schema.rds.graphql file in your amplify/backend/api folder?

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connorwilloughby commented Nov 13, 2023

id you ever run amplify add api before amplify import api?

Yes. However ive since removed and deployed over it. My import api call is still returning the template.

Do you have both a schema.graphql and a schema.rds.graphql file in your amplify/backend/api folder?

No I only have amplify\backend\api\webapp\schema.rds.graphql

@dpilch dpilch closed this as completed Apr 4, 2024
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github-actions bot commented Apr 4, 2024

This issue is now closed. Comments on closed issues are hard for our team to see.
If you need more assistance, please open a new issue that references this one.

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