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Releases: aws-cloudformation/cfn-lint

Release v0.15.0

28 Feb 22:04
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  • Add scaffolding for arbitrary Match attributes, adding attributes for Type checks
  • Add rule E3024 to validate that ProvisionedThroughput is not specified with BillingMode PAY_PER_REQUEST
CloudFormation Specifications
  • Update Spec files to 2.24.0
  • Update OnlyOne spec to have BlockDeviceMapping to include NoDevice with Ebs and VirtualName
  • Add all the allowed values of the AWS::CloudFront::* Resources
  • Add all the allowed values of the AWS::DAX::* Resources
  • Update config parsing to use the builtin Yaml decoder
  • Add condition support for Inclusive E2521, Exclusive E2520, and AtLeastOne E2522 rules
  • Update rule E1029 to better check Resource strings inside IAM Policies
  • Improve the line/column information of a Match with array support

Release v0.14.1

20 Feb 19:01
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CloudFormation Specifications
  • Update CloudFormation Specs to version 2.23.0
  • Add allowed values for AWS::Config::* resources
  • Add allowed values for AWS::ServiceDiscovery::* resources
  • Fix allowed values for Apache MQ
  • Update rule E3008 to not error when using a list from a custom resource
  • Support simple types in the CloudFormation spec
  • Add tests for the formatters

Release v0.14.0

11 Feb 14:58
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  • Add rule E3035 to check the values of DeletionPolicy
  • Add rule E3036 to check the values of UpdateReplacePolicy
  • Add rule E2014 to check that there are no REFs in the Parameter section
  • Update rule E2503 to support TLS on NLBs
CloudFormation Specifications
  • Update CloudFormation spec to version 2.22.0
  • Add allowed values for AWS::Cognito::* resources
  • Update rule E3002 to allow GetAtts to Custom Resources under a Condition

Release v0.13.2

07 Feb 14:38
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  • Introducing the cfn-lint logo!
  • Update SAM dependency version
  • Fix CloudWatchAlarmComparisonOperator allowed values.
  • Fix typo resoruce_type_spec in several files
  • Better support for nested And, Or, and Not when processing Conditions

Release v0.13.1

31 Jan 15:41
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CloudFormation Specifications
  • Add allowed values for AWS::CloudTrail::Trail resources
  • Patch spec to have AWS::CodePipeline::CustomActionType Version included
  • Fix conditions logic to use AllowedValues when REFing a Parameter that has AllowedValues specified

Release v0.13.0

28 Jan 19:17
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  • New rule W1011 to check if a FindInMap is using the correct map name and keys
  • New rule W1001 to check if a Ref/GetAtt to a resource that exists when Conditions are used
  • Removed logic in E1011 and moved it to W1011 for validating keys
  • Add property relationships for AWS::ApplicationAutoScaling::ScalingPolicy into Inclusive, Exclusive, and AtLeastOne
  • Update rule E2505 to check the netmask bit
  • Include the ability to update the CloudFormation Specs using the Pricing API
CloudFormation Specifications
  • Update to version 2.21.0
  • Add allowed values for AWS::Budgets::Budget
  • Add allowed values for AWS::CertificateManager resources
  • Add allowed values for AWS::CodePipeline resources
  • Add allowed values for AWS::CodeCommit resources
  • Add allowed values for EC2 InstanceTypes from pricing API
  • Add allowed values for RedShift InstanceTypes from pricing API
  • Add allowed values for MQ InstanceTypes from pricing API
  • Add allowed values for RDS InstanceTypes from pricing API
  • Fixed README indentation issue with .pre-commit-config.yaml
  • Fixed rule E2541 to allow for multiple inputs/outputs in a CodeBuild task
  • Fixed rule E3020 to allow for a period or no period at the end of a ACM registration record
  • Update rule E3001 to support UpdateReplacePolicy
  • Fix a cli issue where --template wouldn't be used when a .cfnlintrc was in the same folder
  • Update rule E3002 and W3002 to support packaging of AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion content

Release v0.12.1

17 Jan 02:17
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CloudFormation Specifications
  • Add AWS::WorkSpaces::Workspace.WorkspaceProperties ComputeTypeName, RunningMode allowed values
  • Fix AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm to point Metrics at AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm.MetricDataQuery
  • Update rule E1024 to support Fn::Sub inside Fn::Cidr

Release v0.12.0

14 Jan 17:00
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  • Update rule E1019 to not allow for lists directly when doing a Ref or GetAtt to a list
  • Move parameter checks from rule E3030 to a new rule W2030
CloudFormation Specifications
  • Updated to version 2.19.0
  • Add S3 Bucket Allowed Values
  • Add Route53 Allowed Values
  • Add CodeDeploy Allowed Values
  • Add AWS::SecretsManager::SecretTargetAttachment TargetType Allowed Values
  • Add AWS::SES::ReceiptRule.Rule TlsPolicy Allowed Values
  • Add AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup, AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup, and AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup to OnlyOne
  • Improve W7001 error message

Release v0.11.1

08 Jan 21:00
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CloudFormation Specifications
  • Support Ref to IAM::Role or IAM::InstanceProfile with values looking for an ARN
  • AWS::Batch::ComputeEnvironment InstanceRole is an InstanceProfile not Role
  • Add debug options to print a stack trace for rule E0002
  • Update rule E2015 to include a try/catch around AllowedPattern testing to catch errors caused by non Python supported regex

Release v0.11.0

07 Jan 17:51
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  • Add rule E3030 to use the newly patched spec to check resource properties values. Update the following rules replaced by E3030.
    • Delete rule W2512
    • Delete rule E2531
    • Move allowed values check in rule E2505
  • Add rule E3008 to use the newly patched spec to check a resource properties Ref and GetAtt. Update the following rules replaced by E3008.
  • Improve rule E3020 to check MX records
CloudFormation Specifications
  • Update CloudFormation specs to 2.18.1
  • Append the CloudFormation spec to include:
    • AllowedValues for resource properties
    • Allowed Ref/GetAtts for resource properties
  • Add specs for regions eu-north-1, us-gov-east-1, us-gov-west-1
  • Add AWS::StepFunctions::StateMachine in all supported regions
  • Add AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm.Metric, AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm.MetricDataQuery and AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm.MetricStat in all supported regions
  • Add AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion, AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion.Content, and AWS::Lambda::LayerVersionPermission in all supported regions
  • Fix description on rule W2501 to be more informative
  • Update rule E2532 to allow Parameters in a Task in a Step Function
  • Fix rule E1010 to allow Refs in the GetAtt attribute section
  • Add AWS::CloudFormation::Init as an exception for rule E1029
  • Add Informational error messages to JSON outputs
  • Fix file searching **/* to recursively search in Python 3.5 and greater
  • Update CopyRight from 2018 to 2019