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Deployment instructions for the demo backend and Amazon IVS channel

Deploy the simple chat backend, create a new Amazon IVS channel using AWS CloudFormation, and retrieve everything you need to configure the demo.


Deploy from your local machine

Before you start, run the following command to make sure you're in the correct AWS account (or configure as needed):

aws configure

For additional help on configuring, please see

1. Create an S3 bucket

  • Replace <my-bucket-name> with your bucket name.
  • Replace <my-region> with your region name.
aws s3api create-bucket --bucket <my-bucket-name> --region <my-region> \
--create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=<my-region>

2. Pack template with SAM

sam package \
--template-file template.yaml \
--output-template-file packaged.yaml \
--s3-bucket <my-bucket-name>

DO NOT run the output from above command, proceed to next step.

3. Deploy Cloudformation with SAM

Replace <my-stack-name> with your stack name.

sam deploy \
--template-file packaged.yaml \
--stack-name <my-stack-name> \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

On completion, save the following values:

  1. WebSocketURI, used in the demo configuration file (config.js), to send/receive chat messages
  2. ChannelIngestEndpoint, to be used in your broadcasting software (ex. OBS)
  3. StreamKey, to be used in your broadcasting software (ex. OBS)
  4. ChannelPlaybackUrl, used in the demo configuration file (config.js), to load your Amazon IVS stream in the video player

If needed, to retrieve Cloudformation stack outputs again, run below command:

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name <my-stack-name> 

aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
--stack-name <my-stack-name> --query 'Stacks[].Outputs'

4. (optional) Testing the chat API

To test the WebSocket API, you can use wscat, an open-source command line tool.

  1. Install NPM.
  2. Install wscat:
$ npm install -g wscat
  1. On the console, connect to your published API endpoint by executing the following command:

Replace <WebSocketURI> with your WebSocketServer URL created when deploying with cloudformation.

$ wscat -c <WebSocketURI>
  1. To test the sendMessage function, send a JSON message like the following example. The Lambda function sends it back using the callback URL:

Replace <WebSocketURI> with your WebSocketServer URL created when deploying with cloudformation.

$ wscat -c <WebSocketURI>
connected (press CTRL+C to quit)
> {"action":"sendmessage", "data":"hello world"}
< hello world

5. Configure the Simple Chat demo frontend

Follow the detailed instructions on how to get the frontend up and running.

6. (optional) Clean Up

  1. Delete Cloudformation stack:
aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name <my-stack-name>
  1. Remove files in S3 bucket
aws s3 rm s3://<my-bucket-name> --recursive
  1. Delete S3 bucket
aws s3api delete-bucket --bucket <my-bucket-name> --region <my-region>