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AWS Marketplace API Reference Code Library - Java

How to use the reference code examples

You will need to have Java 17 installed.

Before running this Java V2 code example, set up your development environment, including your credentials. For more information, see the following documentation topic:

Change directories into the java source code folder:

cd aws-marketplace-reference-code/java

Import the project into eclipse or your java IDE as maven project.

Execute the following maven command. It will download all the required jars

mvn clean compile assembly:single 

All sample changesets are inside resources folder

To run against one particular changeset, run as a java application by changing the changeset name inside the java file; or run with the changeset file path as the input parameter.

To run the code inside your IDE, add the resources folder to your build path -> source.

Catalog API reference code

Id Use case
capi-02 Create an AMI draft product with a draft public offer
capi-03 Create a container draft product with a draft public offer
capi-04 Create a SaaS draft product with a draft public offer
capi-05A Publish my SaaS product and associated public offer (product will be in limited state by default)
capi-05A Publish my SaaS product and associated public offer (product will be in limited state by default)
capi-06 Create a public or limited AMI product and public offer with hourly annual pricing and standard or custom EULA
capi-07 Create a public or limited AMI product and public offer with hourly pricing and standard or custom EULA
capi-08 Create a public or limited AMI product and public offer with hourly monthly pricing and standard or custom EULA
capi-09 Create a public or limited SaaS product and public offer with subscription(usage) pricing and standard or custom EULA
capi-10 Create a public or limited SaaS product and public offer with contract with PAYG pricing and standard or custom EULA
capi-11 Create a public or limited SaaS product and public offer with contract pricing and standard or custom EULA
capi-13 Create public free trial offer with subscription pricing for SaaS product
capi-14 Change free trial duration of public free trial offer for SaaS product
capi-15 Create limited container product with public offer, contract pricing and standard EULA
capi-17 Make your AMI or SaaS or Container product restricted
capi-18 Update name and description of my public offer
capi-18 Update EULA of my public offer
capi-18 Update refund policy of my public offer
capi-19 Update geo-targeting of my public offer to specifically target few countries (e.g US/Canada/Spain) so that only customers in that region can subscribe to my offer
capi-20 Update price of my public offer for my AMI product with hourly annual pricing
capi-21 Update price of my public offer for my SaaS product with contract and PAYG pricing
capi-23 Add a new dimension to an AMI product and set the hourly price for this new dimension in the public offer
capi-24 Update (e.g name) dimensions on my AMI or SaaS product
capi-25a Add a region where my AMI product is deployed
capi-25b Restrict a region where my AMI product is deployed
capi-26 Specify if I want my AMI assets to be deployed in new regions built by AWS (future region support)
capi-27 List all my AMI or SaaS or Container products and associated public offers
capi-28 Describe my AMI or SaaS or Container product and check if it contains all the information I need to know about the product
capi-29 Describe my public offer and check if it contains all the information I need to know about the offer
capi-30 Create draft private offers for my AMI or SaaS product so I can review them internally before publishing to my buyers
capi-31 Create a private offer with hourly annual pricing for my AMI product and add a custom EULA
capi-32 Create a private offer with hourly pricing for my AMI product
capi-35 Create a private offer with contract pricing for my AMI product
capi-36 Create a private offer (target buyers)for my Container product with contract pricing
capi-40 List all my private offers and sort or filter them by Offer Publish Date, Offer Expiry Date and Buyer IDs
capi-41 Create draft resale authorization for any product type (AMI/SaaS/Container) so I can review them internally before publishing to my CPs
capi-42 Publish a one-time resale authorization on my SaaS product so my CP can use that to create Channel Partner Private Offer (CPPO)
capi-46 Publish one-time resale authorization for any product type (AMI/SaaS/Container) and add a custom EULA to be sent to the buyer
capi-47 Publish one-time resale authorization for any product type (AMI/SaaS/Container) and add reseller contract documentation between the ISV and CP
capi-48 Publish multi-use resale authorization with expiry date for my AMI product with hourly annual pricing so my CP can use that to create CPPO
capi-52 Publish multi-use resale authorization without expiry date for my AMI product with hourly annual pricing so my CP can use that to create CPPO
capi-56 Publish multi-use resale authorization with expiry date for any product type (AMI/SaaS/Container) and add a custom EULA to be sent to the buyer
capi-57 Publish multi-use resale authorization with expiry date for any product type (AMI/SaaS/Container) and add reseller contract documentation between the ISV and CP
capi-58 Publish multi-use resale authorization without expiry date for any product type (AMI/SaaS/Container) and add a custom EULA to be sent to the buyer
capi-59 Publish multi-use resale authorization without expiry date for any product type (AMI/SaaS/Container) and add reseller contract documentation between the ISV and CP
capi-60 Create draft CPPO for any product type (AMI/SaaS/Container) so I can review them internally before publishing to my buyers
capi-63 Publish CPPO using one-time resale authorization on AMI, SaaS, or Container products and update price markup
capi-64 Publish CPPO using one-time resale authorization on any product type (AMI/SaaS/Container) and append buyer EULA with what was received from ISV
capi-67 Update the offer expiry date of a CPPO I created to a date in future so my buyers get more time to evaluate and accept the offer
capi-68 Publish CPPO using multi-use resale authorization with expiry date on AMI products and update price markup
capi-69 Publish CPPO using multi-use resale authorization with expiry date on SaaS products and update price markup
capi-70 Publish CPPO using multi-use resale authorization with expiry date on Container products and update price markup
capi-71 Publish CPPO using multi-use resale authorization with expiry date on any product type (AMI/SaaS/Container) and append buyer EULA with what was received from ISV
capi-72 Publish more than one CPPO using multi-use resale authorization with or without expiry date on any product type (AMI/SaaS/Container) and update price markup
capi-73 Publish CPPO using multi-use resale authorization without expiry date on AMI products and update price markup
capi-74 Publish CPPO using multi-use resale authorization without expiry date on SaaS products and update price markup
capi-75 Publish CPPO using multi-use resale authorization without expiry date on Container products and update price markup
capi-76 Publish CPPO using multi-use resale authorization without expiry date on any product type (AMI/SaaS/Container) and append buyer EULA with what was received from ISV
capi-77 Update name/description of one-time or multi-use resale authorization before publishing for any product type (AMI/SaaS/Container)
capi-78 Publish one-time resale authorization for any product type (AMI/SaaS/Container) and add Flexible payment schedule
capi-81 Publish one-time resale authorization for any product type (AMI/SaaS/Container) and add specific buyer account for the resale
capi-82 Publish multi-use resale authorization with expiry date for any product type (AMI/SaaS/Container) and add specific buyer account for the resale
capi-83 Publish multi-use resale authorization without expiry date for any product type (AMI/SaaS/Container) and add specific buyer account for the resale
capi-84 Restrict a one-time resale authorization for any product type (AMI/SaaS/Container)
capi-90 Publish one-time resale authorization for any product type (AMI/SaaS/Container) and add whether it is renewal or not
capi-91 Create a custom dimension for an existing SaaS product and create a private offer
capi-92 Describe a resale authorization
capi-93 List all CPPOs created by a channel partner
capi-94 List all shared resale authorizations available to a channel partner
capi-95 Create a replacement private offer from an existing agreement with contract pricing
capi-96 Create a resale authorization replacement private offer from an existing agreement with contract pricing
capi-97 List and describe all private Offers associated with a product
capi-98 List released Public/Private offers for a specific product id
capi-99 BatchDescribe my entities in a single call and check if it contains all the information I need to know about the entities

Agreement API reference code

Id Use case
ag-01 Obtain a list of all of my agreements
ag-02 Filter my agreements based on product ID, Customer AWS Account ID, Offer ID
ag-02-1 Filter my agreements based on product ID
ag-02-2 Filter my agreements based on AWS Account ID
ag-02-3 Filter my agreements based on Offer ID
ag-03 Filter my agreements based on whether its end date is before or after a date I can specify (such as today)
ag-04 Filter my agreements based on status
ag-05 Filter my agreement based on its product type
ag-06 Filter my agreement based on a combination of any of the above filters
ag-07 Obtain metadata about my agreement, like its sign date, start date or end date
ag-08 Obtain metadata about the customer who created the agreement, such as the customer's AWS Account ID
ag-09 Obtain all the Agreement IDs
ag-10 Obtain information about the product and offer that the agreement was created on such as Product ID and Offer ID
ag-11 Obtain the Product Type of the product the agreement was created on
ag-13 Retrieve the status of the agreement
ag-14 Obtain financial details, such as Total Contract Value of the agreement
ag-15 Obtain the auto-renewal status of the agreement
ag-16 Obtain the pricing type of the agreement (contract, FPS, metered, free etc.)
ag-17 Obtain the payment schedule I have agreed to with the agreement, including the invoice date and invoice amount
ag-18 Obtain the EULA I have entered into with my customer via the agreement
ag-19 Obtain the support and refund policy I have provided to the customer
ag-20 Obtain the details from an agreement of a free trial I have provided to the customer
ag-28 Obtain the dimensions the buyer has purchased from me via the agreement
ag-29 Obtain pricing per each dimension in the agreement
ag-30 Obtain instances of each dimension that buyer has purchased in the agreement

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AWS SDK for Java

Get started quickly using AWS in java, the AWS SDK for Java makes it easy to integrate your Java application, library, or script with AWS services including Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Amazon DynamoDB, and more.

AWS Marketplace Documentation

To access detailed AWS Marketplace API documentation: