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Deploy Teradici Cloud Access Software on either CentOS 7 or Windows Server 2019 GPU-Enabled EC2 instances. The sample also provides the ability to provision Client VPN Endpoint if elected during deployment.


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Content Creation Workstation AWS Sample

Based off the Creating a Virtual Workstation on AWS, the following CloudFormation template has been created for deploying a Teradici Cloud Access Software on either CentOS 7 or Windows Server 2019 GPU-Enabled EC2 instances. The CloudFormation also provides the ability to provision Client VPN Endpoint if elected during deployment.

Below are architecture diagrams of some deployable configurations. These are not all configurations as the solutions offers ability to chose VPC deployment location (new or existing), subnet (public or private), and Client VPN deployment(true or false). This results in 8 possible deployment combinations.

Content Creation Workstation deployed in public subnet in a new VPC

architecture diagram


Teradici CloudAccess Software is accessible using Marketplace AMI which costs $0.50/hr in addition to EC2 computing costs. EBS volumes are encrypted using the default aws/ebs KMS key.


Please note that the template will be expecting your environment to be configured in the following way prior to running the template.

  1. An EC2 Keypair must be created. Click here to learn how to create an EC2 Keypair.
  2. If deploying to an existing VPC. Ensure that the VPC must have DNS Hostnames and DNS Support enabled. For further details click here.
  3. If deploying a Client VPN endpoint. User must generate a server/client certificate and upload those certificates to AWS Certificate Manager. Click here to see instructions on how to create server/client certs.

Deploying the Cloudformation Templates

Please note that the below instructions is how to deploy using the AWS CLI. For more detailed instructions on how to deploy this template, reference the deployment guide.

1. Specify correct parameter values for the CloudFormation template

Modify existing parameters file (deployment/parameters/test-param.json) or create your own. Values must be specified for all the following parameters:

Parameters Details Default Value
OSType Specify whether you want to run Teradici on Linux or Windows OS. Allowed values "linux" or "windows". linux
EBSVolumeSize Volume size for the VFX Host, in GiB 100
VFXHostInstanceType Amazon EC2 instance type for the VFX workstations. g4dn.xlarge
KeyPairName Name of AWS EC2 Key Pair. No Default
VFXHostAccessCIDR CIDR Range that will access the VFX Host. Input your network's current public or private IP depending if the VFX is being placed in a public or private subnet
VFXHostSubnetPlacement Specify if VFX host should be placed in "Public" or "Private" subnet. Public
EnableDeleteProtection Specify if VFX host should have delete protection enabled. false
InstallBlenderSoftware Specify if VFX host should download and install Blender software. true
CreateS3StorageBucket Specify if template should create an AWS S3 Bucket and connect the host to sync files between local system and S3 bucket. true
ExistingVPCID If solution should deploy into an existing VPC, Specify existing VPC ID. 'N/A'
ExistingSubnetID If solution should deply into an existing VPN, Specify subnet id in which the VFX Host should be placed in. 'N/A'
VPCCIDR If solution should create a new VPC, specify CIDR Block for the VPC
PublicSubnet1CIDR If solution should create a new VPC, specify CIDR Block for the public subnet 1 located in Availability Zone 2
PrivateSubnet1CIDR If solution should create a new VPC, specify CIDR Block for the private subnet 1 located in Availability Zone 2
EnableVPCFlowLogs Specify if newly created VPC should have VPC flow logs enabled. The CloudFormation template will create a new S3 bucket to store the logs. It will also capture ALL logs including ACCEPTS and REJECTS. false
CreateVPNEndpoint Should the CloudFormation create a Client VPN Endpoint. It is recommended if VFX Host is placed in private subnet and there is no other provisions created to connect to private subnet.(Specify 'true' or 'false') false
ClientCidrBlock If creating Client VPN endpoint in the solution, specify the IPv4 address range. It should be in CIDR notation from which to assign client IP addresses. The address range cannot overlap with the local CIDR of the VPC in which the associated subnet is located, or the routes that you add manually.
ServerCertArn If creating Client VPN endpoint in the solution, specify Server Cert Arn for VPN endpoint. 'N/A'
ClientCertificateArn If creating Client VPN endpoint in the solution, specify Client Cert Arn for VPN endpoint. 'N/A'
TargetNetworkCidr If creating Client VPN endpoint in the solution, specify the IPv4 address range, in CIDR notation, of the network for which access is being authorized.

2. Prepare the CloudFormation template

Due to the use of Nested Templates in this solution, the parent template must be packaged in order to properly reference the child template(s). More information regarding CloudFormation packaging can be found here.

Use the following command to package the template:

aws cloudformation package --template-file ./deployment/content-creation-workstation.template --s3-bucket [desired s3 bucket for CF artifacts] --output-template-file ./deployment/outputs/vfx_packaged.yaml --region [AWS deployment region, should be the same region where S3 bucket is located.]

3. Create CloudFormation stack

Use the following command to create the CloudFormation Stack:

aws cloudformation create-stack --template-body file://deployment/outputs/vfx_packaged.yaml --parameters file://deployment/parameters/test-param.json --stack-name [desired stack name] --region [AWS Deployment Region] --capabilities CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND CAPABILITY_IAM


Deploy Teradici Cloud Access Software on either CentOS 7 or Windows Server 2019 GPU-Enabled EC2 instances. The sample also provides the ability to provision Client VPN Endpoint if elected during deployment.



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