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Continuous incremental export for your DynamoDB table to S3

This workflow allows you to continuously export a DynamoDB table to S3 incrementally every f minutes (which defines the frequency). Traditionally exports to S3 were full table snapshots but since the introduction of incremental exports in 2023, you can now export your DynamoDB table between two points in time.

With this repository you can quickly start exporting data from your DynamoDB table with minimal effort. Follow the Usage guide to get started.


  1. Install AWS CDK
  2. An existing DynamoDB table with PITR enabled


  1. All you need is a DynamoDB Table with PITR enabled
  2. Clone the repository using git clone
  3. Change directory using cd dynamodb-continuous-incremental-exports
  4. Install NPM packages using npm install to install all dependencies needed by the workflow
  5. Note that commands below are for bash on a MacOS
  6. Deploying the solution requires some parameterized values. The easiest way to set these is to create shell environment variables.
    1. TABLE_NAME - The name of your table, also used to create the stack name. Each table gets its own stack.
    2. DEPLOYMENT_ALIAS - The alias of your deployment, ensures all infrastructure created can be grouped/identified. Can only contain lower case alphanumeric characters with a maximum of 15 characters. Recommend to use a string which maps closely to your DynamoDB table name. E.g. if your DynamoDB table is called unicorn_activities then the DEPLOYMENT__ALIAS could be unicornact.
    3. SUCCESS_EMAIL - Email address to be notified when the workflow succeeds.
    4. FAILURE_EMAIL - Email address to be notified if the workflow fails.
    5. Putting it all together
  7. Now execute cdk synth (uses the above environment variables):
    cdk synth --quiet \
        -c stackName=$DEPLOYMENT_ALIAS-incremental-export-stack \
        -c sourceDynamoDbTableName=$TABLE_NAME \
        -c deploymentAlias=$DEPLOYMENT_ALIAS \
        -c successNotificationEmail=$SUCCESS_EMAIL \
        -c failureNotificationEmail=$FAILURE_EMAIL
  8. Deploy the solution using cdk deploy
    cdk deploy \
        -c stackName=$DEPLOYMENT_ALIAS-incremental-export-stack \
        -c sourceDynamoDbTableName=$TABLE_NAME \
        -c deploymentAlias=$DEPLOYMENT_ALIAS \
        -c successNotificationEmail=$SUCCESS_EMAIL \
        -c failureNotificationEmail=$FAILURE_EMAIL


If you are redeploying the solution and have decided to keep the export data bucket (and prefix) intact then the bucket name (and prefix) will need to be passed into the cdk synth and cdk deploy steps. This ensures your existing export data bucket (and prefix) are used.

No bucket and/or prefix specified in original deployment

Ensure you extract the export data bucket name (export named $DEPLOYMENT_ALIAS-data-export-output) from the output parameters of the CDK deployment. Bucket export value

Bucket and/or prefix specified in original deployment

Use the same parameterized values.


Your redeployment process would look like below:

  1. Setup parameterized values
  2. Now execute cdk synth (uses the above environment variables):
cdk synth --quiet \
    -c stackName=$DEPLOYMENT_ALIAS-incremental-export-stack \
    -c sourceDynamoDbTableName=$TABLE_NAME \
    -c deploymentAlias=$DEPLOYMENT_ALIAS \
    -c successNotificationEmail=$SUCCESS_EMAIL \
    -c failureNotificationEmail=$FAILURE_EMAIL \
    -c dataExportBucketName=$BUCKET_NAME \
    -c dataExportBucketPrefix=$BUCKET_PREFIX
  1. Deploy the solution using cdk deploy
cdk deploy \
    -c stackName=$DEPLOYMENT_ALIAS-incremental-export-stack \
    -c sourceDynamoDbTableName=$TABLE_NAME \
    -c deploymentAlias=$DEPLOYMENT_ALIAS \
    -c successNotificationEmail=$SUCCESS_EMAIL \
    -c failureNotificationEmail=$FAILURE_EMAIL \
    -c dataExportBucketName=$BUCKET_NAME \
    -c dataExportBucketPrefix=$BUCKET_PREFIX


You can cleanup the resources deployed by the solution by executing the cdk destroy command

cdk destroy \
    -c stackName=$DEPLOYMENT_ALIAS-incremental-export-stack \
    -c sourceDynamoDbTableName=$TABLE_NAME \
    -c deploymentAlias=$DEPLOYMENT_ALIAS

You can delete the resources created at runtime (CloudWatch Logs and SSM Parameters) using the below commands:

aws ssm delete-parameters --names \
    "/incremental-export/$DEPLOYMENT_ALIAS/full-export-time" \
    "/incremental-export/$DEPLOYMENT_ALIAS/last-incremental-export-time" \
    "/incremental-export/$DEPLOYMENT_ALIAS/workflow-initiated" \
    "/incremental-export/$DEPLOYMENT_ALIAS/workflow-state" \

aws logs delete-log-group \
    --log-group-name $DEPLOYMENT_ALIAS-incremental-export-log-group

S3 cleanup [Optional]

Data export bucket

Clearing the exported data from S3 (CAUTION: Results in data loss)

  1. Prefix specified If you have specified a prefix then ensure you only delete objects under that prefix (e.g. where BUCKET_PREFIX is your prefix)
    aws s3 rm s3://$DEPLOYMENT_ALIAS-data-export/$BUCKET_PREFIX --recursive
  2. If you have not specified a prefix, you will want to delete all objects under the bucket and the bucket itself
    aws s3 rm s3://$DEPLOYMENT_ALIAS-data-export --recursive
    aws s3api delete-bucket --bucket $DEPLOYMENT_ALIAS-data-export

Data export bucket server access logs

Clearing and deleting the bucket which holds the server access logs (CAUTION: Results in data loss)

aws s3 rm s3://$DEPLOYMENT_ALIAS-data-export-server-access-logs --recursive
aws s3api delete-bucket --bucket $DEPLOYMENT_ALIAS-data-export-server-access-logs

Optional parameters

All the below parameters can be passed in via the -c or --context (context) flag. Alternatively you can also modify the default values directly in the CDK code via the various constant files located at ./lib/constants. You will need do a cdk synth followed by a cdk deploy for these changes to take effect.

  1. Data export bucket (dataExportBucketName)
    A bucket if you want to use one that already exists. Without this, a new bucket will be created for you.
  2. Data export bucket prefix (dataExportBucketPrefix)
    A prefix for where to store the exports within the bucket (optional). A prefix is a great way to use one bucket for many DynamoDB tables (one for each prefix). If a prefix isn't supplied exports will be stored at the root of the S3 bucket. Refer to this documentation to understand the folder structure further.
  3. Export window size (incrementalExportWindowSizeInMinutes)
    The window size of each export. Default is 15 minutes. You can set as small as 15 mins or as large as 24 hours. If you don't need freshness, a less frequent export will result in less compute work and fewer S3 writes.
  4. Wait time between export completed checks (waitTimeToCheckExportStatusInSeconds).
    Wait time within the busy loop checking if the export is completed, in seconds. Default is 10 seconds. A large value will be less quick to proceed but perform fewer API invocations.

What's deployed


Refer to the below architecture diagram to understand what's deployed. What's Deployed

Step Function view

Step function view

State information

The solution maintains SSM Parameters to ensure incremental exports work as expected. You'll never need to look at these, but in case you're curious, they help the repeating logic decide what to do next:

  1. Full export and incremental exports
    1. Execute a full export if (full export has never run and/or full export has run and resulted in a failure)
      1. full-export-time parameter does not exist AND
      2. workflow-initiated parameter does not exist OR workflow-initiated parameter is set to false
    2. Skip workflow if (at times a full export is executed but not completed)
      1. full-export-time parameter exist AND
      2. workflow-initiated parameter exist AND
      3. workflow-initiated parameter value is NULL
    3. Otherwise execute an incremental export
  2. Workflow states
    1. NORMAL state Workflow is working as expected.
    2. PITR_GAP state If the workflow-state parameter is set to PITR_GAP, this indicates that at some point in time PITR had been disabled and enabled. This results in a permanent gap in the table's history. To recover from this state, please set the workflow-action to RESET_WITH_FULL_EXPORT_AGAIN which will result in a FULL EXPORT, essentially reinitializing the workflow after the gap and moving forward from that point. Note that downstream services may need to be reinitialize again starting with the full export.
  3. Workflow actions
    1. RUN state Normal operating conditions
    2. PAUSE state Workflow won't be executed as it has been paused manually
    3. RESET_WITH_FULL_EXPORT_AGAIN state Set when an explicit reiniatilization is required. E.g. when PITR is turned off/on


  1. As the Step Functions are deployed using the CDK, the permissions assigned to the role assumed by the Step Function are scoped using the principle of least privilege. Also refer to the Ensure long term success section.
  2. Encryption at rest has been enabled where appropriate along with any required rules to enforce communication via encrypted channels (i.e. TLS).

More information

Ensure long term success

  • DO NOT directly modify the infrastructure deployed by CDK, this includes:
    • Roles and permissions
    • The SSM Parameters created by the Step Function, except for workflow-action state which allows you to PAUSE/RESET the workflow
    • The Lambda Function used by the Step Function
  • DO NOT pause or stop the Eventbridge Schedule that triggers the Step Function; use the workflow-action parameter instead


How do I enable PITR for this workflow to work?

PITR can be enabled via the AWS Console or the CLI. Note that enabling PITR incurs a cost, please use the AWS Cost Calculator to determine the charges based on your table size.

I get the error "Incremental export start time outside PITR window"

If you have successfully run the workflow in the past and since then disabled PITR and renabled it, you will get the error "Incremental export start time outside PITR window". To remediate this issue, set the /incremental-export/$DEPLOYMENT_ALIAS/workflow-action parameter to RESET_WITH_FULL_EXPORT_AGAIN. This allows the workflow to be reinitialized.

This is needed as there might be a gap in the time window when PITR was potentially not enabled, resulting in data loss. To ensure there is no data loss, a full export needs to be executed again, resulting in reinitialization of the workflow.

An incremental export has failed

The email sent upon failure will include details on cause. If the email contains a remedy attribute, you should follow those steps to execute an incremental export for the failed time period. If the remedy attribute is not included, that means the workflow should recover upon next run without any manual action. Note that your exports may fall behind.

What if my initial full export fails?

No worries. The full export flow will trigger automatically on the next scheduled run or alternatively you can trigger the step function manually after fixing the error.

Incremental exports falling behind

It may happen that your incremental exports fall behind new updates. For example, if you set the workflow-action state to PAUSE or if you stop the scheduler for any reason (which is not recommended) and resume at a later date, the incremental exports will start from the time you paused. This will result in the value of incrementalBlocksBehind to be more than 0. If this happens the Step Function is designed to automatically recover as it is invoked (via the EventBridge Scheduler) more frequently than the specified Export Window Size (incrementalExportWindowSizeInMinutes), specifically 1/3 of the specified window size. E.g. if your window size is 30 minutes, the EventBridge Scheduler is setup to run every 10 minutes. This allows the exports to catch-up.

Infrastructure was changed behind the scenes

Improper changes to the infrastructure can often be fixed by redeploying, such as:

  1. Accidental manual deletion/modification of the required roles or permissions
  2. Accidental manual deletion/modification of the S3 bucket or export data within the bucket
  3. Accidental manual deletion/modification of the needed Lambda function(s)

To redeploy, do the cdk destroy sequence as described in the cleanup section then the cdk deploy redployment sequence. You can keep your existing S3 data and it will be reused so long as you pass in the same bucket name dataExportBucketName and also prefix dataExportBucketPrefix.

Further troubleshooting

Further troubleshooting can be done via the Step Functions view in the AWS Console.

Executions over time

Provides insights into the role used by the Step Function, start and end time of each execution and it's status along with the name (guid). Executions over time

Execution detail

Drilling into each execution will provide you insight into the state transitions, input/output information, link to the logs and tracing information Execution detail


This repository is designed to allow a number of extension points without needing to dive deeper into the CDK.

Adding notifications

All notifications are sent to a single SNS topic with the schema:

  "properties": {
    "message": {
      "type": "string"
    "exportType": {
    "status": {
      "enum": ["SUCCESS", "FAILED"]
    "executionId": {
      "type": "string"
    "incrementalBlocksBehind": {
      "type": "integer"
    "startTime": {
      "type": "string"
    "endTime": {
      "type": "string"
    "exportStartTime": {
      "type": "string"
    "exportEndTime": {
      "type": "string"

And by default there are two email subscriptions setup to listen to SUCCESS and FAILED status messages respectively. More subscriptions can be added here to enable further dashboards and automation.

Flexibility with exports in S3

With the versatility with your DynamoDB exports in S3 you can choose to leverage a number of downstream AWS services to derive value from your exports, e.g. update an Apache Iceberg table or create a copy of your data for non-production use cases

Customize the workflow

With the flexibility of AWS Step Functions and CDK, fork the repository and feel free to customize the entire workflow based on your bespoke requirements. Let us know what customizations you create and there is always a possibility to incorporate those into the main repository.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.