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Deployment Instruction

Follow these instructions to deploy all components, including the web portal with its user interface, to your AWS account.

Supported AWS regions

The solution requires AWS AI services, including Amazon Bedrock, Amazon Rekognition and Amazon Transcribe, which are available in certain regions. Please choose one of the below AWS regions to deploy the CDK package.

US us-east-1 (N. Virginia)


  • If you don't have the AWS account administrator access, ensure your IAM role/user has permissions to create and manage the necessary resources and components for this solution.
  • Please check the numbers of VPCs already launched in the account region where you plan to deploy the solution. The default quota for VPCs per region in the us-east-1 is 5. If the VPCs limit has already been reached in the region, you will need to increase the quota limit (+1) before deployment. You can manage the quota increase yourself using the AWS console by navigating to the "Service Quotas" page.
  • In Amazon Bedrock, make sure you have access to the required models. Refer to this instruction for detail.

Install environment dependencies and set up authentication

💡 Skip if using CloudShell or AWS services that support bash commands from the same account (e.g., Cloud9). Required for self-managed environments like local desktops.
python -m ensurepip --upgrade
  • Install Python Virtual Environment
pip install virtualenv
  • Setup the AWS CLI authentication
aws configure                                                                     

Open CloudShell

If your CloudShell instance has older dependency libraries like npm or pip, it may cause deployment errors. To resolve this, click 'Actions' and choose 'Delete AWS CloudShell Home Directory' to start a fresh instance.

Deploy the CDK package using CloudShell

  1. Clone the source code from GitHub repo
git clone
cd media-analysis-policy-evaluation-framework
  1. Set up environment varaibles

Set environment variables as input parameters for the CDK deployment package:

CDK_INPUT_USER_EMAILS: Email address(es) for login to the web portal. They will receive temporary passwords.


Update the values with your target AWS account ID and the region where you intend to deploy the demo application.


CDK_INPUT_OPENSEARCH_CONFIG: Configure the size of the Amazon OpenSearch cluster, accepting either "Dev" or "Prod" as values with a default value set to "Dev".

  • Dev: suitable for development or testing environment. (No master node, 1 data node:
  • Prod: suitable for handling large volumes of video data. (3 master nodes:, 2 data nodes:
  1. Run in CloudShell to deploy the application to your AWS account with the parameters defined in step 2.
bash ./

Access the Web Portal

Once the deployment completes, you can find the website URL in the bash console. You can also find it in the CloudFormation console by checking the output in stack AwsContentAnalysisRootStack.

An email with a username and temporary password will be sent to the email(s) you provided in step 2. Users can use this information to log in to the web portal.

CloudFormation stack output

Access OpenSearch Dashboard

The solution deployed the OpenSearch service database into a private subnet. End users access the OpenSearch Dashboards via port forwarding in AWS Session Manager, eliminating the need to expose the SSH port to the internet.

CloudFormation stack output

Run the following command to access OpenSearch Dashboards, after replacing and to the values output by cdk.

aws ssm start-session --target <BastionHostId> --document-name AWS-StartPortForwardingSessionToRemoteHost --parameters '{"portNumber":["443"],"localPortNumber":["8157"], "host":["<OpenSearchDomainEndpoint>"]}'

After starting session, access https://localhost:8157/_dashboards in your browser. Warning may appear because the domain (*.[region] in the certificate is different from the domain (localhost) you access. Since this does not cause serious problems, continue accessing the site, and you will see OpenSearch Dashboards.

Refer to this instruction on how to install Amazon Session Manager on your local machine: instruction