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File metadata and controls

155 lines (138 loc) · 4.53 KB


ECS CLI currently only support one cluster configuration which results in a number of issues for the users:

  1. When customer switch clusters or regions within the same account, they need to reconfigure the setup.
  2. When customer is running two Jenkins builds simultaneously, the config file gets reconfigured while one job is still processing.
  3. When customers work as a team, each person has to run ecs-cli configure to configure the correct cluster and region.
  4. Everything (cluster name, region, creds) should be configurable via arguments or environment variables.


When users run ecs-cli configure, ECS CLI will configure their cluster configuration in ~/.ecs/ecs.config

default: beta
  - cluster: cli-demo
  - region: us-west-2
  - cluster: cli-demo2
  - region: us-west-1
  - ...

When users run ecs-cli configure profile, ECS CLI will configure their credentials in ~/.ecs/ecs.profile

default: my_profile
  - aws_access_key_id     : **********
  - aws_secret_access_key : **********
  - aws_access_key_id     : **********
  - aws_secret_access_key : **********
  - ...

Other commands will have additional flags

  • --cluster-config
  • --cluster
  • --region
  • --aws-profile (this is --profile today)
  • --ecs-profile


Single cluster first run

  1. Configure ECS credentials (Stores in ~/.ecs/ecs.profile)
    ecs-cli configure  profile --access-key ********** --secret-key ********** --profile-name my_profile
  2. Configure cluster (Stores in ~/.ecs/ecs.config)
    ecs-cli configure --cluster cli-demo --region us-west-2 --config-name beta_config
  3. Spin up a cluster
    ecs-cli up
  4. Run tasks
    ecs-cli compose up

Single cluster second run

  1. Configure another ECS profile
    ecs-cli configure  profile --access-key ********** --secret-key ********** --profile-name gamma_profile
  2. Set default ECS profile
    ecs-cli configure profile default --profile-name gamma_profile
  3. Configure another cluster
    ecs-cli configure --cluster cli-demo --region us-west-2 --config-name gamma_config
  4. Set default cluster
    ecs-cli configure default --config-name gamma_config
  5. Spin up a cluster
    ecs-cli up
  6. Run tasks
    ecs-cli compose up

Multiple clusters

  1. Configure ECS profile
    ecs-cli configure  profile --access-key ********** --secret-key ********** --profile-name my_profile
  2. Configure and spin up the first cluster
    ecs-cli configure --cluster cli-demo --region us-west-2 --config-name beta_config
    ecs-cli up --cluster-config beta_config
  3. Configure and spin up a second cluster
    ecs-cli configure --cluster cli-demo2 --region us-west-2 --config-name prod_config
    ecs-cli up --cluster-config prod_config
  4. Run tasks on different clusters
    ecs-cli compose up --cluster-config beta_config
    ecs-cli compose up --cluster-config beta_config
  5. Do the same on a different account
    ecs-cli configure  profile --access-key ********** --secret-key ********** --profile-name prod_profile
    ecs-cli up --cluster-config prod_config --ecs-profile prod_profile
    ecs-cli compose up --cluster-config prod_config --ecs-profile prod_profile
  6. Do the same with AWS profile
    ecs-cli up --cluster-config prod_config --aws-profile default
    ecs-cli compose up --cluster-config prod_config --aws-profile default


Does not need to configure cluster

  1. Configure ECS profile
    ecs-cli configure  profile --access-key ********** --secret-key ********** --profile-name my_profile
  2. Cluster PS
    ecs-cli ps --cluster cli-demo --region us-west-2 --ecs-profile my_profile
  3. Do the same with AWS profile
    ecs-cli ps --cluster cli-demo --region us-west-2 --aws-profile default