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Crash in OTA agent in function prvPublishStatusMessage() #3110

bgklika opened this issue Apr 21, 2021 · 9 comments

Crash in OTA agent in function prvPublishStatusMessage() #3110

bgklika opened this issue Apr 21, 2021 · 9 comments


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bgklika commented Apr 21, 2021

Describe the bug
When we doing receiving of OTA job block
if is possible to use NULL pointer from pxAgentCtx->pcOTA_Singleton_ActiveJobName in prvPublishStatusMessage()

When couple of blocks are received (even when duplicate) but writing to file/flash failed in function prvProcessDataHandler() code block
/* Free any remaining string memory holding the job name since this job is done. */ if( xOTA_Agent.pcOTA_Singleton_ActiveJobName != NULL ) { vPortFree( xOTA_Agent.pcOTA_Singleton_ActiveJobName ); xOTA_Agent.pcOTA_Singleton_ActiveJobName = NULL; }
is called.
Same time next block can be already received and next task cycle will be processed by same prvProcessDataHandler() and code
xErr = xOTA_ControlInterface.prvUpdateJobStatus( &xOTA_Agent, eJobStatus_FailedWithVal, ( int32_t ) xCloseResult, ( int32_t ) xResult );
will called.
Unfortunately prvPublishStatusMessage() called from prvUpdateJobStatus_Mqtt() do not check pxAgentCtx->pcOTA_Singleton_ActiveJobName (and pxAgentCtx->pcThingName too ) before execute code block:
` /* Try to build the dynamic job status topic . */
ulTopicLen = ( uint32_t ) snprintf( pcTopicBuffer, /*lint -e586 Intentionally using snprintf. */
sizeof( pcTopicBuffer ),
pxAgentCtx->pcOTA_Singleton_ActiveJobName );

In result exception is occured.

System information

  • Which hardware board or part numbers?

  • IDE used
    ESP-IDF 3.3

  • Operating System [Windows|Linux|MacOS]

  • Version of FreeRTOS (run git describe --tags to find it)

  • Project
    Custom Application

  • If your project is a Custom Application, please add the relevant code snippet in the section Code to reproduce the bug.
    No need special code

Expected behavior
Even OTA image is bad, or network connection is not stable application should not crash.

Screenshots or console output
Log output:
`3671 137397 [OTA Agent Task] [prvRequestFileBlock_Mqtt] OK: $aws/things/ac:67:b2:6e:81:4c/streams/AFR_OTA-61976ca5-1a73-4568-aebb-85536f0be3f1/get/cbor
3672 137397 [OTA Agent Task] [prvExecuteHandler] Called handler. Current State [WaitingForFileBlock] Event [RequestFileBlock] New state [WaitingForFileBlock]
3673 137494 [OTA Agent Task] [prvIngestDataBlock] Received file block 478, size 4096
3674 137505 [OTA Agent Task] [prvIngestDataBlock] Remaining: 103
3675 137505 [OTA Agent Task] [prvExecuteHandler] Called handler. Current State [WaitingForFileBlock] Event [ReceivedFileBlock] New state [WaitingForFileBlock]
3676 137508 [OTA Agent Task] [prvRequestFileBlock_Mqtt] OK: $aws/things/ac:67:b2:6e:81:4c/streams/AFR_OTA-61976ca5-1a73-4568-aebb-85536f0be3f1/get/cbor
3677 137508 [OTA Agent Task] [prvExecuteHandler] Called handler. Current State [WaitingForFileBlock] Event [RequestFileBlock] New state [WaitingForFileBlock]
3678 137596 [OTA Agent Task] [prvIngestDataBlock] Received file block 478, size 4096
3679 137597 [OTA Agent Task] [prvIngestDataBlock] block 478 is a DUPLICATE. 103 blocks remaining.
3680 137597 [OTA Agent Task] [prvExecuteHandler] Called handler. Current State [WaitingForFileBlock] Event [ReceivedFileBlock] New state [WaitingForFileBlock]
3681 137600 [OTA Agent Task] [prvRequestFileBlock_Mqtt] OK: $aws/things/ac:67:b2:6e:81:4c/streams/AFR_OTA-61976ca5-1a73-4568-aebb-85536f0be3f1/get/cbor
3682 137600 [OTA Agent Task] [prvExecuteHandler] Called handler. Current State [WaitingForFileBlock] Event [RequestFileBlock] New state [WaitingForFileBlock]
3683 137694 [OTA Agent Task] [prvIngestDataBlock] Received file block 479, size 4096
3684 137704 [OTA Agent Task] [prvIngestDataBlock] Remaining: 102
3685 137705 [OTA Agent Task] [prvExecuteHandler] Called handler. Current State [WaitingForFileBlock] Event [ReceivedFileBlock] New state [WaitingForFileBlock]
3686 137708 [OTA Agent Task] [prvRequestFileBlock_Mqtt] OK: $aws/things/ac:67:b2:6e:81:4c/streams/AFR_OTA-61976ca5-1a73-4568-aebb-85536f0be3f1/get/cbor
3687 137708 [OTA Agent Task] [prvExecuteHandler] Called handler. Current State [WaitingForFileBlock] Event [RequestFileBlock] New state [WaitingForFileBlock]
3688 137795 [OTA Agent Task] [prvIngestDataBlock] Received file block 479, size 4096
3689 137795 [OTA Agent Task] [prvIngestDataBlock] block 479 is a DUPLICATE. 102 blocks remaining.
3690 137796 [OTA Agent Task] [prvExecuteHandler] Called handler. Current State [WaitingForFileBlock] Event [ReceivedFileBlock] New state [WaitingForFileBlock]
3691 137799 [OTA Agent Task] [prvRequestFileBlock_Mqtt] OK: $aws/things/ac:67:b2:6e:81:4c/streams/AFR_OTA-61976ca5-1a73-4568-aebb-85536f0be3f1/get/cbor
3692 137799 [OTA Agent Task] [prvExecuteHandler] Called handler. Current State [WaitingForFileBlock] Event [RequestFileBlock] New state [WaitingForFileBlock]
E (138064) ota_pal: Couldn't flash at the offset 1966080
I (138065) ota_pal: prvPAL_SetPlatformImageState, 3
W (138065) ota_pal: Set image as invalid!
I (138070) esp_ota_ops: aws_esp_ota_get_boot_flags: 1
I (138076) esp_ota_ops: [0] aflags/seq:0x2/0x1, pflags/seq:0xffffffff/0x0
I (138083) esp_ota_ops: aws_esp_ota_set_boot_flags: 3 0
I (138089) esp_ota_ops: [1] aflags/seq:0xffffffff/0x0, pflags/seq:0x2/0x1
3693 137898 [OTA Agent Task] [prvIngestDataBlock] Received file block 480, size 4096
3694 137900 [OTA Agent Task] [prvIngestDataBlock] Error (-1) writing file block
3695 137900 [OTA Agent Task] [prvStopRequestTimer] Stopping request timer.
3696 137900 [OTA Agent Task] [prvProcessDataMessage] Aborting due to IngestResult_t error -9
3697 138053 [OTA Agent Task] [prvPublishStatusMessage] Msg: {"status":"FAILED","statusDetails":{"reason":"0x27000000: 0xfffffff7"}}
E (138466) ota_pal: Couldn't flash at the offset 1966080
I (138468) ota_pal: prvPAL_SetPlatformImageState, 3
W (138468) ota_pal: Set image as invalid!
I (138472) esp_ota_ops: aws_esp_ota_get_boot_flags: 1
I (138478) esp_ota_ops: [0] aflags/seq:0x2/0x1, pflags/seq:0x3/0x0
I (138485) esp_ota_ops: aws_esp_ota_set_boot_flags: 3 0
I (138491) esp_ota_ops: [1] aflags/seq:0x3/0x0, pflags/seq:0x2/0x1
3698 138295 [OTA Agent Task] [prvPublishStatusMessage] 'FAILED' to $aws/things/ac:67:b2:6e:81:4c/jobs/AFR_OTA-2c6e8e81-8e7b-46de-9fa5-c996dae3577d/update
3699 138300 [OTA Agent Task] [DEBUG][SPRKPLG_PROC][138300] Sparkplug context updated flag set
3700 138300 [OTA Agent Task] [INFO ][OTA MGR][138300] Received eOTA_JobEvent_Fail callback from OTA Agent.

3701 138300 [OTA Agent Task] [prvExecuteHandler] Called handler. Current State [WaitingForFileBlock] Event [ReceivedFileBlock] New state [WaitingForFileBlock]
3702 138301 [OTA Agent Task] [prvIngestDataBlock] Received file block 480, size 4096
3703 138302 [OTA Agent Task] [prvIngestDataBlock] Error (-1) writing file block
3704 138302 [OTA Agent Task] [prvStopRequestTimer] Stopping request timer.
3705 138303 [OTA Agent Task] [prvProcessDataMessage] Aborting due to IngestResult_t error -9
3706 138377 [appCoreTask] [DEBUG][SPRKPLG_PROC][138377] UpdateWiFiMetricsPeriodic
3707 138381 [appCoreTask] [DEBUG][SPRKPLG_PROC][138381] Publishing NDATA message. Attempt #1
Guru Meditation Error: Core 0 panic'ed (LoadProhibited). Exception was unhandled.
Core 0 register dump:
PC : 0x400014fd PS : 0x00060130 A0 : 0x800da444 A1 : 0x3fffbf70
A2 : 0x00000000 A3 : 0xfffffffc A4 : 0x000000ff A5 : 0x0000ff00
A6 : 0x00ff0000 A7 : 0xff000000 A8 : 0x00000000 A9 : 0x00000011
A10 : 0x3fffc35c A11 : 0x3ffbf7d8 A12 : 0x3fffc36d A13 : 0x00010000
A14 : 0x00000001 A15 : 0x00000005 SAR : 0x00000013 EXCCAUSE: 0x0000001c
EXCVADDR: 0x00000000 LBEG : 0x400014fd LEND : 0x4000150d LCOUNT : 0xffffffff

ELF file SHA256: 40c8cf172026c04b

Backtrace: 0x400014fd:0x3fffbf70 0x400da441:0x3fffbf80 0x400d84da:0x3fffc290 0x4011abec:0x3fffc350 0x4011aed3:0x3fffc470 0x40118f85:0x3fffc510 0x40117b11:0x3fffc540 0x40118d76:0x3fffc560
0x400da441: _svfprintf_r at /Users/ivan/e/newlib_xtensa-2.2.0-bin/newlib_xtensa-2.2.0/xtensa-esp32-elf/newlib/libc/stdio/../../../.././newlib/libc/stdio/vfprintf.c:1529

0x400d84da: snprintf at /Users/ivan/e/newlib_xtensa-2.2.0-bin/newlib_xtensa-2.2.0/xtensa-esp32-elf/newlib/libc/stdio/../../../.././newlib/libc/stdio/snprintf.c:116

0x4011abec: prvPublishStatusMessage at H:/Work/Klika-tech/Cubic/sources/crrr-cbcq/esp32_firmware/src/amazon-freertos/libraries/freertos_plus/aws/ota/src/mqtt/aws_iot_ota_mqtt.c:395

0x4011aed3: prvUpdateJobStatus_Mqtt at H:/Work/Klika-tech/Cubic/sources/crrr-cbcq/esp32_firmware/src/amazon-freertos/libraries/freertos_plus/aws/ota/src/mqtt/aws_iot_ota_mqtt.c:768

0x40118f85: prvProcessDataHandler at H:/Work/Klika-tech/Cubic/sources/crrr-cbcq/esp32_firmware/src/amazon-freertos/libraries/freertos_plus/aws/ota/src/aws_iot_ota_agent.c:3331

0x40117b11: prvExecuteHandler at H:/Work/Klika-tech/Cubic/sources/crrr-cbcq/esp32_firmware/src/amazon-freertos/libraries/freertos_plus/aws/ota/src/aws_iot_ota_agent.c:3331

0x40118d76: prvOTAAgentTask at H:/Work/Klika-tech/Cubic/sources/crrr-cbcq/esp32_firmware/src/amazon-freertos/libraries/freertos_plus/aws/ota/src/aws_iot_ota_agent.c:3331


To reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create OTA image which is bigger than flash bank side
  2. Start the OTA job for the device
  3. Waiting until block starts to downloaded
  4. Interrupt network connection for a while for example by unplug/plug internet cable from Wi-Fi router.
  5. Looking in device log for block duplicates and after that (when block tried to be written outside flash bank) - crash.

Code to FIX the bug
Please find the patch here

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Thank you for reporting this. We are working on reproducing and fixing it.

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dFohlen commented May 27, 2021

Hello @pvyawaha ,

I don't know if it's the same problem but the OTA agent keeps crashing after starting up. We are using AWS FreeRTOS (v202012.00) with an ESP32 board and the aws_iot_ota_agent.h.

I (6636) MAIN: <main> start ota update task
I (6636) MQTT: <constructor> creating mqtt agent
I (6636) MQTT: <connect> connecting to broker
6 907 [iot_thread] [INFO ][MQTT][9070] Establishing new MQTT connection.
7 907 [iot_thread] [INFO ][MQTT][9070] (MQTT connection 0x3ffdb920, CONNECT operation 0x3ffdc6a8) Waiting for operation completion.
8 922 [NetRecv] [INFO] [MQTT] [core_mqtt_serializer.c:970]
9 922 [NetRecv] CONNACK session present bit not set.10 922 [NetRecv]
11 922 [NetRecv] [INFO] [MQTT] [core_mqtt_serializer.c:912] 
12 922 [NetRecv] Connection accepted.13 922 [NetRecv]
14 923 [iot_thread] [INFO ][MQTT][9230] (MQTT connection 0x3ffdb920, CONNECT operation 0x3ffdc6a8) Wait complete with result SUCCESS.
15 925 [iot_thread] [INFO ][MQTT][9250] New MQTT connection 0x3ffd941c established.
I (9326) MQTT: <connect> connected!
I (9336) OTA_UPDATE: <run ota agent> init ota agent
16 928 [iot_thread] [OTA_AgentInit_internal] OTA Task is Ready.
I (9356) ota_pal: prvPAL_GetPlatformImageState
I (9356) esp_ota_ops: aws_esp_ota_get_boot_flags: 1
I (9356) esp_ota_ops: [0] aflags/seq:0x2/0x1, pflags/seq:0xffffffff/0x0
Guru Meditation Error: Core  0 panic'ed (LoadProhibited). Exception was unhandled.
Core 0 register dump:
PC      : 0x4008b453  PS      : 0x00060f33  A0      : 0x8008a372  A1      : 0x3ffea260
0x4008b453: uxListRemove at /Volumes/Workspace/amazon-freertos/freertos_kernel/list.c:187

A2      : 0x0000001d  A3      : 0x3ffea510  A4      : 0x00000001  A5      : 0x00000001
A6      : 0x00000000  A7      : 0x3ffea3e0  A8      : 0x8008899f  A9      : 0x3ffea240
A10     : 0x00000000  A11     : 0x3ffd941c  A12     : 0x3ffea510  A13     : 0x00000001
A14     : 0x00000001  A15     : 0x00000000  SAR     : 0x00000004  EXCCAUSE: 0x0000001c
EXCVADDR: 0x0000002d  LBEG    : 0x400014fd  LEND    : 0x4000150d  LCOUNT  : 0xfffffff6

ELF file SHA256: 7ead7b3026c3d43b

Backtrace: 0x4008b453:0x3ffea260 0x4008a36f:0x3ffea280 0x40089a7c:0x3ffea2a0 0x40184793:0x3ffea2e0 0x401847ad:0x3ffea300 0x40104787:0x3ffea320 0x401062bd:0x3ffea350 0x40104d8a:0x3ffea370 0x40104f99:0x3ffea3b0 0x4010554c:0x3ffea3e0 0x40103641:0x3ffea410 0x401039c9:0x3ffea550 0x40101e68:0x3ffea6e0 0x401007ce:0x3ffea710 0x40101aa2:0x3ffea730
0x4008b453: uxListRemove at /Volumes/Workspace/amazon-freertos/freertos_kernel/list.c:187

0x4008a36f: xTaskRemoveFromEventList at /Volumes/Workspace/amazon-freertos/freertos_kernel/tasks.c:5248 (discriminator 4)

0x40089a7c: xQueueSemaphoreTake at /Volumes/Workspace/amazon-freertos/freertos_kernel/queue.c:2429

0x40184793: prIotMutexTimedLock at /Volumes/Workspace/amazon-freertos/libraries/abstractions/platform/freertos/iot_threads_freertos.c:318

0x401847ad: IotMutex_Lock at /Volumes/Workspace/amazon-freertos/libraries/abstractions/platform/freertos/iot_threads_freertos.c:318

0x40104787: _IotMqtt_IncrementConnectionReferences at /Volumes/Workspace/amazon-freertos/libraries/c_sdk/standard/mqtt/src/iot_mqtt_api.c:758

0x401062bd: _IotMqtt_CreateOperation at /Volumes/Workspace/amazon-freertos/libraries/c_sdk/standard/mqtt/src/iot_mqtt_operation.c:355

0x40104d8a: _subscriptionCommon at /Volumes/Workspace/amazon-freertos/libraries/c_sdk/standard/mqtt/src/iot_mqtt_api.c:635

0x40104f99: IotMqtt_Subscribe at /Volumes/Workspace/amazon-freertos/libraries/c_sdk/standard/mqtt/src/iot_mqtt_api.c:1491

0x4010554c: IotMqtt_TimedSubscribe at /Volumes/Workspace/amazon-freertos/libraries/c_sdk/standard/mqtt/src/iot_mqtt_api.c:1515

0x40103641: prvSubscribeToJobNotificationTopics at /Volumes/Workspace/amazon-freertos/libraries/freertos_plus/aws/ota/src/mqtt/aws_iot_ota_mqtt.c:173

0x401039c9: prvRequestJob_Mqtt at /Volumes/Workspace/amazon-freertos/libraries/freertos_plus/aws/ota/src/mqtt/aws_iot_ota_mqtt.c:659

0x40101e68: prvRequestJobHandler at /Volumes/Workspace/amazon-freertos/libraries/freertos_plus/aws/ota/src/aws_iot_ota_agent.c:3179

0x401007ce: prvExecuteHandler at /Volumes/Workspace/amazon-freertos/libraries/freertos_plus/aws/ota/src/aws_iot_ota_agent.c:3179

0x40101aa2: prvOTAAgentTask at /Volumes/Workspace/amazon-freertos/libraries/freertos_plus/aws/ota/src/aws_iot_ota_agent.c:3179

ets Jun  8 2016 00:22:57

rst:0xc (SW_CPU_RESET),boot:0x32 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:2
entry 0x40080778
I (73) boot: Chip Revision: 1
I (73) boot_comm: chip revision: 1, min. bootloader chip revision: 0
I (39) boot: ESP-IDF f0ea047 2nd stage bootloader
I (39) boot: compile time 13:41:27
I (40) boot: Enabling RNG early entropy source...
I (44) boot: SPI Speed      : 40MHz
I (49) boot: SPI Mode       : DIO
I (52) boot: SPI Flash Size : 4MB
I (57) boot: Partition Table:
I (60) boot: ## Label            Usage          Type ST Offset   Length
I (67) boot:  0 nvs              WiFi data        01 02 00010000 00006000
I (75) boot:  1 otadata          OTA data         01 00 00016000 00002000
I (82) boot:  2 phy_init         RF data          01 01 00018000 00001000
I (90) boot:  3 ota_0            OTA app          00 10 00020000 00177000
I (97) boot:  4 ota_1            OTA app          00 11 001a0000 00177000
I (105) boot:  5 storage          WiFi data        01 02 00317000 00010000
I (112) boot: End of partition table
I (117) boot: ota rollback check done
I (121) boot_comm: chip revision: 1, min. application chip revision: 0
I (128) esp_image: segment 0: paddr=0x00020020 vaddr=0x3f400020 size=0x4b640 (308800) map
I (246) esp_image: segment 1: paddr=0x0006b668 vaddr=0x3ffbdb60 size=0x03524 ( 13604) load
I (251) esp_image: segment 2: paddr=0x0006eb94 vaddr=0x40080000 size=0x00400 (  1024) load
0x40080000: _WindowOverflow4 at /Volumes/Workspace/amazon-freertos/freertos_kernel/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Xtensa_ESP32_IDF3/xtensa_vectors.S:1713

I (253) esp_image: segment 3: paddr=0x0006ef9c vaddr=0x40080400 size=0x01074 (  4212) load
I (263) esp_image: segment 4: paddr=0x00070018 vaddr=0x400d0018 size=0xd93e8 (889832) map
0x400d0018: _flash_cache_start at ??:?

I (582) esp_image: segment 5: paddr=0x00149408 vaddr=0x40081474 size=0x147dc ( 83932) load
0x40081474: _xt_user_exc at /Volumes/Workspace/amazon-freertos/freertos_kernel/portable/ThirdParty/GCC/Xtensa_ESP32_IDF3/xtensa_vectors.S:670

System information

  • Which hardware board or part numbers?

  • IDE used
    ESP-IDF 3.3

  • Operating System [Windows|Linux|MacOS]

  • Version of FreeRTOS (run git describe --tags to find it)

  • Project
    Custom Application

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Hello @dFohlen,

Are you running the OTA demo as it is or integrated with your application ? Are you also sharing the connection for other MQTT operations?

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Hello @bgklika ,

We are working on integrating the LTS OTA library in this repo and will be verifying the issue.

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dFohlen commented Jun 14, 2021

Hi @pvyawaha,

Thanks for the answer

Are you running the OTA demo as it is or integrated with your application ?

Integrated, but it's mainly copied from the test sources:

static OTA_ConnectionContext_t xOTAConnContext = { nullptr, nullptr, nullptr };

static auto CompleteCallback(OTA_JobEvent_t aEvent) -> void
  ESP_LOGI(TAG, "<complete callback> event: %i", aEvent);

auto RunOtaAgent(std::string const& aThingName) -> bool
  OTA_State_t eOtaStatus = eOTA_AgentState_Init;
  TickType_t xTicksToWait = pdMS_TO_TICKS(otatestAGENT_INIT_WAIT);
  xOTAConnContext.pvControlClient = MQTT::Get()->mMqttClientHandle;

  ESP_LOGI(TAG, "<run ota agent> init agent");
  if (eOtaStatus = OTA_AgentInit(&xOTAConnContext, (const uint8_t*)aThingName.c_str(), CompleteCallback, xTicksToWait); eOtaStatus != eOTA_AgentState_Ready)
    ESP_LOGE(TAG, "<run ota agent> failed to init ota agent");
    return false;

  // Wait for OTA agent to transit to eOTA_AgentState_WaitingForJob state.
  while ((xTicksToWait > 0U) && (eOtaStatus != eOTA_AgentState_WaitingForJob))
    ESP_LOGI(TAG, "<run ota agent> agent state: %i", eOtaStatus);
    eOtaStatus = OTA_GetAgentState();

  return true;

Are you also sharing the connection for other MQTT operations?

Not currently (in this example), but we want to use the OTA agent for that.

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Hello ,

Do you still see the issues with latest version of the library or can this ticket closed?

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bgklika commented Dec 16, 2021

I have fixed that bug locally via patch before reporting the issue. If bug actually resolved in main repo you could close the issue.

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dFohlen commented Dec 16, 2021

I've fixed it too. After updating to ESP-IDF 4.2 and using the MQTT + OTA agent, the problem no longer occurred.

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Thank you , closing this issue.

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