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781 lines (675 loc) · 28.7 KB


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781 lines (675 loc) · 28.7 KB


3.20.10 (2023-09-15)

  • Removed Docker-compose as a dependancy
  • Fixed Codebuild image bug

3.20.9 (2023-08-31)

  • Updated botocore requirement to >1.23.41,<1.32.0
  • Updated six requirement to >=1.11.0,<1.17.0
  • Update dependabot configuration to only update minor version
  • Bug fix for Cloudformation pagination token

3.20.8 (2023-08-15)

  • Updated botocore requirement to >1.23.41,<1.31.27
  • Updated urllib3 requirement to >=1.26.5,<2
  • Updated docker-compose requirement to >= 1.25.2, <= 1.29.2
  • Updated PyYAML requirement to >=5.3.1,<6.1

3.20.7 (2023-06-21)

  • Updated botocore requirement to >1.23.41,<1.29.159
  • Updated requests requirement to >2.31
  • Updated .gitignore
  • Updated LauchedAt Attribute for DescribeInstancesHealth

3.20.6 (2023-04-11)

  • Updated botocore requirement to >1.23.41,<1.29.100
  • Fixed platforms bug
  • Fixed Codebuild bug
  • Fixed Symlink and Performance Issues

3.20.5 (2023-02-28)

  • Updated botocore requirement to >1.23.41,<1.29.82
  • Include requirements.txt into pypi distribution tarball

3.20.4 (2023-02-27)

  • Updated botocore requirement to >1.23.41,<1.29.81
  • Removed usage of future package
  • Opened new regions (ap-southeast-3 and ap-northeast-3)
  • Fixed symlinked files related issues
  • Fixed modules related issues
  • Fixed several unit tests
  • Fixed Docker AL2 platform Notfound bug
  • Integrated codecommit in new regions (eu-south-1,ap-northeast-3, af-south-1)
  • Updated eb create command to create application elb as default
  • Updated to display full results when --version flag is specified

3.20.3 (2022-01-21)

  • Updated botocore requirement to >1.23.41,<1.24.0
  • Updated pathspec requirement to ==0.9.0
  • Increased timestamp precision of version label
  • Fix ssh bugs

3.20.2 (2021-08-30)

  • Updated urllib3 requirement to >=1.26.5

3.20.1 (2021-07-13)

  • Changed IAM document for China region
  • Updated botocore requirement to >=1.21.0,<1.22.0

3.20.0 (2021-06-09)

  • Updated PyYAML requirement to >=5.3.1,<5.5
  • Updated default log group for AL2 platforms
  • Added two new options for config command
  • Added a new command appversion to create application versions without deployment
  • Replaced default service role policy

3.19.4 (2021-03-11)

  • Updated botocore requirement to >=1.19.0,<1.21.0
  • Updated requests requirement to >=2.20.1,<=2.26
  • Updated semantic_version requirement to 2.8.5
  • Updated six requirement to >=1.11.0,<1.15.0
  • Updated platform lookup logic for eb config put command
  • Updated docker build command to use tags

3.19.3 (2021-01-15)

  • Fixed UnicodeDecode error causing eb logs and eb appversion command to fail
  • Updated success event look up logic for eb logs command

3.19.2 (2020-10-26)

  • Updated botocore requirement to >=1.19.0,<1.20.0
  • Updated coloroma requirement to >=0.2.5,<0.4.4
  • Updated python-dateutil requirement to >=2.1,<3.0.0
  • Updated requests requirement to >=2.20.1,<=2.24
  • Updated six requirement to >=1.12.0,<=1.15.0
  • Updated urllib3 requirement to >=1.25.4,<1.25.8/1.26

3.19.1 (2020-10-15)

  • Fixed bug that caused eb logs --all/--zip to fail for AL2 platforms

3.19.0 (2020-09-08)

  • Added support for shared application load balancer during environment creation
  • Added --shared-lb and --shared-lb-port arguments to the eb create command
  • Removed default value of elb-type for non-interactive create environment flow
  • Updated botocore requirement to >=1.17,<1.18
  • Updated pytest-cov requirement to <=2.9

3.18.2 (2020-07-06)

  • Ignore socket files during app version creation
  • Add platform branch support to eb local run
  • Set default value of elb-type to "application"
  • Check for security-group ssh rule before attempting to create one
  • Fix fetch logic for CodeCommit branches
  • Add fallback for regions with unknown CodeCommit support
  • Unify boolean prompts to use a single implementation

3.18.1 (2020-04-28)

  • Added af-south-1 (Cape Town) region
  • Added eu-south-1 (Milano) region
  • Fixed bug causing eb logs command to fail when logs contain unicode characters
  • Fixed bug that caused eb platform list to fail in un-initialized directory

3.18.0 (2020-04-09)

  • Updated eb init command's --platform option to accept platform branch names
  • Updated eb init command's interactive platform menus to derive menu items from platform branches
  • Updated eb init command to display platform end-of-life alerts based on platform branch lifecycle state
  • Updated eb create --platform option to accept platform branch names
  • Updated eb create command to display platform end-of-life alerts based on platform branch lifecycle state
  • Updated eb platform select command's interactive menus to derive menu items from platform branches
  • Updated eb platform select command to display platform end-of-life alerts based on platform branch lifecycle state
  • Updated eb deploy command to display platform end-of-life alerts based on platform branch lifecycle state
  • Updated eb status command to display platform end-of-life alerts based on platform branch lifecycle state
  • Improving performance of .ebignore lookup
  • Upgrading botocore requirement to resolve awscli conflict
  • Upgrading pyyaml requirement to resolve awscli conflict
  • Upgrading colorama requirement to resolve awscli conflict

3.17.1 (2020-01-22)

  • Updated botocore requirement to >=1.14.0,<1.15
  • Updated PyYAML requirement to >=5.2,<5.3
  • Updated docker-compose requirement to >=1.25.2,<1.26.0

3.17.0 (2019-12-20)

  • Added --on-demand-base-capacity and --on-demand-above-base-capacity arguments to the eb create command
  • Added --min-instances and --max-instances arguments to the eb create command
  • Added ability to create a single instance spot environment

3.16.0 (2019-11-22)

  • Added support for spot fleet requests during environment creation
  • Updated botocore requirement to >1.13.0,<1.14
  • Updated python-dateutil requirement to >=2.1,<2.8.1

3.15.3 (2019-07-18)

  • Added me-south-1 Middle East (Bahrain) region
  • Added --timeout argument to the eb restore command

3.15.2 (2019-05-22)

  • Added ap-east-1 China (Hong Kong) region

3.15.1 (2019-05-15)

  • Fixed bug that rejected the eb platform list --region ... command in an un-initialized directory

3.15.0 (2019-04-04)

  • Added ability to tag applications through eb init
  • Added ability to tag configuration templates through eb config save
  • Added ability to tag custom platforms through eb platform create
  • Added support to tag resources with ARNs through the --resource argument of eb tags

3.14.13 (2019-02-22)

  • Fix Python 2.7 EBCLI breakage

3.14.12 (2019-02-22)

  • Fixed eb init behaviour so that AWS credentials environment variables are checked before assuming "eb-cli" profile
  • Updated pathspec requirement to 0.5.9
  • Introduced direct dependency on wcwidth>=0.1.7,<0.2.0

3.14.11 (2019-02-07)

  • Fixed behaviour of eb commands whereby error events were being classified as successful
  • Fixed bug that rejected --profile argument in favor of environment variables representing credentials
  • Fixed bug that caused eb create/deploy to abort following failure to delete temporary application versions directory

3.14.10 (2019-01-21)

  • Introduced direct dependency on requests>=2.20.1,<2.21
  • Fixed bug that failed --source arguments with '/'s in the branch name

3.14.9 (2019-01-09)

  • Updated urllib3 requirement to >=1.24.1,<1.25
  • Updated docker-compose requirement to >=1.23.2,<1.24
  • Updated botocore requirement to >=1.12.29,<1.13
  • Updated six requirement to >=1.11.0,<1.12.0
  • Added ability to reference CodeCommit branch names containing '/'s

3.14.8 (2018-12-12)

  • Added eu-north-1 EU (Stockholm) region

3.14.7 (2018-12-03)

  • Fixed Python 2.7 Unicode tag deletion bug
  • Fixed bug that suggests unavailable CNAME to customers
  • Fixed logic to handle exceptions without error messages
  • Fixed bug that avoids showing region list during eb init
  • Fixed bug that fails to invoke CodeCommit credential helper on Windows
  • Fixed failure to create empty README file in CodeCommit Git repository on Windows
  • Modified ALB to be the default load balancer during eb create
  • Modified NLB to be available in the China regions
  • Modified eb ssh logic to use PrivateIpAddress rather than PrivateDnsName

3.14.6 (2018-09-11)

  • Added --timeout argument to the eb platform create command
  • Added --timeout argument to the eb ssh --setup command
  • Passed serviceId as a parameter to the botocore-managed service models patched by the EBCLI
  • Removed dependency on tabulate
  • Restricted urllib3 requirement to range >1.21,<1.23 to resolve dependency incompatibility between botocore and requests
  • Updated botocore requirement to >=1.12.1,<1.13

3.14.5 (2018-09-07)

  • Restricted botocore version to the range <1.12 to avoid incompatibility with the EBCLI

3.14.4 (2018-08-16)

  • Fixed eb platform --help and ebp --help usage texts to show all available commands and subcommands regardless of workspace type
  • Fixed eb create and eb deploy behavior in cases where customer-specified timeout values are rejected

3.14.3 (2018-07-18)

  • Changed eb health table on non-Windows platforms to use Unicode U+25C4 and U+25BA for left and right arrow characters rather than U+25C0 and U+25B6 respectively
  • Updated pyyaml version requirement to the range >=3.10,<=3.13 to enable usage of the EBCLI with Python 3.7.0
  • Added logic to show UTC timestamps for all event text output of all eb commands which wait on the Beanstalk service
  • Fixed bug in the interactive flow of eb create requiring customers to specify vpc.publicip, vpc.elbsubnets and vpc.elbpublic arguments for --tier type "worker"
  • Fixed bug in the interactive flow of eb create requiring customers to specify vpc.elbsubnets and vpc.elbpublic arguments for single-instance environments

3.14.2 (2018-07-03)

  • Amended solution stack precedence logic to prefer Amazon GlassFish to equivalent Debian GlassFish platforms
  • Fixed exceptions not inheriting from EBCLIException to force eb to exit with return code 4
  • Fixed ability to create application versions from directories greater than 4GB in size
  • Fixed eb health on Windows
  • Fixed eb swap failure which occurs when executing without arguments
  • Removed support for usage of the EBCLI through py2exe
  • Restricted pyyaml version to the range >=3.10,<=3.12 to be compatible with docker-compose and aws

3.14.1 (2018-06-11)

  • Added eu-west-3 (Paris) CodeCommit support
  • Prevented selection of ELB type in the interactive mode of eb create for worker-tier environments
  • Updated version of colorama

3.14.0 (2018-06-04)

  • Added docker-compose as a dependency
  • Added python-dateutil as a dependency
  • Removed direct dependencies on docker, dockerpty, docopt, requests, and websocket-client
  • Added logic to poll logs#describe_log_groups to wait for Custom Platform Builder log-group creation
  • Fixed eb clone bug which occurs while setting CNAME of cloned environment
  • Fixed eb deploy --modules ... bug which occurs when attempting to print failure message of elasticbeanstalk#compose_environments

3.13.0 (2018-05-15)

  • Added ability to enable streaming environment-health logs to CloudWatch
  • Added explicit dependency on Python package docker
  • Fixed environment variables parsing logic during eb create
  • Fixed eb health for environments using basic health and an ELBV2 load balancer
  • Fixed eb logs behavior to choose an incorrect default log group for Windows platforms
  • Fixed eb platform delete's inability to delete custom platforms in some situations
  • Fixed eb tags --list failure occurring when the default branch environment is absent
  • Fixed .gitignore problem on Windows whereby files specified for omission could also be staged
  • Prevented attempts to create convenience symlinks to latest logs when executing with Python 2.7 on Windows
  • Removed code that installs Python package docker on the customer's behalf

3.12.4 (2018-03-07)

  • Fixed DescribeEvents polling logic to use datetime.utcnow() instead of
  • Fixed TimeoutError`s to force `eb to exit with return code 4
  • Fixed eb deploy --modules ... bug preventing it from finding project root
  • Fixed eb platform list --verbose bug preventing it from listing all custom platform ARNs
  • Fixed eb init --source bug by enforcing association with remote CodeCommit repository
  • Modified eb to retry after botocore.parsers.ResponseParserErrors

3.12.3 (2018-02-15)

  • Fixed CodeCommit integration problem when there are multiple remotes
  • Fixed bug involving eb init using preexisting app

3.12.2 (2018-02-06)

  • Added eu-west-3 EU (Paris) and cn-northwest-1 China (Ningxia) regions
  • Added support for eb local run with major versions 2 of Python package docker-py
  • Fixed --platform option to take language name as argument
  • Fixed behavior of --platform flag to pick the latest version of solution stack when input is ambiguous
  • Fixed .ebignore logic to recognize files with Unicode characters
  • Fixed redundant downloading of Packer events published by CloudWatch
  • Fixed silent rescues of UnicodeEncodeErrors when printing Packer events
  • Fixed DescribeEvents polling in the context of custom platforms
  • Fixed eb local run to work with PlatformArns
  • Fixed local-remote inconsistency observed after deployments using CodeCommit
  • Fixed misspelling in the prompt for whether VPC ELB should be public

3.12.1 (2017-11-08)

  • Added ability for customers to download sample application during eb create if using one
  • Added graceful handling of errors when operating ebp commands in eb workspaces
  • Fixed hyperlink to page describing ECS permissions necessary to create multi-container docker environments
  • Fixed DescribeEvents polling logic for environment creation after ASG per-region quota is reached
  • Fixed DescribeEvents polling logic by filtering events returned accurately
  • Fixed eb list's usage text by removing mention of environment name as a positional argument
  • Increased default timeout for eb create when the -db flag is specified
  • Modified eb ssh logic to use private IP address rather than private DNS when a public IP/DNS is not available
  • Modified generic EBCLI timeout message to prompt customers to view the result of eb events -f
  • Removed eb ssh --custom's dependency on SSH private key in ~/.ssh

3.12.0 (2017-10-10)

  • Added support for tagging Environments

3.11.0 (2017-09-26)

  • Added support for creation of environments with Network Load Balancers
  • Fixed bug that caused eb restore to fail to begin

3.10.6 (2017-08-21)

  • Fixed 5-minute timeout bug involving CLI giving up on CodeBuild despite server-side success
  • Fixed module-creation bug where eb create exits because it cannot find the .elasticbeanstalk directory
  • Increased limit on the number of tags that can be created during environment creation to 47
  • Fixed environment creation failures when platform names specified are from the list retrieved by eb platform list.

3.10.5 (2017-07-28)

  • Added ca-central-1 (Canada-Central), and ap-south-1 (Mumbai) CodeCommit support
  • Made .elasticbeanstalk/logs/local directory writable by all thorough 'eb local run'
  • Fixed Python 2.x character encoding bug that prevents 'eb appversion' from displaying

3.10.4 (2017-07-14)

  • Fixed bug in solution stack determination logic for Multi-Container Docker 17.03.1-ce platform version

3.10.3 (2017-06-27)

  • Added ability to zip git submodules for application versions
  • Added us-west-1 (N. California), eu-west-2 (London), ap-northeast-2 (Seoul), and sa-east-1 (São Paulo) CodeCommit support
  • Added exception handling for TooManyConfigurationTemplatesException

3.10.2 (2017-06-09)

  • Improved eb and ebp create default instance profile creation logic.
  • Added eu-central-1 (Frankfurt), ap-northeast-1 (Tokyo), ap-southeast-1 (Singapore) and ap-southeast-2 (Sydney) CodeCommit support
  • Added additional logging for 5xx retry messages

3.10.1 (2017-03-30)

  • Fixed python 3.x bug for eb local run
  • Fixed eb local docker version check failure for leading zeros
  • Fixed eb init to not create an application when picking an existing app
  • Fixed eb local run to accept volumes defined that are not prefixed with /var/app/current/

3.10.0 (2017-02-21)

  • Support for custom elastic beanstalk platforms
  • Fixed CodeBuild integration pulling CloudWatch URL link

3.9.1 (2017-02-08)

  • Changed Beanstalk CodeBuild integration to be optional by not specifying the header in buildspec
  • Fixed 'eb config put' to update DateModified field
  • Fixed 'eb config put' full path failure
  • Fixed exit codes to return correctly
  • Removed CodeCommit failed prompt in eb init to avoid confusion
  • Added 'process' flag for eb create/deploy for preprocessing application versions

3.9.0 (2016-12-22)

  • Added native support in 'eb logs' for log streaming.
  • Added '--log-group' and '--cloudwatch-logs' flags in 'eb logs'
  • Added 'appversion' command to managed application versions
  • Added 'appversion lifecycle' sub command to manage application lifecycle configurations

3.8.10 (2016-12-19)

  • Fixed install bug for python 3.x

3.8.9 (2016-12-16)

  • Added 'eb restore' command, used to restore terminated environments

3.8.8 (2016-12-13)

  • Added eu-west-2 EU (London) region

3.8.7 (2016-12-08)

  • Fixed Windows installation bug

3.8.6 (2016-12-08)

  • Added support for working directories containing white-spaces
  • Added ca-central-1 Canada (Central) support

3.8.5 (2016-12-01)

  • Added support for CodeBuild by autodetecting a buildspec file and deploying with settings from that

3.8.4 (2016-11-16)

  • Added '--source' flag to create, deploy, init and use to directly use source from CodeCommit repositories
  • Added us-west-2 (Oregon) and eu-west-1 (Ireland) CodeCommit support

3.8.3 (2016-10-17)

  • Added us-east-2 (Ohio) CodeCommit support

3.8.2 (2016-10-17)

  • Added us-east-2 (Ohio) region

3.8.1 (2016-10-13)

  • CodeCommit bug fixes

3.8.0 (2016-10-13)

  • Fixed elb prompt for single instance creations
  • Fixed eb init to no longer call CreateApplication when a preexisting application is chosen
  • Allowing eb ssh to attempt to access private ip address if public ip is not available
  • Added support for CodeCommit deployment and integration

3.7.8 (2016-08-22)

  • Fixed 'eb setenv --timeout' problem
  • Updated 'eb config' inline doc to be clearer on functionality
  • Fixed 'eb deploy --nohang' problem
  • Added commands '--command' and '--custom' to 'eb ssh'
  • Added support for Application Load Balancer with 'create', 'health' and 'status'

3.7.7 (2016-06-27)

  • Added "ap-south-1" to region list
  • Checking for existing app versions in application, local or in their account, before creating one when label is specified.
  • Updating environment name length constraints to 40 char max.

3.7.6 (2016-04-14)

  • The Elastic Beanstalk Service role will now also be created during non-interactive environment creates
  • Added the AWSElasticBeanstalkService managed policy to the Elastic Beanstalk Service role

3.7.5 (2016-04-01)

  • Support new Enhanced Health features
  • Fix bug in "eb health" for basic health environments
  • Fix bug in "eb health" that causes a date parsing error for some locale settings
  • Roles created by the CLI now make use of AWS Managed Policies

3.7.4 (2016-03-10)

  • Fix an issue that prevents "eb local" subcommands from working with Docker 1.10
  • Fix an issue that causes the EB CLI to crash when deploying multiple modules with compose environments

3.7.3 (2016-01-28)

  • Fix bug with application version processing
  • Fix bug in "eb config delete"

3.7.2 (2016-01-08)

  • Fix bug where symlinks in application versions were not in their original locations

3.7.1 (2016-01-07)

  • Fix long type incompatibility bug with Python 3

3.7 (2016-01-06)

  • Add "ap-northeast-2" to region list
  • Fix bug with symlinks on Unix systems

3.6.2 (2015-12-14)

  • Improved logic related to waiting for application version processing
  • Change tag behavior to allow for '=' in tag values
  • Prompt for EnvironmentName when not present in env.yaml

3.6.1 (2015-11-23)

  • Remove pre-processing of application versions when no env.yaml file is present
  • Fix bug with 'eb logs'

3.6 (2015-11-23)

  • Support for Composable Applications

3.5.6 (2015-11-20)

  • Fix bug in 'eb health' causing errors in some locales
  • Change the naming scheme of app versions when using Git
  • Change strings related to timeout errors to indicate the presence of the timeout option

3.5.5 (2015-10-27)

  • Fix bug in "eb swap"
  • Fix typo in string resource

3.5.4 (2015-09-22)

  • Add "cn-north-1" to region list
  • Adjust client default ELB Healthcheck Interval to use service default

3.5.3 (2015-09-14)

  • Change contact details
  • Fix bug in "eb labs setup-ssl" which occurred on some versions of Python

3.5.2 (2015-08-26)

  • Fix bug in "eb health" command preventing it from running.

3.5.1 (2015-08-25)

  • Fix az column clipping.
  • Unhide labs setup-cwl feature as well as logs --stream.
  • Add pip install command when a new version is available.

3.5 (2015-08-11)

  • Add command "eb labs setup-ssl"
  • Add command "eb labs cloudwatchlogs-setup"
  • Change eb open to now open https if load balancer http port is OFF
  • Add support for enhanced health with eb health
  • Other minor changes

3.4.7 (2015-07-28)

  • Fix issue with .gitignore being included on deploy
  • Fix issue with streaming unicode events

3.4.6 (2015-07-10)

  • Fix issue with "eb labs download"
  • Fix issue where folders in .ebignore were incorrectly being uploaded.

3.4.5 (2015-06-08)

  • SSH no longer attempts to open port 22 if a Source restriction is in place
  • Added --force flag to override above behavior
  • SSH errors now show properly with the -o option
  • Environment variables are less strict and can now contain the '=' sign

3.4.4 (2015-05-18)

  • Changed how Sample Application is handled internally

3.4.3 (2015-05-12)

  • Fix issue with "eb config" when adding new option settings
  • Update golang local container file
  • Fix issue with overwriting docker environment variables during local

3.4.2 (2015-05-09)

  • Fix issue with installation for eb local files

3.4 (2015-05-07)

  • Added 'localContainerDefinitions' section for multi-continer docker
  • Multi-container docker containers now correctly read 'environment'
  • Added printenv/setenv commands to eb local
  • t2.micro is now default instance type for accounts with a default vpc
  • add --staged option to eb deploy for deploying git stage rather then commit
  • Fix config file path resolution

3.3.2 (2015-04-30)

  • Fix "eb open" for windows

3.3.1 (2015-04-28)

  • Fix --force option on "eb labs cleanup-versions"

3.3 (2015-04-28)

  • Added "local" commands
  • Added "eb labs cleanup-versions" for cleaning up old app versions
  • Added support for an .ebignore file
  • using "eb terminate --all" now removes application bundles from s3
  • Add support for branch specific defaults in config.yml
  • Fix interactive vpc bug
  • Fix "eb open" race condition
  • Incomplete credentials errors are now more verbose

3.2.2 (2015-04-06)

  • Fix issue with creating single instance environments

3.2.1 (2015-04-02)

  • Added warning string for Multi-container permissions on "create"

3.2 (2015-03-30)

  • Added "platform" commands
  • Added "upgrade" command
  • Added "abort" command
  • Added "labs" commands
  • Printed events now look nicer
  • Logs and events are automatically paged.
  • Health based rolling updates are now default for new environments.

3.1.3 (2015-03-13)

  • Added option on create for specifying database version (--database.version)

3.1.2 (2015-02-26)

  • Fix multithreaded issue on python 3.4.3
  • Fix environment names printing in columns
  • Update botocore to 0.93.0

3.1.1 (2015-02-24)

  • Fix git issue on windows
  • Support older versions of git
  • Saved Configurations now work with Worker tier

3.1 (2015-02-17)

  • Editor backup files (file.txt~) no longer included in application zip
  • Added commands for Saved Configurations (eb config --help)
  • Now receive alerts for an outdated cli and outdated environment platform.
  • Deploy now works in subdirectories
  • Config now works in subdirectories
  • Can now specify your own timeout period with "--timeout x"
  • Can now specify environment variables on environment create with "--envvars"
  • Can now get the latest platform version when you clone an environment. "eb clone"
  • Application Bundle uploads now show status
  • Large file uploads are now multi-threaded
  • Added warning on deploy if unstaged git changes exist
  • Can now swap environment CNAME's using "eb swap"
  • Exposed --vpc option on create
  • Added --no-verify-ssl option
  • Updated Botocore to 0.88.0

3.0.11 (2015-02-09)

  • Fixed Zipping issue for Windows Containers

3.0.10 (2014-11-24)

  • Fixed parsing error for uploads in a s3 bucket with auto-deletion policy
  • Fixed terminated environment issues
  • No longer uploads application if the application version already exists in s3
  • Default database username changed from admin to ebroot
  • Trim application version description if it is too long
  • Application version no longer includes git hash