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PyTorch API for Tensor Parallelism

SageMaker distributed tensor parallelism works by replacing specific submodules in the model with their distributed implementations. The distributed modules have their parameters and optimizer states partitioned across tensor-parallel ranks. This is to compute the same output as it would have been computed by the original modules. Since tensor parallelism occurs across data-parallel ranks, a rank might collect slices of the activations corresponding to the data shards on other devices that are part of the same tensor parallelism group.

You can enable or disable tensor parallelism for specific parts of the model. Within the enabled parts, the replacements with distributed modules will take place on a best-effort basis for those module supported for tensor parallelism. Alternatively, you can directly import and use the library’s distributed modules in the model definition.

Some of the supported modules (such as smp.nn.Transformer) are high-level blocks that contain many operations. Because custom implementations (as opposed to the built-in PyTorch modules) are typically used for these high-level blocks, the library offers an API that you can use to register specific distributed versions with such custom modules (provided that they are functionally equivalent). This allows the library to automatically replace the occurrences of such PyTorch modules with their distributed counterparts provided by the library. For more information, see the following topics.


Registering Tensor Parallelism Distributed Modules

Although PyTorch natively provides some of the commonly used (and tensor-parallelizable) building blocks such as Transformer, users often use custom implementations for such higher-level modules. To distribute such modules with tensor parallelism, you need to register the distributed modules to the custom module implementation in your class, so that the library knows how to distribute the custom module. When you register the distributed modules, make sure the custom module that you use is functionally equivalent to the distributed module. You can verify this by taking a look at the equivalent reference implementations in the smdmp-tp-appendix. These implementations are functionally equivalent to their distributed versions in smp.nn module.

@smp.tp_register(dist_module, init_hook=None, forward_hook=None, return_hook=None)

  • A class decorator that registers the dist_module class with the module class that it is attached to. The hooks can be used to adapt to different interfaces used with __init__ and forward methods.
  • Arguments:
    • dist_module: A subclass of smp.nn.DistributedModule that implements the distributed version of the module class the decorator is attached to. Any distributed module class defined in smp.nn module can be used.
    • init_hook: A callable that translates the arguments of the original module __init__ method to an (args, kwargs) tuple compatible with the arguments of the corresponding distributed module __init__ method. Must return a tuple, whose first element is an iterable representing the positional arguments, and second element is a dict representing the keyword arguments. The input signature of the init_hook must exactly match the signature of the original __init__ method (including argument order and default values), except it must exclude self.
    • forward_hook: A callable that translates the arguments of the original module forward method to an (args, kwargs) tuple compatible with the arguments of the corresponding distributed module forward method. Must return a tuple, whose first element is an iterable representing the positional arguments, and second element is a dict representing the keyword arguments. The input signature of the init_hook must exactly match the signature of the original forward method (including argument order and default values), except it must exclude self.
    • return_hook: A callable that translates the object returned from the distributed module to the return object expected of the original module.
  • Example:

    init_hook = lambda config: ((), config.to_dict())
    # register smp.nn.DistributedTransformer
    # as the distributed version of MyTransformer
    @smp.tp_register(smp.nn.DistributedTransformer, init_hook=init_hook)
    class MyTransformer(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self, config):
        def forward(self, hidden_states, attention_mask):

smp.tp_register_with_module(module_cls, dist_module, init_hook=None, forward_hook=None, return_hook=None)

  • When you do not have direct access to model definition code, you can use this API to similarly register a distributed module with an existing module class.
  • Arguments:
    • module_cls: The existing module class that will be distributed.
    • dist_module: A subclass of smp.nn.DistributedModule that implements the distributed version of the module class the decorator is attached to. Any distributed module class defined in smp.nn module can be used.
    • init_hook: A callable that translates the arguments of the original module __init__ method to an (args, kwargs) tuple compatible with the arguments of the corresponding distributed module __init__ method. Must return a tuple, whose first element is an iterable representing the positional arguments, and second element is a dict representing the keyword arguments. The input signature of the init_hook must exactly match the signature of the original __init__ method (including argument order and default values), except it must exclude self.
    • forward_hook: A callable that translates the arguments of the original module forward method to an (args, kwargs) tuple compatible with the arguments of the corresponding distributed module forward method. Must return a tuple, whose first element is an iterable representing the positional arguments, and second element is a dict representing the keyword arguments. The input signature of the init_hook must exactly match the signature of the original forward method (including argument order and default values), except it must exclude self.
    • return_hook: A callable that translates the object returned from the distributed module to the return object expected of the original module.
  • Example:

    from somelibrary import MyTransformer
    init_hook = lambda config: ((), config.to_dict())
    # register smp.nn.DistributedTransformer as the distributed version of MyTransformer

Supported Modules for Tensor Parallelism

The following modules are supported for tensor parallelism.

  • smp.nn.DistributedLinear (implements nn.Linear)
  • smp.nn.DistributedTransformerLMHead
  • smp.nn.DistributedTransformer
  • smp.nn.DistributedTransformerLayer
  • smp.nn.DistributedAttentionLayer
  • smp.nn.DistributedTransformerOutputLayer
  • smp.nn.DistributedEmbedding


Tensor Parallelism Module APIs

  • Tensor-parallel implementation of the nn.Linear class. Functionally equivalent to an nn.Linear module with the same in_features and out_features. In other words, in_features and out_features are the number of global channels across tensor-parallel ranks.
  • Arguments:
    • in_features: The total number of input channels for the linear layer across all tensor-parallel ranks.
    • out_features: The total number of output channels for the linear layer across all tensor-parallel ranks.
  • Constructs a distributed transformer model, including embeddings and a single LM head. A word embedding of size (vocab_size, hidden_size) is created, as well as a positional embedding of size (num_positions, hidden_size), and the embeddings are added together. If num_token_types is larger than 0, a separate embedding of size (num_token_types, hidden_size) is created, and further added on top.
  • The embeddings are fed through a DistributedTransformer, and if add_lm_head is True, the output passes through a single LM head, which is a linear module without bias whose weight is tied to the word embeddings.
  • See smp.nn.DistributedTransformerLayer for descriptions of the rest of the arguments.
  • Methods:
    • forward(self, inputs)
      • If add_cross_attention is True, inputs must be a tuple (input_ids, attention_mask, token_type_ids, position_ids, cross_states, cross_states, cross_mask, labels).
      • Otherwise, inputs must be a tuple (input_ids, attention_mask, token_type_ids, position_ids, labels).
      • If token_type_ids is None, token type embedding will not be used.
      • input_ids is assumed to be of shape [N, S], where N is the batch size and S is sequence length.
      • attention_mask is assumed to be a 0-1 tensor of shape [N, S], where 1 represents a masked position.
  • A sequence of smp.nn.DistributedTransformerLayers, whose number is given by num_layers argument. For the other arguments and methods, refer to smp.nn.DistributedTransformerLayer.
  • If both pre_layernorm and post_layernorm are True, layer normalization is applied to both the input and the output of the DistributedTransformer, in addition to the intermediate attention and transformer-output layers.
  • Tensor-parallel implementation of a single transformer layer. Number of attention heads, hidden size, and intermediate size refer to the global quantities across all tensor-parallel ranks.
  • Arguments:
    • num_attention_heads: The total number of attention heads across tensor-parallel ranks
    • attention_head_size: The number of channels of a single attention head.
    • hidden_size: The hidden dimension of the transformer. The input tensor hidden_states is assumed to have its last dimension size equal to hidden_size.
    • intermediate_size: The number of output channels in the first linear transformation of the transformer output layer. DistributedTransformerOutputLayer first maps hidden_size dimensions of its input tensor into intermediate_size dimensions, and then maps it back into hidden_size dimensions.
    • attention_dropout_prob: The dropout probability applied to the attention probabilities.
    • hidden_dropout_prob: The dropout probability used in dropout layers other than the one applied to the attention probabilities.
    • activation: Choice of activation function to use at the output layer. Must be "gelu" or "relu".
    • layernorm_epsilon: The epsilon added to the denominator of layer normalization for numerical stability.
    • initializer_range: If use_normal_initialization is True, the standard deviation of the normal random variable to initialize the weights with.
    • use_normal_initialization: If True, the weights are initialized with normal distribution with standard deviation given by initializer_range. Otherwise, default PyTorch initialization is used.
    • causal_mask_size: If None, no causal mask is used on attentions. Otherwise, should be set to maximum sequence length to apply a causal mask to the attention scores. This is used, for instance, in GPT-2.
    • add_cross_attention: If True, a cross-attention layer will be added after the self-attention block. The cross-attention layer computes the attention keys and values based on the cross_states input (instead of hidden_states input, as in self-attention. This is used in the decoder block of encoder-decoder architectures. For encoder-only architectures that only use self-attention, this should be kept False.
    • pre_layernorm: If True, inserts layer normalization at the input. At least one of pre_layernorm and post_layernorm must be True.
    • post_layernorm: If True, inserts layer normalization at the output. At least one of pre_layernorm and post_layernorm must be True.
  • Methods:
    • forward(self, inputs): Forward pass for the transformer layer.
      • Arguments:
        • If add_cross_attention=False, inputs must be a tuple (hidden_states, attention_mask), where hidden_states is assumed to be a tensor of dimensions [N, S, H], where N is batch size, S is sequence length, and H is hidden_size. attention_mask is assumed to be a tensor of dimensions [N, 1, 1, S], where N is the batch size, and S is the sequence length.
        • If add_cross_attention=True, inputs must be a tuple (hidden_states, cross_states, attention_mask, cross_mask), where hidden_states is assumed to be a tensor of dimensions [N, S_1, H], where N is batch size, S_1 is sequence length, and H is hidden_size. cross_states is assumed to be a tensor of size [N, S_2, H], similarly interpreted. attention_mask is assumed to be a tensor of dimensions [N, 1, 1, S_1], where N is the batch size, and S_1 is the sequence length, and cross_mask is assumed to be a tensor of size [N, 1, 1, S_2]. Keys and values for the attention heads in the cross-attention layer (but not the self-attention layer) are computed using cross_states, and cross_mask is applied as the attention mask in the cross-attention layer (but not the self-attention layer).
      • Returns:
        • If add_cross_attention=False, a tuple (hidden_states, attention_mask), where hidden_states is the output of the transformer, and attention_mask is the same the attention_mask argument.
        • If add_cross_attention=True, a tuple (hidden_states, cross_states, attention_mask, cross_mask), where hidden_states is the output of the transformer, and the next three tensors are the same as the input arguments.
  • A distributed implementation for the attention block. Includes the computation of the self- or cross-attention (context layer), followed by a linear mapping and dropout, which is optionally followed by the residual-connection and layer normalization.
  • Arguments:
    • See smp.nn.DistributedTransformerLayer for descriptions of the arguments.
    • cross_attention: If True, it computes the attentions with respect to the cross_states tensor of the forward method input tuple. (Default: False)
  • Methods:
    • forward(self, inputs): Forward pass for the attention layer.
      • Arguments:
        • If cross_attention=False, inputs must be a tuple (hidden_states, attention_mask), where hidden_states is assumed to be a tensor of dimensions [N, S, H], where N is batch size, S is sequence length, and H is hidden_size. attention_mask is assumed to be a tensor of dimensions [N, 1, 1, S], where N is the batch size, and S is the sequence length.
        • If cross_attention=True, inputs must be a tuple (hidden_states, cross_states, attention_mask), where hidden_states is assumed to be a tensor of dimensions [N, S_1, H], where N is batch size, S_1 is sequence length, and H is hidden_size. cross_states is assumed to be a tensor of size [N, S_2, H], similarly interpreted. attention_mask is assumed to be a tensor of dimensions [N, 1, 1, S_2], where N is the batch size, and S_2 is the sequence length. Keys and values for the attention heads are computed using cross_states.
      • Returns:
        • A single tensor that is the output of the attention layer.
  • Distributed implementation of a single transformer output layer. A single smp.nn.DistributedTransformerLayer with add_cross_attention=False consists of a single DistributedAttentionLayer immediately followed by a single DistributedTransformerOutputLayer. The latter linearly maps the last channel of the input tensor from hidden_size to intermediate_size, and then maps it back to hidden_size.
  • Arguments:
    • See smp.nn.DistributedTransformerLayer for descriptions of the arguments.
    • fp32_residual_addition: Set to True if you want to avoid overflow (NaN loss values) for large models with more than 100 billion parameters when using FP16. (Default: False)
  • Distributed implementation of a single Embedding Layer. Currently only supports splitting across the embedding_dim.
  • Arguments:
    • See smp.nn.DistributedEmbedding for descriptions of the arguments.

Enabling Tensor Parallelism

There are two ways tensor parallelism can be enabled.

First, you can use the distributed module implementations in smp.nn module directly in your model definition. See smdmp-supported-modules-for-tp for a complete list of built-in distributed modules. Here is an example of how this can be done:

import torch.nn as nn
import smdistributed.modelparallel.torch as smp

class TransformerModel:
    def __init__(self):
        self.embedding = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, hidden_size)

        # directly instantiate smp.nn.DistributedTransformer and use it
        self.encoder = smp.nn.DistributedTransformer(num_layers, hidden_size, **kwargs)

        self.pooler = nn.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size)

    def forward(self, hidden_states):
        emb_out = self.embedding(hidden_states)
        enc_out = self.encoder(emb_out)
        return self.pooler(enc_out)

Second, you can enable tensor parallelism for specific modules or blocks of code, which will automatically enable tensor parallelism for the supported modules within that scope. To do this, you can use the following API:

smp.tensor_parallelism(enabled=True, **kwargs)

  • A context manager that enables or disables tensor parallelism for any supported module that is created inside. If there are nested contexts, the innermost overrides the rest. If there are multiple supported modules created within the context, where one is the submodule of the other, only the outermost module will be distributed. If a supported module shares weights with another (supported or unsupported) module, or if its hyperparameters do not support distribution (e.g., not divisible by the tensor parallelism degree), tensor parallelism will not be enabled for this module even if this API is used.


    with smp.tensor_parallelism():
        self.m0 = nn.Linear(20, 20)                   # will be distributed
        with smp.tensor_parallelism(enabled=False):
            self.m1 = nn.Linear(20, 20)               # will not be distributed
  • kwargs - Keyword arguments that can be used to modify the configurations of the distributed modules created inside the context. If a keyword argument provided through it matches any __init__ method arguments of a DistributedModule that substitutes a module created inside the smp.tensor_parallelism context, this keyword will override the value defined in the init_hook.
    • (For v1.7.0 and later) Through the following additional keyword arguments, the library supports NVIDIA Megatron’s fused kernels
      • fused_softmax (bool) - Fusion of attention masking and softmax. By default, it is set to True. You can deactivate it by setting fused_softmax=False in the smp.tensor_parallelism context manager.
      • fused_bias_gelu (bool) - Fusion of bias addition and Gelu activation. By default, it is set to False. You can activate it by setting fused_bias_gelu=True in the smp.tensor_parallelism context manager.

smp.set_tensor_parallelism(module, enabled=True, **kwargs)

  • Enables or disables tensor parallelism for the supported submodules of module. If enabling, the outermost supported modules will be distributed. If disabling, tensor parallelism will be disabled for the entire module subtree of module. Unlike the context manager, this API can be used after the model creation (but before wrapping with smp.DistributedModel), so direct access to model definition code is not required. If a supported module shares weights with another (supported or unsupported) module, or if its hyperparameters do not support distribution (e.g., not divisible by the tensor parallelism degree), tensor parallelism will not be enabled for this module.
  • Keyword arguments kwargs can be used to modify the configurations of the distributed modules created inside the context. If a keyword argument provided here matches any __init__ method arguments of a smp.DistributedModel that substitutes a module created inside the smp.tensor_parallelism context, this keyword will override the value defined in the init_hook.
  • Example:

    model = MyModel()
    smp.set_tensor_parallelism(model.encoder, True)
    smp.set_tensor_parallelism(model.encoder.embedding, True)
    # outermost supported submodules in model.encoder will be distributed, except for
    # model.encoder.embedding
    model = smp.DistributedModel(model)
    optimizer = smp.DistributedOptimizer(optimizer)

Activation Checkpointing APIs

smdistributed.modelparallel provides three APIs to enable activation checkpointing: one for checkpointing modules, one for checkpointing sequential modules, and one for checkpointing pretrained models.

For a conceptual guide and examples, see Activation Checkpointing in the SageMaker's Distributed Model Parallel developer guide.

  • Checkpoints the module passed. Throws error if, during manual partitioning, all children of module are not on same rank as the module itself, i.e. the module tree is split across multiple partitions. During auto-partitioning, if the module is split across multiple partitions, then this call is ignored(with a warning). Note that this call applies to the module instance only, not to the module class.
  • Arguments:
    • module (Instance of nn.Module): The module to be checkpointed. Note that unlike native checkpointing in PyTorch’s, activation checkpointing in smdistributed.modelparallel is at the granularity of a module. A generic function cannot be passed here.
    • args: Tuple containing inputs to the module.
    • preserve_rng_state (bool, default=True): Omit stashing and restoring the RNG state during each checkpoint.
  • Checkpoints the modules inside nn.Sequential. This can be used even if different layers that are part of the sequential container lie on different partitions. Each layer part of the sequential module that is checkpointed must lie completely within one partition. If this is not the case during manual partitioning, then an error will be thrown. If this is not the case during auto partitioning, a warning will be raised and this module will be run without checkpointing.
  • Arguments
    • sequential_module (nn.Sequential): the sequential module to be checkpointed.
    • input (torch.Tensor or a tuple of torch.Tensors): input to the module, which can be a tensor or a tuple of tensors. If a tuple is passed, then pack_args_as_tuple should be set to True.
    • strategy (string, default=“each”) : Strategy determines how many layers part of the sequential module need to be grouped together for one checkpointing call. This determines how much memory can be reduced. It can take the following values
      • each : The default is to checkpoint each module inside the sequential separately.
      • contiguous: Groups consecutive layers on the same partition together. For example, if a sequential consists of [a, b, c, d] where a,b are on pp_rank0 and c,d are on pp_rank 1, then this strategy would checkpoint a,b together and then c,d together. This means effectively, inputs of a, outputs of b, inputs of c, and outputs of d are in memory; the reamining activations are recomputed.
      • group_2, group_3, group_4, etc: More generally, group_x where x is an integer. This strategy provides more flexibility in how many layers to group together. group_x groups x layers together on a best effort basis. It can group x layers together if there are x layers consecutively on the same partition. For example: [a,b,c,d,e] where a,b are on pp_rank0 and c,d,e are on pp_rank 1. If the strategy is group_3, then a,b are checkpointed together on pp_rank0 and c,d,e are checkpointed together on pp_rank1.
    • preserve_rng_state (bool, default=True): Set to False to omit stashing and restoring the RNG state during each checkpoint.
    • pack_args_as_tuple (bool, default=False): To ensure that backward works correctly, the autograd function has to unpack any tuples received. If the checkpointed layer takes a tuple as input, then this needs to be set to True.
  • This API is recommended when importing pretrained models from libraries, such as PyTorch and Hugging Face Transformers. This is particularly useful when you don’t have access to the model definition code and not be able to replace a module call with checkpoint.
  • Arguments:
    • module (Instance of nn.Module or nn.Sequential): The module to checkpoint.
    • preserve_rng_state (bool, default=True): Set to False to omit stashing and restoring the RNG state during each checkpoint.
    • pack_args_as_tuple (bool, default=False): Can only be passed when module is a sequential module. To ensure that backward works correctly, the autograd function has to unpack any tuples received. If the layer checkpointed takes a tuple as input, then this needs to be set to True.
    • strategy: (string, default=“each”): Can only be passed when module is a sequential module. Strategy determines how many layers part of the sequential module need to be grouped together for one checkpointing call.
    • This determines how much memory can be reduced. It can take the following values
      • each : The default is to checkpoint each module inside the sequential separately.
      • contiguous: Groups consecutive layers on the same partition together. For example if a sequential consists of [a, b, c, d] where a, b are on pp_rank0 and c, d are on pp_rank 1, then this strategy would checkpoint a,b together and then c, d together. This means effectively, the inputs of a, outputs of b, inputs of c, and outputs of d are in memory, and the rest of the activations are recomputed.
      • group_2, group_3, group_4, etc: More generally, group_x where x is an integer. This strategy provides more flexibility in how many layers to group together. group_x groups x number of layers together on a best effort basis if there are x layers consecutively in the same partition. Example: Assume a module with layers [a, b, c, d, e]. The layers a and b are on pp_rank0, and c, d, and e are on pp_rank 1. If the strategy is group_3, then a, b are checkpointed together on pp_rank0, and c, d, e are checkpointed together on pp_rank1.

Appendix: Reference Implementations for Modules

The following are reference implementations for transformer-related modules. Note that this is not the actual smdistributed source code, but the distributed implementations provided in the library are the distributed versions of these reference implementations, and can be used to determine whether the distributed modules perform the same operations as the custom modules in your script.

To keep the implementations simple, we only assume keyword arguments, and assume the existence of a method parse_args(kwargs), which parses the arguments to __init__ methods and sets the relevant attributes of the module, such as hidden_size and num_attention_heads.


class Transformer(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(Transformer, self).__init__()

        self.layers = []
        for l in range(self.num_layers):

        self.seq_layers = nn.Sequential(*self.layers)

    def forward(self, inp):
        return self.seq_layers(inp)


class TransformerLayer(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(TransformerLayer, self).__init__()

        self.attention = AttentionLayer(**kwargs)
        self.output = TransformerOutputLayer(**kwargs)

        if self.add_cross_attention:
            self.cross_attention = AttentionLayer(cross_attention=True, **kwargs)

    def forward(self, inp):
        if self.add_cross_attention:
            hidden_states, cross_states, attention_mask, cross_mask = inp
            hidden_states, attention_mask = inp

        attention_output = self.attention((hidden_states, attention_mask))
        if self.add_cross_attention:
            attention_output = self.cross_attention((attention_output,

        output = self.output(attention_output)

        if self.add_cross_attention:
            return output, cross_states, attention_mask, cross_mask
            return output, attention_mask


class AttentionLayer(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(AttentionLayer, self).__init__()
        self.attention_head_size = self.hidden_size // self.num_attention_heads

        self.query = nn.Linear(self.hidden_size, self.hidden_size)
        self.key = nn.Linear(self.hidden_size, self.hidden_size)
        self.value = nn.Linear(self.hidden_size, self.hidden_size)
        self.dense = nn.Linear(self.hidden_size, self.hidden_size)

        self.dropout1 = nn.Dropout(self.attention_dropout_prob)
        self.dropout2 = nn.Dropout(self.hidden_dropout_prob)

        if self.pre_layernorm:
            self.pre_layernorm = nn.LayerNorm(self.hidden_size,

        if self.post_layernorm:
            self.layernorm = nn.LayerNorm(self.hidden_size,

    def transpose(self, tensor, key=False):
        shape = tensor.size()[:-1] +
                        (self.num_attention_heads, self.attention_head_size)
        tensor = torch.reshape(tensor, shape)
        if key:
            return tensor.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
            return tensor.permute(0, 2, 1, 3)

    def forward(self, inp):
        if self.cross_attention:
            hidden_states, cross_states, attention_mask = inp
            hidden_states, attention_mask = inp

        if self.pre_layernorm:
            norm_states = self.pre_layernorm(hidden_states)
            norm_states = hidden_states

        query_layer = self.query(norm_states)

        if self.cross_attention:
            key_layer = self.key(cross_states)
            value_layer = self.value(cross_states)
            key_layer = self.key(norm_states)
            value_layer = self.value(norm_states)

        query_layer = self.transpose(query_layer)
        key_layer = self.transpose(key_layer, key=True)
        value_layer = self.transpose(value_layer)

        attention_scores = torch.matmul(query_layer, key_layer)
        attention_scores = attention_scores / math.sqrt(self.attention_head_size)

        if not self.cross_attention and self.causal_mask is not None:
            attention_scores = self.apply_causal_mask(attention_scores)

        attention_scores = attention_scores + attention_mask

        attention_probs = F.softmax(attention_scores, dim=-1)
        attention_probs = self.dropout1(attention_probs)

        context_layer = torch.matmul(attention_probs, value_layer)
        context_layer = context_layer.permute(0, 2, 1, 3)
        new_context_layer_shape = context_layer.size()[:-2] + \
        context_layer = torch.reshape(context_layer, new_context_layer_shape)

        self_attention = self.dense(context_layer)
        self_attention = self.dropout2(self_attention)

        if self.post_layernorm:
            return self.layernorm(self_attention + hidden_states)
            return self_attention


class TransformerOutputLayer(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(TransformerOutputLayer, self).__init__()

        self.dense1 = nn.Linear(self.hidden_size, self.intermediate_size)
        self.dense2 = nn.Linear(self.intermediate_size, self.hidden_size)

        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(self.attention_dropout_prob)

        if self.pre_layernorm:
            self.pre_layernorm = nn.LayerNorm(self.hidden_size,

        if self.post_layernorm:
            self.layernorm = nn.LayerNorm(self.hidden_size,

    def forward(self, inp):
        if self.pre_layernorm:
            norm_inp = self.pre_layernorm(inp)
            norm_inp = inp

        dense1_output = self.dense1(norm_inp)
        if self.activation == "gelu":
            act_output = F.gelu(dense1_output)
            act_output = F.relu(dense1_output)

        dense2_output = self.dense2(act_output)
        output = self.dropout(dense2_output)

        if self.post_layernorm:
            return self.layernorm(inp + output)
            return output