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Upgrade from Legacy TensorFlow Support

With version 2.0 and later of the SageMaker Python SDK, support for legacy SageMaker TensorFlow images has been deprecated. This guide explains how to upgrade your SageMaker Python SDK usage.

For more information about using TensorFlow with the SageMaker Python SDK, see Use TensorFlow with the SageMaker Python SDK.

This guide is relevant if one of the following applies:

  1. You are using TensorFlow versions 1.4-1.10
  2. You are using TensorFlow versions 1.11-1.12 with Python 2, and
    • you do not have script_mode=True when creating your estimator
    • you are using sagemaker.tensorflow.model.TensorFlowModel and/or sagemaker.tensorflow.model.TensorFlowPredictor
  3. You are using a pre-built SageMaker image whose URI looks like 520713654638.dkr.ecr.<region><tag>

If one of the above applies, then keep reading.

We recommend that you use the latest supported version of TensorFlow because that's where we focus our development efforts. For information about supported versions of TensorFlow, see the AWS documentation.

For general information about using TensorFlow with the SageMaker Python SDK, see Use TensorFlow with the SageMaker Python SDK.

Newer versions of TensorFlow require your training script to be runnable as a command-line script, similar to what you might run outside of SageMaker. For more information, including how to adapt a locally-runnable script, see Prepare a Training Script.

In addition, your training script needs to save your model. If you have your own serving_input_fn implementation, then that can be passed to an exporter:

import tensorflow as tf

exporter = tf.estimator.LatestExporter("Servo", serving_input_receiver_fn=serving_input_fn)

For an example of how to repackage your legacy TensorFlow training script for use with a newer version of TensorFlow, see this example notebook.

Newer versions of TensorFlow Serving require a different format for the inference script. Some key differences:

  • The script must be named
  • input_fn has been replaced by input_handler.
  • output_fn has been replaced by output_handler.

Like with the legacy versions, the pre-built SageMaker TensorFlow Serving images do have default implementations for pre- and post-processing.

For more information about implementing your own handlers, see How to implement the pre- and/or post-processing handler(s).

While not recommended, you can still use a legacy TensorFlow version with version 2.0 and later of the SageMaker Python SDK. In order to do so, you need to change how a few parameters are defined.

When creating an estimator, the Python SDK version 2.0 and later requires the following changes:

  1. Explicitly specify the ECR image URI via image_uri. To determine the URI, you can use :func:`sagemaker.fw_utils.create_image_uri`.
  2. Specify model_dir=False.
  3. Use hyperparameters for training_steps, evaluation_steps, checkpoint_path, and requirements_file.

For example, if using TF 1.10.0 with an ml.m4.xlarge instance in us-west-2, the difference in code would be as follows:

from sagemaker.tensorflow import TensorFlow

# v1.x
estimator = TensorFlow(

# v2.0 and later
estimator = TensorFlow(
        "training_steps": 100,
        "evaluation_steps": 10,
        "checkpoint_path": "s3://bucket/path",
        "sagemaker_requirements": "requirements.txt",

To provide a requirements file, define a hyperparameter named "sagemaker_requirements" that contains the relative path to the requirements file from source_dir.

Using a legacy TensorFlow version for endpoints and batch transform can be achieved with version 2.0 and later of the SageMaker Python SDK with some minor changes to your code.

If you are starting with a training job, you can call :func:`sagemaker.estimator.EstimatorBase.deploy` or :func:`sagemaker.tensorflow.estimator.Estimator.transformer` from your estimator for inference.

To specify the number of model server workers, you need to set it through an environment variable named MODEL_SERVER_WORKERS:

# v1.x
estimator.deploy(..., model_server_workers=4)

# v2.0 and later
estimator.deploy(..., env={"MODEL_SERVER_WORKERS": 4})

If you are starting with a trained model, the Python SDK version 2.0 and later requires the following changes:

  1. Use the the :class:`sagemaker.model.FrameworkModel` class.
  2. Explicitly specify the ECR image URI via image_uri. To determine the URI, you can use :func:`sagemaker.fw_utils.create_image_uri`.
  3. Use an environment variable for model_server_workers.

For example, if using TF 1.10.0 with a CPU instance in us-west-2, the difference in code would be as follows:

# v1.x
from sagemaker.tensorflow import TensorFlowModel

model = TensorFlowModel(

# v2.0 and later
from sagemaker.model import FrameworkModel

model = FrameworkModel(
    env={"MODEL_SERVER_WORKERS": 4},

To provide a requirements file, define an environment variable named SAGEMAKER_REQUIREMENTS that contains the relative path to the requirements file from source_dir.

From an estimator:

# for an endpoint
estimator.deploy(..., env={"SAGEMAKER_REQUIREMENTS": "requirements.txt"})

# for batch transform
estimator.transformer(..., env={"SAGEMAKER_REQUIREMENTS": "requirements.txt"})

From a model:

from sagemaker.model import FrameworkModel

model = FrameworkModel(
    env={"SAGEMAKER_REQUIREMENTS": "requirements.txt"},

If you want to use your model for endpoints, then you can use the :class:`sagemaker.predictor.Predictor` class instead of the legacy sagemaker.tensorflow.TensorFlowPredictor class:

from sagemaker.model import FrameworkModel
from sagemaker.predictor import Predictor

model = FrameworkModel(

predictor = model.deploy(...)

If you are using protobuf prediction data, then you need to serialize and deserialize the data yourself.

For example:

from google.protobuf import json_format
from protobuf_to_dict import protobuf_to_dict
from tensorflow.core.framework import tensor_pb2

# Serialize the prediction data

# Get the prediction result
result = predictor.predict(data)

# Deserialize the prediction result
protobuf_to_dict(json_format.Parse(result, tensor_pb2.TensorProto()))

Otherwise, you can use the serializers and deserialzers available in the SageMaker Python SDK or write your own.

For example, if you want to use JSON serialization and deserialization:

from sagemaker.deserializers import JSONDeserializer
from sagemaker.serializers import JSONSerializer

predictor = model.deploy(..., serializer=JSONSerializer(), deserializer=JSONDeserializer())
