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Common API

The following SageMaker distribute model parallel APIs are common across all frameworks.

Table of Contents

The Library's Core APIs

This API document assumes you use the following import statement in your training scripts.


import smdistributed.modelparallel.tensorflow as smp


import smdistributed.modelparallel.torch as smp

smp.init( )

Initialize the library. Must be called at the beginning of training script.

@smp.step(non_split_inputs, input_split_axes, [args,*kwargs])

A decorator that must be placed over a function that represents a single forward and backward pass (for training use cases), or a single forward pass (for evaluation use cases). Any computation that is defined inside the smp.step-decorated function is executed in a pipelined manner.

By default, every tensor input to the function is split across its batch dimension into a number of microbatches specified while launching the training job. This behavior can be customized through the arguments to smp.step, described below. The library then orchestrates the execution of each microbatch across all partitions, based on the chosen pipeline type.

In a typical use case, forward pass and back-propagation are executed inside an smp.step-decorated function and gradients, loss, and other relevant metrics (such as accuracy, etc.) are returned from smp.step-decorated function.

Any gradient post-processing operation, such as gradient clipping and allreduce, as well as optimizer.apply_gradients calls (for TF) or optimizer.step (for PT) should be applied on the gradients returned from the smp.step function, and not inside the smp.step function. This is because every operation inside smp.step is executed once per microbatch, so having these operations inside smp.step can either be inefficient (in the case of allreduce), or lead to wrong results (in the case of apply_gradients / optimizer.step).

If the objects returned from the smp.step-decorated function contain tf.Tensors / torch.Tensors, they are converted to StepOutput objects. A StepOutput object encapsulates all versions of the tensor across different microbatches (see StepOutput entry for more information).

The argument to smp.step decorated function should either be a tensor or an instance of list, tuple, dict or set for it to be split across microbatches. If your object doesn't fall into this category, you can make the library split your object, by implementing smp_slice method.

Below is an example of how to use it with PyTorch.

class CustomType:
    def __init__(self, tensor): = tensor

    # The library will call this to invoke slicing on the object passing in total microbatches (num_mb)
    # and the current microbatch index (mb).
    def smp_slice(self, num_mb, mb, axis):
        dim_size = list([axis]

        split_size = dim_size // num_mb
        sliced_tensor =, mb * split_size, split_size)
        return CustomType(sliced_tensor, self.other)

custom_obj = CustomType(torch.ones(4,))

def step(custom_obj):
    loss = model(custom_obj)
    return loss

Important: smp.step splits the batch into microbatches, and executes everything inside the decorated function once per microbatch. This might affect the behavior of batch normalization, any operation that explicitly uses the batch size information, or any other Python code that is expected to run once.

TensorFlow-specific behavior

smp.step is a wrapper that inherits from and extends the behavior of tf.function, and as such, all the caveats that apply to the use of tf.functions also apply to smp.step. In particular, any operation that is inside smp.step executes in graph mode, and not eager mode.

In the first call, smp.step performs tracing of the wrapped function every time one of the tensor arguments changes their shape or dtype, or for every new value of a Python argument, if there is one. Tracing is expensive, so such scenarios should be avoided as much as possible or, alternatively, an input_signature argument must be provided. For more information on the usage of tf.function, refer to the TensorFlow documentation:

Each smp.step decorated function must have a return value that depends on the output of smp.DistributedModel.

Common parameters

  • non_split_inputs (list): The list of arguments to the decorated function that should not be split along the batch dimension. Should be used for all input tensors that do not have a batch dimension. Should be a list of argument names as str, as they appear in the signature of the smp.step-decorated function. By default it is considered an empty list.
  • input_split_axes (dict): A dict that maps the argument name to its batch axis. The keys should be the argument names as str, as they appear in the signature of the smp.step-decorated function.  By default all batch axes are assumed to be the 0-axis.

TensorFlow-only parameters

  • All arguments of tf.function. Note: The experimental_compile argument of tf.function may not work as expected with smp.step, since it interferes with pipelining and model partitioning. To enable XLA with the library, you can instead use tf.config.optimizer.set_jit(True).

PyTorch-only parameters

  • detach_outputs (bool) : If True, calls torch.Tensor.detach() on all returned torch.Tensor outputs. Setting it to False increases memory consumption, unless detach() is manually called on the returned tensors, because the model graph is not cleared from memory after the training step. Set to True by default.


  • The same object(s) returned from the decorated function. All returned tf.Tensortf.Variable  objects (for TF) or torch.Tensor objects (for PT) are wrapped inside a StepOutput object, even when they are inside a Python list, tuple, or dict.

A class that encapsulates all versions of a tf.Tensor or torch.Tensor across all microbatches.

When a particular tf.Tensor or torch.Tensor is computed inside smp.step, different versions of the tensor are computed for each microbatch.

When this tensor is returned from smp.step and is accessed outside of the decorated function, it appears as a StepOutput object, which contains all such versions. For example,

  • In the case of Tensorflow, the gradient for a particular tf.Variable is computed on each microbatch individually, and if this gradient is returned from smp.step, all gradients for this tf.Variable become part of the same StepOutput object. The StepOutput class offers the following API for commonly-used post-processing operations on such tensors.
  • In the case of PyTorch, the loss for each microbatch is computed individually and all the torch.Tensors that represent the loss for different microbatches become part of same StepOutput object, if loss is returned from the smp.step function.

The StepOutput class offers the following API for commonly-used post-processing operations on tensors.


Returns a list of the underlying tensors, indexed by microbatch.

StepOutput.reduce_mean( )

Returns a tf.Tensor, torch.Tensor that averages the constituent tf.Tensor s torch.Tensor s. This is commonly used for averaging loss and gradients across microbatches.

StepOutput.reduce_sum( )

Returns a tf.Tensor / torch.Tensor that sums the constituent tf.Tensors/torch.Tensors.

StepOutput.concat( )

Returns a tf.Tensor/torch.Tensor that concatenates tensors along the batch dimension using tf.concat /

StepOutput.stack( )

Applies tf.stack / torch.stack operation to the list of constituent tf.Tensors / torch.Tensors.

TensorFlow-only methods

StepOutput.merge( )

Returns a tf.Tensor that concatenates the constituent tf.Tensors along the batch dimension. This is commonly used for merging the model predictions across microbatches.

StepOutput.accumulate(method="variable", var=None)

Functionally the same as StepOutput.reduce_mean(). However, it is more memory-efficient, especially for large numbers of microbatches, since it does not wait for all constituent tf.Tensors to be ready to start averaging them, thereby saving memory.

In some cases (XLA for example) StepOutput.reduce_mean() might end up being more memory-efficient than StepOutput.accumulate().


  • method ("add_n" or "accumulate_n" or "variable"): If "add_n" or "accumulate_n", the library uses tf.add_n and tf.accumulate_n, respectively, to implement accumulation. If "variable", the library uses an internal tf.Variable into which to accumulate the tensors. Default is "variable". Note: Memory usage behavior of these choices can depend on the model and implementation.
  • var: A tf.Variable into which, if provided, the library uses to accumulate the tensors. If None, the library internally creates a variable. If method is not "variable", this argument is ignored.

MPI Basics

The library exposes the following basic MPI primitives to its Python API:


  • smp.rank() : The global rank of the current process.
  • smp.size() : The total number of processes.
  • smp.get_world_process_group() : torch.distributed.ProcessGroup that contains all processes.
  • smp.CommGroup.WORLD: The communication group corresponding to all processes.
  • smp.local_rank(): The rank among the processes on the current instance.
  • smp.local_size(): The total number of processes on the current instance.
  • smp.get_mp_group(): The list of ranks over which the current model replica is partitioned.
  • smp.get_dp_group(): The list of ranks that hold different replicas of the same model partition.

Tensor Parallelism

  • smp.tp_rank() : The rank of the process within its tensor-parallelism group.
  • smp.tp_size() : The size of the tensor-parallelism group.
  • smp.get_tp_process_group() : Equivalent to torch.distributed.ProcessGroup that contains the processes in the current tensor-parallelism group.
  • smp.CommGroup.TP_GROUP : The communication group corresponding to the current tensor parallelism group.

Pipeline Parallelism

  • smp.pp_rank() : The rank of the process within its pipeline-parallelism group.
  • smp.pp_size() : The size of the pipeline-parallelism group.
  • smp.get_pp_process_group() : torch.distributed.ProcessGroup that contains the processes in the current pipeline-parallelism group.
  • smp.CommGroup.PP_GROUP : The communication group corresponding to the current pipeline parallelism group.

Reduced-Data Parallelism

  • smp.rdp_rank() : The rank of the process within its reduced-data-parallelism group.
  • smp.rdp_size() : The size of the reduced-data-parallelism group.
  • smp.get_rdp_process_group() : torch.distributed.ProcessGroup that contains the processes in the current reduced data parallelism group.
  • smp.CommGroup.RDP_GROUP : The communication group corresponding to the current reduced data parallelism group.

Model Parallelism

  • smp.mp_rank() : The rank of the process within its model-parallelism group.
  • smp.mp_size() : The size of the model-parallelism group.
  • smp.get_mp_process_group() : torch.distributed.ProcessGroup that contains the processes in the current model-parallelism group.
  • smp.CommGroup.MP_GROUP : The communication group corresponding to the current model parallelism group.

Data Parallelism

  • smp.dp_rank() : The rank of the process within its data-parallelism group.
  • smp.dp_size() : The size of the data-parallelism group.
  • smp.get_dp_process_group() : torch.distributed.ProcessGroup that contains the processes in the current data-parallelism group.
  • smp.CommGroup.DP_GROUP : The communication group corresponding to the current data-parallelism group.

Communication API

The library provides a few communication primitives which can be helpful while developing the training script. These primitives use the following enum s as arguments to specify which processes the communication should involve. ​

Helper structures


An enum that takes the values CommGroup.WORLD, CommGroup.MP_GROUP, and CommGroup.DP_GROUP. These values can also be accessed as smp.WORLD, smp.MP_GROUP, and smp.DP_GROUP respectively.

  • CommGroup.WORLD: Represents the entire group of processes used in training
  • CommGroup.MP_GROUP: Represents the group of processes that hold the same model replica as the current process. The processes in a single MP_GROUP collectively store an entire replica of the model.
  • CommGroup.DP_GROUP: Represents the group of processes that hold the same model partition as the current process. The processes in a single DP_GROUP perform data parallelism/allreduce among themselves.


An enum that takes the values RankType.WORLD_RANK, RankType.MP_RANK, and RankType.DP_RANK.

  • RankType.WORLD_RANK: The associated rank is to be interpreted as the rank of the process across all processes used in training.
  • RankType.MP_RANK: The associated rank is to be interpreted as the rank of the process within the MP_GROUP.
  • RankType.DP_RANK: The associated rank is to be interpreted as the rank of the process within the DP_GROUP.

Communication primitives:

smp.broadcast(obj, group)

Sends the object to all processes in the group. The receiving process must call smp.recv_from to receive the sent object.


  • obj: An arbitrary picklable Python object that will be broadcast.
  • group: A CommGroup argument that represents to which group of processes the object will be sent.


  • When you use broadcast on the sender process, there needs to be an accompanying smp.recv_from() call on the receiver processes.
  • This is a synchronous call; the broadcast statement returns only after all ranks participating in the call have made a matching recv_from call.


if smp.rank() == 0:

smp.send(obj, dest_rank, rank_type)

Sends the object obj to dest_rank, which is of a type specified by rank_type.


  • obj: An arbitrary picklable Python object that will be sent.
  • dest_rank (int): An integer denoting the rank of the receiving process.
  • rank_type (enum): A smp.RankType enum that determines how dest_rank is to be interpreted. For example if dest_rank is 1 and rank_type is MP_RANK, then obj is sent to process with mp_rank 1 in the MP_GROUP which contains the current process.


  • Note: This is a synchronous call; the send statement returns only after the destination rank has made a matching recv_from call.

smp.recv_from(src_rank, rank_type)

Receive an object from a peer process. Can be used with a matching smp.send or a smp.broadcast call.


  • src_rank (int): An integer denoting rank of the sending process.
  • rank_type (enum): A smp.RankType enum that determines how dest_rank is to be interpreted. For example if src_rank is 1 and rank_type is MP_RANK, then the object is received from the process with mp_rank 1 in the MP_GROUP which contains the current process.


Returns the python object that is sent by the peer process.


  • Note: This is a synchronous call; the recv_from statement returns only after the source rank has made a matching send or broadcast call, and the object is received.

smp.allgather(obj, group)

A collective call that gathers all the submitted objects across all ranks in the specified group. Returns a list whose ith index contains the object submitted by the ith rank in group.


  • obj: An arbitrary picklable Python object that will be allgathered.
  • group : A CommGroup argument that represents which group of processes participate in allgather.


  • Note: This is a synchronous call; the allgather statement returns only after all ranks participating in the call have made a matching allgather call, and all the objects are received at the current rank.


# assuming mp_size() == 2

if smp.mp_rank() == 0:
    out = smp.allgather(obj1smp.CommGroup.MP_GROUP# returns [obj1, obj2]
    out = smp.allgather(obj2smp.CommGroup.MP_GROUP# returns [obj1, obj2]


A statement that hangs until all processes in the specified group reach the barrier statement, similar to MPI_Barrier().


  • group: An smp.CommGroup enum that specifies the group of processes participating in the barrier call. Defaults to smp.WORLD.


  • Assume there are 8 processes and 2 model partitions, and therefore 4 mp_groups, and 2 dp_groups. If the barrier call is passed the value smp.MP_GROUP for its group argument, then each process only waits until the other process of its own mp_group reaches that point. It does not wait for processes outside that mp_group.


Same as passing smp.DP_GROUPto smp.barrier(). Waits for the processes in the same dp_group as the current process to reach the same point in execution.


Same as passing smp.MP_GROUP to smp.barrier(). Waits for the processes in the same mp_group as the current process to reach the same point in execution.