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Application SDK reference

The AWS Panorama Application SDK defines the following classes.



Node is the class constructor for any AWS Panorama application. Your application code is contained in a class that inherits from panoramasdk.node.


Parameters: None

Return Value: Node object

Exceptions: If the node cannot be instantiated, an exception is thrown. e.g. when application platform core cannot identify the node per application graph.


class Application(panoramasdk.node):
    def __init__(self):
        """Initializes the application's attributes with parameters from the interface, and default values."""
        self.MODEL_NODE = "model_node"
        self.MODEL_DIM = 512
        self.frame_num = 0
        self.threshold = 50.
        # Desired class
        self.classids = [14.]
            # Parameters
  'Getting parameters')
            self.threshold = self.inputs.threshold.get()
            self.region = self.inputs.region.get()
            logger.exception('Error during initialization.')
  'Initialiation complete.')
  'Threshold: {}'.format(self.threshold))
  'Region: {}'.format(self.region))
def main():
        app = Application()"PROCESSING STREAMS")
        while True:
        logger.exception('Exception during processing loop.')

logger = get_logger(level=logging.INFO)
main(), input, time_out = None)

Callable API is used to “call” another node (listed in the application graph manifest)

Name must match that of one of the nodes defined and listed by the application graph manifest. If a valid node with the name exists, it will be connected to the calling process and pipeline will be built and the input will be sent out to the callable node through the constructed pipeline.

This function is a blocking call until either result of the callable node is returned or otherwise either the timeout is reached or calling node is terminated. This function returns a tuple of numpy arrays

NOTE: Right now we only support that a model node being callable node

Parameters: name name of the node to be called

input Input can either be a media object or a dictionary of numpy array (dictionary key comes from Neo model meta data.

time_out Time out in second, default is set to None (indicating there is no time out)

Exceptions: Exception is thrown when input format is incorrect, or callable name is invalid

Examples: Three ways to call the model callable node

Method 1

out ="model_name", {
    'transform': batch_array.astype('float32'),
    'bbox': batch_bbx.astype('float32'),
    'index': np.array([i for i in range(self.batch_size)], dtype='float32')

Method 2

media_object = self.__node.inputs.video_in.get()
out ="model_name", media_object)

Method 3

media_object = self.__node.inputs.video_in.get()
media_array = media_object.image
media_array_prep = preprocessed(media_array)

out ="model_name", media_array_prep)

node.inputs() “inputs” member represents the list of input ports. The list gets populated with input port objects as defined in the node interface, for example:

Input Port Name as per JSON interface Access Name
example_app node.inputs.example_app
threshold node.inputs.threshold
video_in node.inputs.video_in

Example : Please look at the example for node.outputs for a combined example


“outputs” member represents the list of output ports. The list gets populated with output port objects as defined in the node interface, for example:

Input Port Name as per JSON interface Access Name
video_out node.outputs.video_out

Example :

def process_streams(self):
    """Processes one frame of video from one or more video streams."""
    self.frame_num += 1

    # Loop through attached video streams
    streams = self.inputs.video_in.get()
    for stream in streams:



Manages an instance of a port of a node and used to read and write pipeline data


Sends the specified tuple of data to the stream FIFOs of the port.

Parameters: data_tuple Tuple containing data instances to output from the port; the format of “data” objects has to match the port format as defined by the interface. For now data tuple should only contain media object.

Return Value: None

Exceptions: If SDK is unable to convert “data” objects to the port format, an exception is thrown.



port.get(timeout = None) Get the next available set of values from a port stream, such as parameters and video input. For video input, you can set a timeout to raise an exception if no video is returned. By default, get blocks until a value is returned.

Return Value: Returned data can be a literal (string, integer, float) or stream/pipeline data (e.g. media frame) Literal values are like string/integer/float values that can be used as parameter of the application

Exceptions: If the SDK is unable to convert data objects to the port format, an exception is thrown.


threshold1 = self.inputs.threshold.get()
threshold2 = self.inputs.threshold.get()
threshold2 == threshold2

Pipeline data will be dequeued and returned as a media object.

media_object = self.inputs.video_in.get()

Get media with 30 second timeout.

except TimeoutError as e:
    # log or handle exception


Built-in values:

Key Type Access Description
image numpy_array read only Numpy array representation of the image frame
is_cached boolean read only Indicates if the media has already been retrieved
stream_id string read only Camera data source name
stream_uri string read only Camera stream URL
time_stamp tuple read only Original frame timestamp as it comes from the source (sec, µsec)

media.add_label(text, x, y)

Add a text label to the frame represented by the media object. The label is not drawn on the frame, but instead is associated as metadata only for later processing

Parameters: x, y Label coordinates; specified in [0..1) range.

text Text of the label.

Return Value: None

Example: See combined example with media.add_rect

media.add_rect(left, top, right, bottom)

Add a rectangle to the frame represented by the media object. The rectangle is not drawn on the frame, but instead is associated as metadata only for later processing.

Parameters: left, top, right, bottom Rectangle coordinates; specified in [0..1) range

Return Value: None


def process_results(self, inference_results, stream):
    """Processes output tensors from a computer vision model and annotates a video frame."""
    if inference_results is None:
        logger.warning("Inference results are None.")

    num_people = 0

    class_data = None # Class Data
    bbox_data = None # Bounding Box Data
    conf_data = None # Confidence Data
    # Pulls data from the class holding the results
    # inference_results is a class, which can be iterated through
    # but inference_results has no index accessors (cannot do inference_results[0])

    k = 0
    for det_data in inference_results:
        if k == 0:
            class_data = det_data[0]
        if k == 1:
            conf_data = det_data[0]
        if k == 2:
            bbox_data = det_data[0]
            for a in range(len(conf_data)):
                if conf_data[a][0] * 100 > self.threshold and class_data[a][0] in self.classids:
                    (left, top, right, bottom) = np.clip(det_data[0][a]/self.MODEL_DIM,0,1)
                    stream.add_rect(left, top, right, bottom)
                    num_people += 1
        k += 1'# people {}'.format(str(num_people)))
    stream.add_label('# people {}'.format(str(num_people)), 0.1, 0.1)