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File metadata and controls

474 lines (314 loc) · 14.4 KB


Settings are configurable in by defining SWAGGER_SETTINGS or REDOC_SETTINGS.


        'basic': {
            'type': 'basic'


All settings which configure URLs (LOGIN_URL, SPEC_URL, VALIDATOR_URL, etc.) can accept several forms of input:

  • A view name: urls.reverse() will be used to reverse-resolve the name
  • A 2-tuple of (view_name, kwargs): `urls.reverse() will be used to reverse-resolve the name using the given kwargs; kwargs must be a dict
  • A 3-tuple of (view_name, args, kwargs): `urls.reverse() will be used to reverse-resolve the name using the given args and kwargs; args, kwargs must be a tuple/list and a dict respectively
  • A URL, which will be used as-is

The possible settings and their default values are as follows:


Default classes


~.generators.OpenAPISchemaGenerator subclass that will be used by default for generating the final .Schema object. Can be overridden by the generator_class argument to .get_schema_view.

Default: drf_yasg.generators.OpenAPISchemaGenerator


~.inspectors.ViewInspector subclass that will be used by default for generating .Operation objects when iterating over endpoints. Can be overridden by using the auto_schema argument of @swagger_auto_schema <.swagger_auto_schema> or by a swagger_schema attribute on the view class.

Default: drf_yasg.inspectors.SwaggerAutoSchema


List of ~.inspectors.FieldInspector subclasses that will be used by default for inspecting serializers and serializer fields. Field inspectors given to @swagger_auto_schema <.swagger_auto_schema> will be prepended to this list.

Default: [ 'drf_yasg.inspectors.CamelCaseJSONFilter' <.inspectors.CamelCaseJSONFilter>, 'drf_yasg.inspectors.ReferencingSerializerInspector' <.inspectors.ReferencingSerializerInspector>, 'drf_yasg.inspectors.RelatedFieldInspector' <.inspectors.RelatedFieldInspector>, 'drf_yasg.inspectors.ChoiceFieldInspector' <.inspectors.ChoiceFieldInspector>, 'drf_yasg.inspectors.FileFieldInspector' <.inspectors.FileFieldInspector>, 'drf_yasg.inspectors.DictFieldInspector' <.inspectors.DictFieldInspector>, 'drf_yasg.inspectors.JSONFieldInspector' <.inspectors.JSONFieldInspector>, 'drf_yasg.inspectors.HiddenFieldInspector' <.inspectors.HiddenFieldInspector>, 'drf_yasg.inspectors.RecursiveFieldInspector' <.inspectors.RecursiveFieldInspector>, 'drf_yasg.inspectors.SerializerMethodFieldInspector' <.inspectors.SerializerMethodFieldInspector>, 'drf_yasg.inspectors.SimpleFieldInspector' <.inspectors.SimpleFieldInspector>, 'drf_yasg.inspectors.StringDefaultFieldInspector' <.inspectors.StringDefaultFieldInspector>, ]


List of ~.inspectors.FilterInspector subclasses that will be used by default for inspecting filter backends. Filter inspectors given to @swagger_auto_schema <.swagger_auto_schema> will be prepended to this list.

Default: [ 'drf_yasg.inspectors.CoreAPICompatInspector' <.inspectors.CoreAPICompatInspector>, ]


List of ~.inspectors.PaginatorInspector subclasses that will be used by default for inspecting paginators. Paginator inspectors given to @swagger_auto_schema <.swagger_auto_schema> will be prepended to this list.

Default: [ 'drf_yasg.inspectors.DjangoRestResponsePagination' <.inspectors.DjangoRestResponsePagination>, 'drf_yasg.inspectors.CoreAPICompatInspector' <.inspectors.CoreAPICompatInspector>, ]


List of spec renderers classes which used for plain schema rendering.

Default: [ 'drf_yasg.renderers.SwaggerYAMLRenderer' <.renderers.SwaggerYAMLRenderer>, 'drf_yasg.renderers.SwaggerJSONRenderer' <.renderers.SwaggerJSONRenderer>, 'drf_yasg.renderers.OpenAPIRenderer' <.renderers.OpenAPIRenderer>, ]

Swagger document attributes


A list of keywords for excluding MIME types from Operation.produces. Any MIME type string which includes one of the substrings in this list will be prevented from appearing in a produces array in the Swagger document.

Default: ['html']


An import string to an .openapi.Info object. This will be used when running the generate_swagger management command, or if no info argument is passed to .get_schema_view.

Default: None


A string representing the default API URL. This will be used to populate the host and schemes attributes of the Swagger document if no API URL is otherwise provided. The Django FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME setting can be used for providing an API mount point prefix.

See also: documentation on base URL construction <custom-spec-base-url>

Default: None



Enable/disable Django login as an authentication/authorization mechanism. If True, a login/logout button will be displayed in Swagger UI.

Default: True


URL for the Django Login action when using USE_SESSION_AUTH.

Default: django.conf.settings.LOGIN_URL


URL for the Django Logout action when using USE_SESSION_AUTH.

Default: '/accounts/logout/'


Swagger security definitions to be included in the specification. See


'basic': {
   'type': 'basic'


Global security requirements. If None, all schemes in SECURITY_DEFINITIONS are accepted. See

Default: None

Swagger UI settings

Swagger UI configuration settings. See


URL pointing to a swagger document for use by swagger-ui. The default behavior is to append ?format=openapi to the URL which serves the UI; see note on URL settings <url-settings> above.

Default: None Maps to parameter: url


URL pointing to a swagger-validator instance; used for the validation badge shown in swagger-ui. Can be modified to point to a local install of swagger-validator or set to None to remove the badge.

Default: '' Maps to parameter: validatorUrl


Persist swagger-ui authorization data to local storage. WARNING: This may be a security risk as the credentials are stored unencrypted and can be accessed by all javascript code running on the same domain.

Default: False Maps to parameter: -


Re-fetch the OpenAPI document with the new credentials after authorization is performed through swagger-ui.

Default: False Maps to parameter: -


Re-fetch the OpenAPI document without credentials after authorization is removed through swagger-ui.

Default: False Maps to parameter: -


Fetch the OpenAPI document using the query parameters passed to the swagger-ui page request.

Default: True Maps to parameter: -


Sorting order for the operation list of each tag.

  • None: show in the order returned by the server
  • 'alpha': sort alphabetically by path
  • 'method': sort by HTTP method

Default: None Maps to parameter: operationsSorter


Sorting order for tagged operation groups.

  • None: Swagger UI default ordering
  • 'alpha': sort alphabetically

Default: None Maps to parameter: tagsSorter


Controls the default expansion setting for the operations and tags.

  • 'none': everything is collapsed
  • 'list': only tags are expanded
  • 'full': all operations are expanded

Default: 'list' Maps to parameter: docExpansion


Automatically update the fragment part of the URL with permalinks to the currently selected operation.

Default: False Maps to parameter: deepLinking


Show vendor extension (x-..) fields.

Default: True Maps to parameter: showExtensions


Controls whether operations show the model structure or the example value by default.

  • 'model': show the model fields by default
  • 'example': show the example value by default

Default: 'model' Maps to parameter: defaultModelRendering


Controls how many levels are expanded by default when showing nested models.

Default: 3 Maps to parameter: defaultModelExpandDepth


Controls the display of extensions (pattern, maxLength, minLength, maximum, minimum) fields and values for Parameters.

Default: True Maps to parameter: showCommonExtensions


Used when OAuth2 authentication of API requests via swagger-ui is desired. If None is passed, the oauth2RedirectUrl parameter will be set to {% static 'drf-yasg/swagger-ui-dist/oauth2-redirect.html' %}. This is the default file provided by swagger-ui.

Default: None Maps to parameter: oauth2RedirectUrl


Used when OAuth2 authentication of API requests via swagger-ui is desired. Provides OAuth2 configuration parameters to the SwaggerUIBundle#initOAuth method, and must be a dictionary. See OAuth2 configuration.

Default: {}


List of HTTP methods that have the Try it out feature enabled. An empty array disables Try it out for all operations. This does not filter the operations from the display.

Default: ['get','put','post','delete','options','head','patch','trace'] Maps to parameter: supportedSubmitMethods


Controls the display of operationId in operations list.

Default: True Maps to parameter: displayOperationId


ReDoc UI settings

ReDoc UI configuration settings. See


URL pointing to a swagger document for use by ReDoc. The default behavior is to append ?format=openapi to the URL which serves the UI; see note on URL settings <url-settings> above.

Default: None Maps to attribute: spec-url


If set, enables lazy rendering mode in ReDoc. This mode is useful for APIs with big number of operations (e.g. > 50). In this mode ReDoc shows initial screen ASAP and then renders the rest operations asynchronously while showing progress bar on the top.

NOTE: this feature might be removed in future versions of ReDoc (see Redocly/redoc#475)

Default: False Maps to attribute: lazyRendering


If set, the protocol and hostname is not shown in the operation definition.

Default: False Maps to attribute: hideHostname


Specify which responses to expand by default by response codes. Values should be passed as comma-separated list without spaces e.g. expandResponses="200,201". Special value "all" expands all responses by default. Be careful: this option can slow-down documentation rendering time.

Default: 'all' Maps to attribute: expandResponses


Show path link and HTTP verb in the middle panel instead of the right one.

Default: False Maps to attribute: pathInMiddlePanel


Use native scrollbar for sidemenu instead of perfect-scroll (scrolling performance optimization for big specs).

Default: False Maps to attribute: nativeScrollbars


Show required properties first ordered in the same order as in required array.

Default: False Maps to attribute: requiredPropsFirst


Fetch the OpenAPI document using the query parameters passed to the ReDoc page request.

Default: True Maps to parameter: -