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299 lines (206 loc) · 14.6 KB


0.1.1 - 2023-07-04


  • Remove OpenSSL dependency - ashleygwilliams/pr515, geelen/i514

    If a release happens without an OpenSSL issue, does it really happen? In trying to run oranda build on a beta image for Cloudflare Pages, an end user discovered that we hadn't fully vanquished our dependency on OpenSSL. With this PR, we've made 100% sure we have.

  • Allow schema key in oranda.json - Gankra, pr506

    To improve the user experience of configuring oranda, we error on unexpected keys in the oranda.json file- which will help people see typos and other mistakes. However, this checking was over-eagerly erroring when folks added a schema key so they could use VS Code's schema support. This PR makes an exception for users including the "non-functional" (in oranda) schema key.

  • Add fallback to macOS Intel artifacts if Apple Silicon detected, but no artifacts found - Gankra, pr511

    Platform support and detection is slightly more complicated on Apple/macOS machines because Apple offers Rosetta2 which allows you to run binaries built for older Intel-based systems on the new Apple Silicon ones (but not vice versa). This PR updates the install widget's behavior to show artifacts built for Apple Intel-based systems if it detects an Apple Silicon system but cannot find any binaries built for Apple Silicon.

  • Artifact table width on mobile - SaraVieira, pr505

    On mobile, the artifact table's width was forcing a scroll. We've updated the CSS to fix this!

0.1.0 - 2023-07-03

What is oranda?

oranda is a hands-off static site generator for people who want a website for their tool but don't want to get knee-deep into web development. As long as you have a in your directory, you can benefit from oranda. oranda will also try to automatically work with:

  • Release artifacts (currently only for GitHub releases)
    • cargo-dist-generated ones, and
    • arbitrary release artifacts
  • mdbookdocs
  • GitHub-supported project/maintainer funding sources

oranda is designed to just work in a lot of cases, and in cases where it doesn't, it should provide fine-grained configuration so you can make it work for your use case.



Github release artifacts inference

We can now not only figure out whether you're using cargo-dist automatically, but we also try and support arbitrary tarballs, as long as they're attached to a release and they're following the target-triple format. Oranda will now, for example, pick up a release artifact called myapp-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.xz, even if the project isn't using cargo-dist to publish releases.

Smarter install widget

The installer widget on our main page has been upgraded! It now not only shows a select box where you can switch between different architectures (though we still attempt to figure out what platform you're running on), but it now additionally displays your package managers, all in a sleek tab-style view:

oranda install widget preview

You can customize which package managers you want to be displayed on in this widget vs. which ones should only be displayed on the separate install page, as well. Read more in the docs

Funding page

oranda now has the ability to autodetect whether you're using GitHub's funding embed functionality (meaning you have a .github/FUNDING.yml), in which case it'll automatically generate a page showing your available funding options.

Additionally, you can enhance this page by selecting a particular funding channel to be prioritized as your "main" funding method. You can also provide custom content from a Markdown file, to provide additional context to your funding page. Read more in the docs

This is less of a defined feature and more of an experiment on how we can better integrate maintainers' funding sources onto their websites. Please let us know what you think, or if you have any other feedback or input!

mdbook autodetect and styling

oranda themes now get applied to your mdbook output, too, meaning there's less of a discrepancy between your flashy oranda page and your default-mdbook-styled docs. We've also been hard at work being able to detect when you use mdbook without you having to set it, which should now work in the majority of cases.


New configuration structure

We've completely revamped our configuration structure to be more future-proof and to require less refactoring in the fullness of time. For the new configuration layout, please consult the docs.

One other major change is that we now reject unknown config keys. This means that if you've had a oranda 0.0.3 site, it will now force you to migrate your config to the new format. We've decided on this because we believe that doing anything but hard erroring in this situation would lead to unwanted behavior (old keys getting interpreted in new, weird ways, and so on).

Config schema

oranda's configuration schema is now available in a JSON schema for each release starting with this one. This means that in editors like VSCode, you can attach the schema to your oranda.json file and get autofill and documentation, like this:

  "$schema": ""


dev command

This release introduces oranda dev, which bundles both building your site and serving it from a file server, as well as sprinkling in auto-recompilation when files change. It's intended to be the prime command for local development of a oranda site.

Bug fixes

(this is a selection, there's been way too many to fully list, at least until we're able to automatically generate a list)

  • Various style fixes, lists now display correct, colors should be less offensive to the eye, that sort of stuff
  • We're much better now at handling complex release histories!
  • We've completely removed the version key from the configuration. It wasn't used, and we probably won't use it in the future, either


Documentation has had a major rewrite! We now provide a full configuration overview, as well as more detailed writeups for major parts of functionality.

Thank you to our contributors!

Despite being formally unannounced, several intrepid folks discovered oranda, and have been using it for personal projects and contributing issues and PRs. Their feedback has been invaluable in getting oranda to 0.1.0 today and we'd like to thank them:

0.0.3 - 2023-05-08


  • Individual Changelog pages: shadows-withal/↬284

    When announcing a new release- it's often desirable to link to an individual release page that contains the changelog/release notes. Previously, we built a single page for all the releases- now we build individual pages as well.

    This is the first shipped feature from our new team member, Liv! Yay and welcome :)

  • npm installer: ashleygwilliams/↬288

    As of 0.0.6, cargo-dist will build an npm installer for you! So now you can npm or npx oranda!


  • Improved configuration support for non-cargo dist users: pomdtr/#262 , ashleygwilliams/↬281

    Previously, setting cargo-dist as false, or omitting it should have been sufficient to stop oranda from attempting to parse your releases as cargo-dist artifacts, however cargo-dist: false did not work! How the entire artifacts config object is handled has been reworked and tested. Additionally, work from a refactor has also made projects with a mixture of cargo-dist and non-cargo-dist releases work much better.

  • Installer header fallback when platform is not detected: gankra/↬269

    When you use cargo-dist, we display a header on your index page that detects your user's platform and recommends and installer to them. We did not previously have a fallback if we detected a system that none of the installers supported. Now, in that scenario- we'll offer an artifact download as the header option.

  • Dev commands has proper default values: ashleygwilliams/#256,↬260

    Due to a false hope that #[derive(Default)] would collect defaults from the clap derive API, we shipped the dev command with each argument's type's defaults, not the oranda ones. dev now has the same defaults that serve does, as is to be expected.

  • Improved typography and layout styles on mobile: ashleygwilliams/#234, SaraVieira/↬276


0.0.2 - 2023-04-13


  • Changelogs - ashleygwilliams/#192, SaraVieira/↬193

  • oranda dev command v1: ashleygwilliams/#209,↬240

    It is common to run oranda build && oranda serve so oranda dev now wraps that into a single function. A future version will improve this to include watching to automatically rebuild on changes, while serve continues to run uninterrupted.`

  • Additional pages takes a hashmap to allow custom nav names: ashleygwilliams/#115, SaraVieira/↬203

    Previously, the nav element for an additional page was inferred from its filename. However, this led to some unfortunate presentations- especially if the additional page had an all caps filename while others did not. This new data structure allows you to provide the specific string you'd like to see in the nav for any additional page.

  • Improved error handling: spitfire05/#206, ashleygwilliams/↬191, SaraVieira/↬193,↬201

    Several PRs over the course of the last milestone have dramatically improved error handling: from replacing panics with proper errors to adding more descriptive errors with messages that help you better understand and solve the issue.

  • Themes: SaraVieira/↬208

    There are now 2 additional themes- light(default), dark, hacker, and cupcake.

  • Version number and publish date on installer header: ashleygwilliams/#194, SaraVieira/↬217

  • Improved styling: SaraVieira/↬202,↬220


  • Code block with unsupported highlight annotations should show as plaintext: spitfire05/#236, SaraVieira/↬237

    Annotating a code block with an unsupported language highlight led to blocks simply not rendering at all. Now they will render as plainttext and will show a warning to request support.

  • Nav should show if using dist/changelog, but not additional pages: ashleygwilliams/#183,↬187

    Originally, we would only generate a nav if a user configured additional markdown pages. However, nav is also needed if a user configures their project to use cargo-dist or render changelogs.


0.0.1 - 2023-02-24

Initial release.