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Industrial Machine Learning

Horizontally scalable Machine Learning in Python

Alejandro Saucedo



Industrial Machine Learning

Horizontally scalable Machine Learning in Python

Alejandro Saucedo

    Head of Deployed Engineering
    <a style="color: cyan" href="">Eigen Technologies</a>
    <a style="color: cyan" href="">The Institute for Ethical AI & ML</a>
    Fellow (AI, Data & ML)
    <a style="color: cyan" href="#">The RSA</a>
    <a style="color: cyan" href=""> Initiative</a>



Industry-ready ML

An overview of caveats in deploying ML

Very high level talk

Intuitive overview of ML

Going distributed, and beyond

The big picture


Learning by example

Today we are...

Building a tech startup


Crypto-ML Ltd.

Let's jump the hype-train!

A ML framework for crypto-data

Supporting heavy compute/memory ML

Can our system survive the 2017 crypto-craze?


The Dataset

All historical data from top 100 cryptos

Data goes from beginning to 11/2017

563871 daily-price (close) points


* Supporting heavy ML computations * Supporting increasing traffic


Interface: CryptoLoader

from crypto_ml.data_loader import CryptoLoader cl

loader = cl()

> array([ 134.21,  144.54,  139.  , ..., 3905.95, 3631.04, 3630.7 ])

>            Date    Open    High     Low   Close     Market Cap
> 1608 2013-04-28  135.30  135.98  132.10  134.21  1,500,520,000
> 1607 2013-04-29  134.44  147.49  134.00  144.54  1,491,160,000
> 1606 2013-04-30  144.00  146.93  134.05  139.00  1,597,780,000
> 1605 2013-05-01  139.00  139.89  107.72  116.99  1,542,820,000
> 1604 2013-05-02  116.38  125.60   92.28  105.21  1,292,190,000


Interface: CryptoManager

from crypto_ml.manager import CryptoManager as cm

manager = cm()


> bitcoin [[4952.28323284 5492.85474648 6033.42626011 6573.99777374 7114.56928738
> 7655.14080101 8195.71231465 8736.28382828 9276.85534192 9817.42685555]]
> bitconnect [[157.70136155 181.86603134 206.03070113 230.19537092 254.36004071
> 278.5247105  302.6893803  326.85405009 351.01871988 375.18338967]]







1. The Early Crypto-Beginnings


Crypto-ML Ltd. managed to obtain access to a unique dataset, which allowed them

to built their initial prototype and raise massive amounts of VC money

import random

def predict_crypto(self, crypto_data):
    # I have no clue what I'm doing
    return crypto_data * random.uniform(0, 1)

Now they need to figure out what ML is


ML Tutorials Everywhere


[NEXT] Given some input data, predict the correct output


Let's try to predict whether a shape is a square or a triangle

How do we do this?


Let's visualise it

  • Imagine a 2-d plot
  • The x-axis is the area of the input shape
  • The y-axis is the perimeter of the input shape



All about the function

**$f(x̄) = mx̄ + b$**, where:

**x̄** is input (area & perimeter)

**m** and **b** are weights/bias

The result $f(x̄)$ states whether it's a triangle or square

(i.e. if it's larger than 0.5 it's triangle otherwise square)


We let the machine do the learning



We let the machine do the learning



We let the machine do the learning



Minimising loss function

We optimise the model by minimising its loss.

Keep adjusting the weights...

...until loss is not getting any smaller.



Finding the weights!

When it finishes, we find optimised weights and biases

i.e. $f(x̄)$ = triangle if ($0.3 x̄ + 10$) > 0.5 else square


Now predict new data


Once we have our function, we can predict NEW data!


We're ML experts!

Please collect your certificates after the talk

These are valid in:

  • Your Linkedin profile
  • Non-tech Meetups and Parties
  • Any time you reply to a tweet

[NEXT] The Crypto-ML devs asked themselves...

from crypto_ml.data_loader import CryptoLoader

btc = CryptoLoader().get_df("bitcoin")


>            Date    Open    High     Low   Close     Market Cap
> 1608 2013-04-28  135.30  135.98  132.10  134.21  1,500,520,000
> 1607 2013-04-29  134.44  147.49  134.00  144.54  1,491,160,000
> 1606 2013-04-30  144.00  146.93  134.05  139.00  1,597,780,000
> 1605 2013-05-01  139.00  139.89  107.72  116.99  1,542,820,000
> 1604 2013-05-02  116.38  125.60   92.28  105.21  1,292,190,000

...can this be used for our cryptocurrency price data?


Not yet.

Processing sequential data requires a different approach.

Instead of trying to predict two classes...

...we want to predict future steps


Sequential Models

Sequential models often are used to predict future data.

Still uses the same approach

f(x) = mx + b

To find the weights and biases

But can be used on time-sequence data - ie. prices, words, characters, etc.


The hello_world of sequential models

Predicting prices by fitting a line on set of time-series points


Linear Regression


Linear Regression

from sklearn import linear_model

def predict(prices, times, predict=10):

    model = linear_model.LinearRegression(), prices)

    predict_times = get_prediction_timeline(times, predict)

    return model.predict(predict_times)


Linear Regression

from crypto_ml.data_loader import CryptoLoader

cl = CryptoLoader()

df = cl.get_df("bitcoin")

times = df[["Date"]].values
prices = df[["Price"]].values

results = predict(prices, times, 5)



But the Crypto-ML team wants

#cutting edge tech


2. Diving deep into the hype

[NEXT] The Crypto-ML team realised that their usecases were much more complex


[NEXT] The team had to learn many critical points on machine learning development!


  • Extending our feature space
  • Increasing number of inputs
  • Regularisation techniques (dropout, batch normalisation)
  • Normalising datasets

[NEXT] But they also stumbled upon some neural network tutorials...


Remember our favourite function?

f(x) = mx + b

Now on a simple perceptron function

in a neural network



Instead of just one neuron



We just have many


This gives the function more flexibility


With a few layers


This gives more flexibility for learning


Deep Neural Networks



Deep Networks — many hidden layers



For sequential models?

Deep Recurrent Neural Networks

(e.g. LSTMs)


Simplified Visualisation

rnn_compress_expanded One node represents a full layer of neurons.


Simplified Visualisation


One node represents a full layer of neurons.


Unrolled Recurrent Network

Previous predictions help make the next prediction.

Each prediction is a time step.



Recurrent Networks


Hidden layer's input includes the output of itself during the last run of the network.

[NEXT] rnn_unrolled_chars

[NEXT] rnn_unrolled_chars

[NEXT] rnn_unrolled_chars

[NEXT] rnn_unrolled_chars

[NEXT] rnn_unrolled_chars

[NEXT] rnn_unrolled_chars

[NEXT] rnn_unrolled_chars


Loss/Cost function

Cost function is based on getting the prediction right!



Training an RNN in Python

def deep_predict(prices):

    p = 10

    model = get_rnn_model()

    x, y = build_lstm_data(prices, 50), y, batch_size=512, nb_epoch=1, validation_split=0.05)

    return rnn_predict(model, x, prices)

  • Build model
  • Compute the weights
  • Return the prediction


Not too different, eh!

from sklearn import linear_model

def predict(prices, times, predict=10):

    model = linear_model.LinearRegression(), prices)

    predict_times = get_prediction_timeline(times, predict)

    return model.predict(predict_times)

def deep_predict(prices):

    p = 10

    model = get_rnn_model()

    x, y = build_lstm_data(prices, 50), y, batch_size=512, nb_epoch=1, validation_split=0.05)

    return rnn_predict(model, x, prices)


Code to build the the LSTM

from keras.layers.core import Dense, Activation, Dropout
from keras.layers.recurrent import LSTM
from keras.models import Sequential
import lstm

def get_rnn_model():
    model = Sequential()
    model.add(LSTM(input_dim=1, output_dim=50, return_sequences=True))

    model.add(LSTM(100, return_sequences=False))


    model.compile(loss="mse", optimizer="rmsprop")

    return model

A linear dense layer to aggregate the data into a single value

Compile with mean sq. error & gradient descent as optimizer



RNN Test-run

from crypto_ml.data_loader import CryptoLoader

cl = CryptoLoader()

df = cl.get_df("bitcoin")

times = df[["Date"]].values
prices = df[["Price"]].values

results = deep_predict(prices, times, 5)



Side note

In this example we are training and predicting in the same function.

Normally you would train your model, and then run the model in "production" for predictions



has the DL!

Are we done then?


The fun is just starting


3. Going distributed


After CryptoML was caught using deep learning...

...they were featured in the top 10 global news


Their userbase exploded

Now they have quite a few users coming in every day

Each user is running several ML algorithms concurrently

They tried getting larger and larger AWS servers


They should've seen this coming

  • Machine learning is known for being computing heavy
  • But often it's forgotten how memory-heavy it is
  • I'm talking VERY heavy - holding whole models in-mem
  • Scaling to bigger instances with more cores is expensive
  • Having everything in one node is a central point of failure

It's time to go for scale


Producer-consumer Architecture


The Crypto-ML Devs thought go distributed was too hard

It's not.


Introducing Celery


  • Distributed
  • Asynchronous
  • Task Queue
  • For Python


Step 1: Choose a function

def deep_predict(prices, times, predict=10):

    model = utils.get_rnn_model(), prices, batch_size=512, nb_epoch=1, validation_split=0.05)

    predict_times = get_prediction_timeline(times, predict)

    return model.predict(predict_times)


Step 2: Celerize it

from celery import Celery
from utils import load, dump

# Initialise celery with rabbitMQ address
app = Celery('crypto_ml',

# Add decorator for task (can also be class)
def deep_predict(d_prices, d_times, predict=10):

    # Load from stringified binaries (Pandas Dataframes)
    prices = load(d_prices)
    times = load(d_times)

    model = utils.get_rnn_model(), prices, batch_size=512, nb_epoch=1, validation_split=0.05)

    predict_times = get_prediction_timeline(times, predict)

    return dump(model.predict(predict_times))


Step 3: Run it!

from crypto_ml.models import deep_predict

$ celery -A crypto_ml worker

Monitor the activity logs:

$ celery -A crypto_ml worker
Darwin-15.6.0-x86_64-i386-64bit 2018-03-10 00:43:28

.> app:         crypto_ml:0x10e81a9e8
.> transport:   amqp://user:**@localhost:5672//
.> results:     amqp://
.> concurrency: 8 (prefork)
.> task events: OFF (enable -E to monitor tasks in this worker)

.> celery           exchange=celery(direct) key=celery


We're already halfway there

Now we just need to make the producer!

We can just follow the same recipe


Step 1: Take the code

cl = CryptoLoader()
results = {}

# Compute results
for name in cl.get_crypto_names():

    prices, times = cl.get_prices(name)

    result = deep_predict(prices, times)

    results[name] = result

# Print results
for k,v in results.items():
    print(k, v)


Step 2: Celerize it

from crypto_ml.data_loader import CryptoLoader
from util import load, dump

cl = CryptoLoader()
results = {}

# Send task for distributed computing
for name in cl.get_crypto_names():

    prices, times = cl.get_prices(name)

    task = deep_predict.delay(
                    , dump(times))

    results[name] = task

# Wait for results and print
for k,v in results.items():
    p_result = v.get()

    if result:
        result = load(p_result)
        print(k, result)


Step 3: Run it!

By just running the Python in a shell command!



Visualise it

You can visualise through Celery "Flower"

$ celery -A crypto_ml flower
> INFO: flower.command: Visit me at http://localhost:5555



Distriuted #Win

We now have ML, and are distributed.

We have surely won.

We can pack our ba- oh, not yet?

Not really


4. Smart Data Pipelines


The Crypto-ML has now an exponentially increasing amount of internal use-cases

Their datapipeline is getting unmanagable!


Growingly complex data flows

  • There is a growing need to pull data from different sources
  • There is a growing need to pre- and post-process data
  • As complexity increases tasks depending on others
  • If a task fails we wouldn't want to run the children tasks
  • Some tasks need to be triggered chronologically
  • Data pipelines can get quite complex
  • Having just celerized tasks ran by Linux chronjob gets messy


You want to go from here



To here



Introducing Airflow

The swiss army knife of data pipelines


What Airflow IS

  • Written in Python!
  • Alternative to Chronos (also built by AirBnb) + Luigi
  • Has a scheduler (like chronjob, but not like cronjob)
  • Can define tasks and dependent tasks (as a pipeline)
  • Has real-time visualisation of jobs
  • Modular separation between framework and logic
  • Can run on top of celery (without any modifications)
  • Being introduced to the apache family (incubation)
  • Actively maintained and growing community
  • Used by tons of companies (AirBnB, Paypal, Quora,)


What Airflow is NOT

  • Airflow is not perfect (but the best out there)
  • It's not a Lambda/FaaS framework (but can be programmed)
  • Is not extremely mature (ie incubation)
  • Airflow is not a data streaming solution (e.g. Storm/Spark Streaming)


The DAG Architecture



The scheduler



The tree view (and sub-components)



The Crypto-ML Usecase

Scheduled task:

  • Operator: polls new Crypto-data + triggers each sub-dags


  • Operator: Transforms the data
  • Operator: Sends data to the crypto-prediction engine
  • Sensor: Polls until the prediction is finished
  • Branch: Modifies data & based on rules triggers action
    • Operator: Stores data in database
    • Operator: Sends request to trade


The Crypto-ML Usecase



Go check it out!


5. Elastic DevOps Infrastructure

[NEXT] The CryptoML team remembers the easy days...

...when they only had a few new users a day

Now they have much heavier traffic!

They are working with large organsations!

They are processing massive loads of ML requests!

### Their DevOps infrastructure # Can't keep up!


Underestimating DevOps complexity

  • Complexity of staging and deploying ML models
  • Backwards compatibility of feature-spaces/models
  • Distributing load across infrastructure
  • Idle resource time minimisation
  • Node failure back-up strategies
  • Testing of Machine Learning functionality
  • Monitoring of ML ecosystem
  • And the list goes on and on...


Did anyone say docker?


Package it. Ship it.


Gotta love the simplicity

from conda/miniconda3-centos7:latest

ADD . /crypto_ml/
WORKDIR /crypto_ml/

# Dependency for one of the ML predictors
RUN yum install mesa-libGL -y

# Install all the dependencies
RUN conda env create -f crypto_ml.yml


docker -t crypto_ml .

it's done!


Can this be more awesome?

####Yes it can!

Packaging it up and installing through pip/conda.

from conda/miniconda3-centos7:latest
RUN conda install <YOUR_PACKAGE>

Nice and simple!


The obvious docker-compose

version: '2'
        container_name: crypto_manager
        image: crypto_ml
        build: .
            - rabbitmq
            - rabbitmq
        command: tail -f /dev/null
        container_name: crypto_worker
        image: crypto_ml
        build: .
            - rabbitmq
            - rabbitmq
        command: /usr/local/envs/crypto_ml/bin/celery -A crypto_ml worker --prefetch-multiplier 1 --max-tasks-per-child 1 -O fair
        container_name: rabbitmq
        image: rabbitmq:3.6.0
            - RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER=user
            - RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS=1234
            - 4369
            - 5672
            - 15672

It all just works automagically!

docker-compose up --scale crypto_worker=4


Taking it to the next level with




All the YML


Creating all the services and controllers

kubectl create -f k8s/*


Kubernetes: Dev


  • Minikube
  • Docker for Mac


Kubernetes: Prod


  • Elastic Container Service for K8s (AWS)
  • CoreOS Tectonic
  • Red Hat OpenShift


Kubernetes: Tools

Many options

  • CloudFormation (AWS)
  • Terraform
  • Kops


Docker for Mac now supports it!


Mini fist-pump

[NEXT] What's next for Crypto-ML?


As with every other tech startup

the roller-coaster keeps going!


But for us?

Obtained an intuitive understanding on ML

Learned about caveats on practical ML

Obtained tips on building distributed architectures

Got an taste of elastic DevOps infrastructure





Industrial Machine Learning

Alejandro Saucedo

    Head of Deployed Engineering
    <a style="color: cyan" href="">Eigen Technologies</a>
    <a style="color: cyan" href="">The Institute for Ethical AI & ML</a>
    Fellow (AI, Data & ML)
    <a style="color: cyan" href="#">The RSA</a>
    <a style="color: cyan" href=""> initiative</a>
