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File metadata and controls

102 lines (74 loc) · 2.4 KB


The source file can be transformed multiple times. For example:

  • Compile TypeScript/CoffeeScript/ES6 source to JavaScript.
  • Build module wrapper (commonJS and etc).
  • Concatenate a lot of files to the single file.
  • Compress it.

At each stage we can get a source map. If we want to debug in the browser the original code, we need to merge all of the intermediate maps.

For example, we have TypeScript files: a.ts, b.ts, c.ts, d.ts. Compile it to ab.js and cd.js:

tsc --out ab.js --sourceMap a.ts b.ts
tsc --out cd.js --sourceMap c.ts d.ts

The result is a map (refers to a.ts and b.ts) and a map (refers to c.ts and d.ts). In the next step compress all files:

java -jar compiler.jar --js ab.js cd.js --js_output_file out.js --create_source_map

The result is a file out.js and a map (refers to ab.js and cd.js). We want to this map refers to a.ts, b.ts and etc.

Method merge()

merge(SourceMap $map [, string $file])

Merges the current map and a $map.

The argument $map can be

  • A SourceMap instance
  • An array of a source map data ([...'sources'=>[...],'mappings'=>'...')
  • A string of a file name of a source map

The $file is name in the current map sources section. By default used $map->file.

Solution for the example

$map = SourceMap::loadFromFile('/');


The start content of


The final content of

    "sources": ["a.ts","c.ts","b.ts","d.ts"],
    "names": ["one","two","three","four"],

merge() replace intermediate sources on the original TS-files and changed positions.

Now in the browser debugger will display the source TS-files.


If we call merge() with a SourceMap instance as argument, then it is better not to use this instance in the future.

$mapInter = SourceMap::loadFromFile('');
$mapOut = SourceMap::loadFromFile('');

unset($mapInter); // this object can be incorrect

If the object is required in the future then clone it.

$mapOut->merge(clone $mapInter);