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BackgroundFinder ModeMaker ModeREADME

Note If you encounter any error or bug in using nrpcalc, please feel free to open an issue.


NRP Calculator kmerSetDB background object for on-disk storage of background sequence k-mers (where k=Lmax+1). When a sequence is added to background, k-mers from the sequence are added instead of the actual sequence itself. A sequence queried for existence in the given background is evaluated to be True if any k-mer from the sequence exists in the background. This object is useful when chaining multiple Maker Mode and Finder Mode jobs as well as persisting any backgrounds such as small genomes or other part toolboxes from earlier design rounds.

nrpcalc.background(path, Lmax, verbose=True)

argument type description default
path string ./a/path/to/store/background/object for later reuse and part verification --
Lmax integer maximum allowed shared repeat length between all sequences in a given toolbox --
verbose boolean if True displays progress True

Returns: A kmerSetDB object.

Note: If the path provided points to an existing background object, then that background is opened for reading, and the new Lmax is ignored, otherwise, a new background is instantiated at the given path.

background / kmerSetDB API Example

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> import nrpcalc
>>> my_background_list = [
>>> bkg = nrpcalc.background(
>>> bkg
kmerSetDB stored at ./prj_bkg/ with 0 16-mers

background / kmerSetDB offers the following methods

(1) add(seq) - adds an IUPAC string seq to background


(2) multiadd(seq_list) - adds multiple sequences from the list to background

>>> bkg.multiadd(my_background_list)

[Background Processing]
  Adding Seq 4: TTAGCTTGAT...

(3) __contains__(seq) - checks if all k-mers from seq is present in background


(4) multicheck(seq_list) - checks if all k-mers from given seq_list present in background

>>> assert all(bkg.multicheck(my_background_list))

(5) __iter__() - iterates over all k-mers in background

>>> pprint(list(bkg))

(6) __len()__ - returns the number of k-mers in background

>>> len(bkg)

(7) remove(seq) - removes all k-mers in seq from the background, freeing them up for use

>>> bkg.remove('ATGCTTAGTGCCATACC')
>>> len(bkg)

(8) multiremove(seq_list) - removes all k-mers from given seq_list from background

>>> bkg.multiremove(my_background_list)

[Background Processing]
  Removing Seq 4: TTAGCTTGAT
>>> len(bkg)

(9) clear(Lmax=None) - removes all k-mers stored in background, and optionally resets background Lmax

>>> len(bkg)
>>> bkg.clear()
>>> len(bkg)
>>> bkg
kmerSetDB stored at ./prj_bkg/ with 0 16-mers
>>> bkg.clear(Lmax=17)
>>> bkg
kmerSetDB stored at ./prj_bkg/ with 0 18-mers
>>> bkg.clear(Lmax=15)
>>> bkg
kmerSetDB stored at ./prj_bkg/ with 0 16-mers

(10) close() - closes background instance; once closed operations on the instance raises error

>>> bkg.close()
>>> bkg.close()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "nrpcalc/base/", line 97, in wrapper
    raise RuntimeError('kmerSetDB was dropped')
RuntimeError: kmerSetDB was closed or dropped

(11) drop() - deletes unclosed background from disk; once dropped operations on the instance raises error

>>> bkg.drop()
>>> bkg = nrpcalc.background(
>>> bkg
kmerSetDB stored at ./prj_bkg/ with 0 16-mers
>>> bkg.drop()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "nrpcalc/base/", line 97, in wrapper
    raise RuntimeError('kmerSetDB was closed or dropped')
RuntimeError: kmerSetDB was closed or dropped

Finder Mode

NRP Calculator Finder Mode for discovering non-repetitive subset of parts from a given list. All parts sharing any repeat longer than Lmax are eliminated from seq_list, and the approximately largest subset of non-repetitive parts is returned in a dictionary indexed by their position in seq_list. If internal_repeats is set to True, then parts with internal repeats are preserved, otherwise such parts are eliminated from seq_list. Optionally, the discovered subset of parts is written to an output FASTA file.

nrpcalc.finder(seq_list, Lmax, internal_repeats=False, background=None, vercov='nrp2', output_file=None, verbose=True)

argument type description default
seq_list list a list of IUPAC strings representing a genetic part toolbox --
Lmax integer maximum allowed shared repeat length between all sequences in a given toolbox --
internal_repeats boolean if False then parts containing internal repeats longer than Lmax are eliminated; shared repeats are eliminated regardless False
background kmerSetDB/None the background object containing k-mers (k=Lmax+1) which must be absent in discovered non-repetitive subset of parts None
vercov string must be either '2apx', 'nrpG', or 'nrp2'
'2apx' - use standard 2-approximation Vertex Cover Elimination algorithm
'nrpG' - use Greedy Vertex Cover Elimination algorithm
'nrp2' - user Finder Mode 2-approximation Vertex Cover Elimination Algorithm
output_file string/None filename to store discovered non-repetitive parts indexed by their position in seq_list; sequences are written in FASTA format None
verbose boolean if True displays progress True

Returns: A dictionary of DNA or RNA strings with integer keys.

Finder Mode API Example

>>> import nrpcalc
>>> # define background corpus
>>> my_chromosomes = [
>>> # initialize background
>>> genomic_kmers = nrpcalc.background(
>>> genomic_kmers.multiadd(

[Background Processing]
  Adding Seq 4: AAAAAAAAAA...
>>> # fetch part toolbox
>>> my_toolbox = [
    'TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA', # Repeats with last chromosome
    'GAGCTATGACTGACGTC'] # Repeats with first part
>>> # find non-repetitive subset
>>> # with respect to background
>>> nrpcalc.finder(

[Non-Repetitive Parts Calculator - Finder Mode]

[Checking Constraints]
 Sequence List   : 4 parts
          Lmax   : 15 bp
 Internal Repeats: False

 Check Status: PASS

[Checking Background]
 Background: kmerSetDB stored at ./my_genome/ with 10 16-mers

 Check Status: PASS

[Checking Arguments]
   Vertex Cover: nrp2
   Output  File: None

 Check Status: PASS

Extracted 4 unique sequences out of 4 sequences in 3.91e-05 seconds

Written 4 unique sequences out to ./30c21235-e3f6-47f5-bce1-f99f47053e0b/seq_list.txt in 0.0002167 seconds

 [Sequence processing remaining] = 1 
 [Cliques inserted] = 2 

Built homology graph in 0.0006673 seconds. [Edges = 1] [Nodes = 3]
 [Intital Nodes = 4] - [Repetitive Nodes = 1] = [Final Nodes = 3]

 [+] Initial independent set = 0, computing vertex cover on remaining 0 nodes.
 [+] Vertex Cover Function: NRP 2-approximation
 [+] Dumping graph into: ./30c21235-e3f6-47f5-bce1-f99f47053e0b/repeat_graph.txt in 0.00023055076599121094 seconds

Now running iteration: 0

 Pendant checking is in progress...
  [+] 3 Pendants found

 Pendant elimination initiated...
  [x] Isolated node 1 eliminated
  [x] Pendant node 0 eliminated
  [+] Node 3 covered

 [+] Computed vertex cover of size: 1 (in 0.0002351 seconds)
 [+] Loading graph from: ./30c21235-e3f6-47f5-bce1-f99f47053e0b/repeat_graph.txt
 [+] Current independent set size:  2
 [+] Potential nodes for expansion: 0 (projected independent set size: 2)
 [X] Cannot expand independent set, terminating.

Non-Repetitive Toolbox Size: 2
>>> genomic_kmers.drop() # we're done with this background

Maker Mode

NRP Calculator Maker Mode for designing non-repetitive genetic part toolboxes from user defined sequence and structure constraints and based on custom local and/or global model functions. All shared repeats longer than Lmax are eliminated, and internal repeats longer than Lmax are preserved if desired. Parts are optimized for DNA synthesis if desired. Error tolerance is adaptive and auto-adjusted based on recorded failures. Designed toolbox is returned as a dictionary of parts indexed by their order of design, and optionally written to a FASTA output file.

nrpcalc.maker(seq_constr, struct_constr, part_type, Lmax, target_size, internal_repeats=False, background=None, struct_type='mfe', seed=None, synth_opt=False, local_model_fn=None, global_model_fn=None, jump_count=10, fail_count=1000, output_file=None, verbose=True)

argument type description default
seq_constr string a string in IUPAC degenerate code describing all valid nucleotide choices at each position
e.g. 'NNNNWWWWSSSSTTTT' implies that the first four bases can be either 'A'/'T'/'G'/'C', the next four bases can be either 'A'/'T', followed by either 'G'/'C' for the next four basses, and finally ending with 'T's
struct_constr string a string in dot-parenthesis-x notation that describe the secondary base pairing across all nucleotide positions; a string of only dots implies an absence of any structure constraint
e.g. '..((xx))..' implies that the first, second, and the last two bases are free to either base pair or not ('.'), the third and fourth bases are paired with the eighth and the seventh bases respectively ('(' and ')'), while the fifth and the sixth base must not take part in any base pairing ('x') at all
part_type string must be either 'RNA' or 'DNA' depending on the type of genetic part being designed; ensures that correct folding free-energy parameters are used during structure evaluation --
Lmax integer maximum allowed shared repeat length between all sequences in designed toolbox --
target_size integer maximum number of genetic parts to be designed for the generated toolbox; target_size may not be reached if the constraints are too strict, for example, due to low degeneracy in the given sequence constraint, or a low Lmax --
internal_repeats boolean if True then internal repeats in designed parts are not eliminated; useful when designing parts such as rho-independent terminators with structure constraints that necessitate internal repeats; shared repeats are always eliminated False
background kmerSetDB/None a background object containing k-mers (k=Lmax+1) which must be absent in the designed toolbox None
struct_type string must be either 'mfe', 'centroid', or 'both'
'mfe' - use minimum free energy structure evaluation (fast)
'centroid' - use centroid structure evaluation (slower)
'both' - use both 'mfe' and 'centroid' evaluation (slowest)
seed integer/None integer used to seed random number generations; two Maker runs with same constraints and seed value will generate the exact same toolbox; if None then a random seed value is used None
synth_opt boolean if True then designed parts containing features that complicate DNA synthesis are eliminated False
local_model_fn function/None a function with signature 'fn_name(seq)' that takes in a partial genetic part sequence, and returns a tuple (state, index), where state is either True or False and index is a traceback index / location or None depending on whether a custom design objective was met or not; useful for providing concurrent feedback to the path-finding process and steering nucleotide selection choices
e.g. prevent_cutsites(seq) maybe be a local function that takes in a partial sequence as it is built and returns (True, None) if the last six bases of the partial seq[-6:] is not the same as any of the cutsites used for cloning the part, else returns a tuple (False, len(seq)-6) as the traceback location to reselect the last six bases; this naturally ensures the final part is devoid of any cutsites used experimentally throughout the part
global_model_fn function/None a function with signature 'fn_name(seq)' that takes in a complete genetic part sequence, and returns either True or False depending on whether a custom design objective was met; useful for design criteria that can only be evaluated when the complete genetic part is available; parts that are evaluated to be False are rejected and a new part generation is started; global model functions are evaluated only after the last base has been added to a genetic part under design
e.g. gc_content(seq) may be a global function that takes in a complete sequence and only accepts parts with GC content greater than threshold percentage (although, technically one can enforce this condition via a well planned local model function)
jump_count integer maximum number of restarts in path finding due to failure in finding suitable k-mers, meeting local_model_fn, or being stuck in local optima
(auto-adjusted with each iteration)
fail_count integer maximum number of consecutive failures tolerated when structure constraints, global model functions and synthesis objectives are not met
(auto-adjusted with each iteration)
output_file string/None filename to store designed non-repetitive parts as they are generated consecutively; sequences are written in FASTA format None
verbose boolean if True displays progress True

Returns: A dictionary of DNA or RNA strings with integer keys.

Maker Mode API Example

>>> import nrpcalc
>>> Lmax = 15  # for global use
>>> # initialize background
>>> bkg = nrpcalc.background(
>>> bkg
kmerSetDB stored at ./my_toolbox_kmers/ with 0 16-mers
>>> # a local model function
>>> def prevent_cutsites(seq):
        # part is long enough to evaluate
        if len(seq) >= 6:
            BamHI = 'GGATCC' # cutsite 1
            XbaI  = 'TCTAGA' # cutsite 2
            # evaluate part concurrently
            if seq[-6:] in [BamHI, XbaI]:
                return (False, len(seq)-6)
                return (True, None)
        # part is short enough .. pass
        return (True, None)
>>> # a global model function
>>> def optimal_gc_content(seq):
        # compute gc count
        gcount = seq.count('G') * 1.
        ccount = seq.count('C') * 1.
        # evaluate on complete part
        if 0.4 <= (gcount + ccount) / len(seq) <= 0.6:
            return True
            return False
>>> # final toolbox storage
>>> final_toolbox = []
>>> # build a toolbox of non-repetitive sigma70 promoters
>>> promoters_strong = nrpcalc.maker(
WARNING: stacking enthalpies not symmetric
WARNING: stacking enthalpies not symmetric
WARNING: stacking enthalpies not symmetric
WARNING: stacking enthalpies not symmetric

[Non-Repetitive Parts Calculator - Maker Mode]

[Checking Constraints]
 Structure Constraint: .......................................................
      Part Type      : DNA
           Lmax      : 15 bp
    Target Size      : 500 parts
  Internal Repeats   : False

 Check Status: PASS

[Checking Arguments]
 Struct Type : mfe
  Synth Opt  : False
   Jump Count: 10
   Fail Count: 1000
 Output File : None

 Check Status: PASS

Constructing Toolbox:

 [part] 1, [16-mers] 40, [iter 1] 0.00s, [avg] 0.00s, [total time] 0.00h
 [part] 2, [16-mers] 80, [iter 2] 0.01s, [avg] 0.01s, [total time] 0.00h
 [part] 499, [16-mers] 19960, [iter 499] 0.00s, [avg] 0.00s, [total time] 0.00h
 [part] 500, [16-mers] 20000, [iter 500] 0.00s, [avg] 0.00s, [total time] 0.00h

Construction Complete.

Non-Repetitive Toolbox Size: 500
>>> # add promoter toolbox to background
>>> bkg.multiadd(promoters_strong.values())

[Background Processing]
  Adding Seq 499: AACATCGATG... 
>>> # add promoters to final_toolbox
>>> final_toolbox.extend(promoters_strong.values())
>>> # build another toolbox of sigma70 promoters
>>> # non-repetitive to the previous toolbox
>>> # (this is called toolbox chaining)
>>> promoters_variable = nrpcalc.maker(
WARNING: stacking enthalpies not symmetric
WARNING: stacking enthalpies not symmetric
WARNING: stacking enthalpies not symmetric
WARNING: stacking enthalpies not symmetric

[Non-Repetitive Parts Calculator - Maker Mode]

[Checking Constraints]
 Structure Constraint: .......................................................
      Part Type      : DNA
           Lmax      : 15 bp
    Target Size      : 500 parts
  Internal Repeats   : False

 Check Status: PASS

[Checking Background]
 Background: kmerSetDB stored at ./my_toolbox_kmers/ with 20000 16-mers

 Check Status: PASS

[Checking Arguments]
 Struct Type : mfe
  Synth Opt  : False
   Jump Count: 10
   Fail Count: 1000
 Output File : None

 Check Status: PASS

[Checking Arguments]
   Part Type : DNA
 Struct Type : mfe
  Synth Opt  : False
   Jump Count: 10
   Fail Count: 1000
 Output File : None

 Check Status: PASS

Constructing Toolbox:

 [part] 1, [16-mers] 39, [iter 1] 0.01s, [avg] 0.01s, [total time] 0.00h
 [part] 2, [16-mers] 78, [iter 2] 0.00s, [avg] 0.01s, [total time] 0.00h
 [part] 499, [16-mers] 19461, [iter 499] 0.00s, [avg] 0.00s, [total time] 0.00h
 [part] 500, [16-mers] 19500, [iter 500] 0.00s, [avg] 0.00s, [total time] 0.00h

Construction Complete.

Non-Repetitive Toolbox Size: 500
>>> # remove background .. it's served its purpose
>>> bkg.drop()
>>> # add new promoters to final_toolbox
>>> final_toolbox.extend(promoters_variable.values())
>>> # verify all promoters are non-repetitive
>>> assert len(nrpcalc.finder(
    verbose=False)) == 1000