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File metadata and controls

76 lines (55 loc) · 2.29 KB

Tips for optimization

  • Pick the right data structure (dequeu, heap, PriorityQueue, bisect)

  • Local caching of names

    To check how python compiles a function:

    import dis

    Global look up takes more time. So, save a local copy in the local function.

  • Remove function calls (TANSTAAFL) since function call increases time. So, find trade off between structure and time cost. Use inline function if possible.

  • Don't use property (setter and getter) unless necessary. Since propert is almost 4 times slower than normal.

  • Using __slots__

    • Too many small objects can cause problems.
    • Object attributes are stored in __dict__ which is 1/3 empty
    • __slots__ removes __dict__ (Con: attributes can't be added)
    • Use memory profiler to check memory when using __slots__. (Memory reduced to almost half, hence also makes faster since they can fit into CPU cache line, which is faster to access than main memory)
  • using built-ins

    Eg. Sorting tasks according to priority

    sorted(tasks, key = lambda task: task[1])

    Lambda function is called once per object, hence total complexity is not n logn due to caching.

    But there are functions written in C but faster.

    from operator import itemgetter
    sorted(tasks, key = itemgetter(1))

    Similar built in functions which are written in C and are faster

    • attrgetter() - gets attribute to return
    • sum()
    • max()
  • Allocate

    """Fixed list allocation"""
    def allocz(size):
        """Alloc zeros with range"""
        return [0 for _ in range(size)]
    def allocz_fixed(size):
        """Alloc zeros with *"""
        return [0] * size

    The second is ten times faster. When list is created and appended, python needs to reallocatr memory for the list. To avoid reallocation on every append, the list grows in fixed sizes. The sizes are 0, 4, 8, 16, 25, etc.

    However, in the second approach, we know the size of the list in advanced and hence is created in one allocation.

    While using this, make sure you initialize with immutable elements, since it is duplicated otherwise. Another option is use numpy's np.zeros(size)

  • Make approximations if possible. It is okay to cheat. E.g. 1.1 * 1.1 doesn't return accurate result.