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Records & Tuples
What new data types will appear in JavaScript and how they will help us write reliable code and avoid bugs

In the last post, I wrote about pipeline-operator, which will be used to create compositions of functions.

This article will talk about new data types: records and tuples that will appear in the future. They will allow you to write code in a functional style more efficiently.

At the moment of writing this article, records and tuples聽are in Stage 2聽and are not included in the ECMAScript language standard.


One of the hardest things to debug when building apps is tracking mutations, side effect issues, and maintaining the state of the app.

Let's look at an example:

const tokyo = { lat: 35.689, lon: 139.691 }

const tehran = tokyo
tehran.lon = 51.421

console.log(tokyo === tehran) // true
console.log(tokyo) // { lat: 35.689, lon: 51.421 }

In this example, we "accidentally" mutated our original tokyo object and got a bug.

This is because in JavaScript, objects work like this: when you copy an object, it actually creates a reference to the original object, not a new copy. So when you modify the copy, the original is modified as well.

Another example with arrays:

const travelPlan = ['Paris', 'Brussels', 'Amsterdam', 'Berlin']
const citiesToVisit = travelPlan.sort()

console.log(travelPlan) // [ 'Amsterdam', 'Berlin', 'Brussels', 'Paris' ]

In this example, the sort() method mutated the array with our original itinerary, making the travel plan through Europe suboptimal.

To make an object or array immutable, developers resort to using third-party libraries such as Immutable.

Immutable's Map is analogous to an object and List to an array, but both are immutable.

import { List, Map } from 'immutable'

const tokyo = Map({ lat: 35.689, lon: 139.691 })
const tehran = tokyo.set('lon', 51.421)

console.log(tokyo === tehran) // false
console.log(tokyo.toJS()) // { lat: 35.689, lon: 139.691 }

const travelPlan = List(['Paris', 'Brussels', 'Amsterdam', 'Berlin'])
const citiesToVisit = travelPlan.sort()

console.log(travelPlan.toJS()) // [ 'Paris', 'Brussels', 'Amsterdam', 'Berlin' ]

In the Immutable example, there is no problem because objects cannot be changed.

What problems does immutability solve:

  1. Prevention of side effects. Sometimes when working with modifiable data, situations arise where changing data in one part of the application causes unpredictable problems in another part of the application.
  2. Since immutable data makes code behavior predictable, testing of such applications becomes easier.
  3. Using immutable data can improve performance. For example, if the application is written in React, it can save the application from unnecessary re-rendering.

Immutability is one of the basic concepts of functional programming, where functions are clean, there are no side effects and functions return a predictable result.

JavaScript has 8 types: Number, BigInt, String, Boolean type, Null, Undefined, Character and Object.

In addition to them, two new primitive types are planned to be added: Record and Tuple. These types are intended to solve problems with immutability.


Records and tuples are not supported by any of the browsers. Therefore, you will need to configure Babel to start using them.

First, let's install Babel itself:

npm install --save-dev @babel/cli @babel/core

And install a plugin to support records and tuples and polyfill:

npm install --save-dev @babel/plugin-proposal-record-and-tuple @bloomberg/record-tuple-polyfill

We will also add the plugin settings to .babelrc:

  "plugins": [
        "importPolyfill": true

And run the command babel ./index.js -d dist && node ./dist/index.js.

How Records and Tuples Work

In syntax, records and tuples are similar to objects and arrays, but the # symbol is used at the beginning of the declaration.

For example:

const tokyo = #{ lat: 35.689, lon: 139.691 }

const travelPlan = #['Paris', 'Brussels', 'Amsterdam', 'Berlin']


Records and tuples cannot be expanded or modified. An error will occur if you attempt to modify a record or tuple.

let colors = #['red', 'green', 'blue']

colors[0] = 'yellow' // TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property '0' of object '[object Tuple]'
colors.push('purple') // TypeError: colors.push is not a function


Records and tuples are primitives. This means that when variables with these data types are compared, it is their contents that matter, not where they are stored in computer memory.

{ name: 'John', age: 28 } === { name: 'John', age: 28 } // false

#{ name: 'John', age: 28 } === #{ name: 'John', age: 28 } // true

['John', 'Jane'] === ['John', 'Jane'] // false

#['John', 'Jane'] === #['John', 'Jane'] // true

The order of keys is not important when comparing records:

#{ type: 'cat', color: 'black' } === #{ color: 'black', type: 'cat' } // true


Because records and tuples are primitives, they can only store other primitives as values or keys.

There will be an error here:

// TypeError: cannot use an object as a value in a record

const order = #{
  id: 1,
  price: 200,
  items: ['apple', 'pear', 'orange'],

However, records and tuples may contain other records and tuples:

// OK

const order = #{
  id: 1,
  price: 200,
  items: #['apple', 'pear', 'orange'],


As you can see from the examples, lack of immutability often leads to unwanted changes and confusing code behavior. Unexpected data changes create difficult-to-trace errors and unpredictable application behavior.

Immutability provides a clear and controlled way to manage data, reducing the risk of such problems.

Records and tuples will allow you to build reliable and predictable applications. They reduce the risk of such errors, improve the architecture, and prevent accidental re-rendering when using JS frameworks.