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716 lines (476 loc) · 22.1 KB

File metadata and controls

716 lines (476 loc) · 22.1 KB


The changelog is not an exhaustive list of changes between versions. For that, check the git log.

Millet technically follows SemVer, but the major version is zero, and it probably will be for a while. This means Millet makes absolutely no stability guarantees between versions.

The versioning system is basically the following:

  • The version is split into three numbers, major.minor.patch.
  • Usually, we increment the "patch" version.
  • We increment the "minor" version either:
    • After many "patch" versions.
    • If there's a really "big" change.
  • As mentioned, the "major" version is 0.


  • Avoid UNC paths where possible on Windows.


  • Support do declarations under
  • Support optional leading | for datatype, case, etc under language.successor-ml.opt-bar.
  • Support optional trailing ; for let expression sequences under language.successor-ml.opt-semi.
  • Allow configuring support for or-patterns under language.successor-ml.or-pat. (Millet already supported or-patterns themselves, so this defaults to true.)
  • Support expression row punning under language.successor-ml.exp-row-pun.
  • Support vector expressions and patterns under language.successor-ml.vector.


  • Also package CLI binaries on the releases page.


  • Exclude clearly already-present variants from "fill case".
  • Lint for suspicious pattern matches with bindings already in scope with the same type.


  • Do not mark fns in val rec as eta reducible.


  • Lint for empty let and local.
  • Tweak ranges for diagnostics.


  • Only mark non-polymorphic fn as eta reducible.


  • Improve completions for fully-formed paths.
  • Lint on some eta reduction opportunities.


  • Rework the new better reporting of type variables to be even better by crashing less.


  • Report type variables better.


  • Add suggestions for boolean operators.
  • Show inlay hints on literal patterns.
  • Show function return type inlay hints.
  • Fix primitive documentation references.


  • Improve completions and hover for info when using fixity across files.
  • Show type annotation inlay hints.


  • Improve hover for doc on various declarations.
  • Show big curried function types across multiple lines in some cases.
  • Show big record types across multiple lines in more cases.
  • Highlight array and vector as unqualified, built-in types.
  • Improve Array, Vector, and Substring docs.


  • Show big record types across multiple lines in some cases.


  • Improve range and examples for wrong number of patterns error.
  • Report qualified type names with the structure instead of signature.
  • Report array and vector types unqualified.


  • Show doc comments when changing a file.
  • Show doc comments on built-in structures.
  • Improve completions when the cursor is at the end of the file.


  • Improve error range for TOML parse errors.
  • Do not analyze individual SML files when not open on a folder.
  • Show more accurate hover info, etc after changing a file.
  • Add support for completions.


  • Show errors from the Millet CLI much more prettily.
  • Tweak a common error message to stop talking about the "root".
  • Add millet.server.fileSystemWatcher.enable VS Code config, defaulting to true.
  • Document how to send LSP init options for non-VS-Code editors.


  • Show implicated names in fixity errors.
  • Add configuration for permitting fixity declarations to take effect across files, defaulting to false.


  • Add a newline at the end of the "fill case" text.
  • Preserve the order of datatype constructors in the "fill case" text.
  • Improve some error messages and documentation.


  • Reduce redundant file I/O when updating input in some cases.
  • Allow disallowing structure paths.


  • Improve internals for responding to file changes.


  • Move diagnostic docs to one per file.


  • Allow doc comments on more declaration types.
  • Improve docs for some SML of NJ items.
  • Fix GraphSCCFn signature from SML of NJ.
  • Fix MLTON_RLIMIT signature.


  • Actually exit the millet-ls process after the LSP client signals shutdown.


  • Avoid re-computing diagnostics every time a file changes when formatting is enabled.


  • Improve performance slightly.


  • Emit better error for invalid :> where only : is allowed.
  • Highlight unsolved equality variables. (Not real SML syntax.)
  • Implement significant internal improvements.


  • Highlight type variable names.
  • Gzip release binaries.
  • Improve panic backtraces.


  • Add backticks around user-written code in error messages.
  • Fix spurious disallow val error in patterns.


  • Allow specifying what values from the standard basis library are not permitted.


  • Warn on top-level open.
  • Improve performance of cloning some key data structures even more.


  • Fix a panic involving invalid input.


  • Fix while formatting.
  • Fix primitive documentation.


  • Allow specifying what kinds of expressions/declarations/specifications are permitted.


  • Fix a handle precedence issue.


  • Analyze various malformed inputs further.


  • Improve unreachable handle linting.
  • Add simple linting for declarations with no effect.


  • Improve linting for boolean literals.
  • Add simple linting for unreachable handle.


  • Allow ignoring all diagnostics on certain files with the milletDiagnosticsIgnore all ML Basis annotation.
  • Rename millet.server.diagnostics.filter to millet.server.diagnostics.ignore and its setting "syntax" to "after-syntax".
  • Add ann snippet.


  • Show unsolved equality type variables with two ?.
  • Show unsolved record type variables with { ... }.
  • Show all def sites associated with variables bound in or patterns.


  • Fix some crashes with Unicode characters.


  • Allow turning off diagnostics by setting millet.server.diagnostics.filter to "all".


  • Improve "no root" error.


  • Fix hover for fun types.
  • Show documentation on val and fun definition sites when on hover.


  • Improve error location for unresolved ... type errors.
  • Don't crash on unresolved syntax pointers.


  • Rename an overload.
  • Allow using smlfmt.
  • Suggest = for == and similar.
  • Emit specific errors for trailing , and ;.
  • Track scope of fixity declarations.


  • Add support for document symbols.
  • Support go to definition for exception aliases.
  • Add support for find all references.


  • Change the invalid @ diagnostic from an error to a warning.
  • Allow patterns to have op and parentheses without warning.
  • Fix a bug with equality types and <numtxt> overloading.


  • Emit an error for non-UTF-8 paths.
  • Rename the binary targets from cli and lang-srv to millet-cli and millet-ls.
  • Parse (but ignore) multiple ML Basis annotations.
  • Improve token docs.
  • Avoid generating ludicrously large amounts of witnesses when checking for pattern match exhaustiveness.


  • Add docs for all primitives, including use.
  • Remove ability to disable equality checks, since the checks seem to be working just fine.


  • Improve location and message for use warning.
  • Improve equality type checking for sharing type.
  • Reject sharing type where the shared types have mismatched arities.
  • Improve formatting for sharing type and eqtype.


  • Add workspace-path path variables.
  • Fix some top-level standard library definitions.
  • Add types for top-level use, but warn on its use.


  • Emit an error if the workspace.root glob pattern matches no paths.
  • Improve other "startup" errors (i.e. errors in the 1000s).
  • Perform equality checks on types.


  • Only hide statics diagnostics when there are syntax errors when millet.server.diagnostics.filter is set to "syntax".
  • Warn when applying a function literal ("lambda") to an argument.


  • Remove 5007 as a separate error.
  • Improve formatting of infix fun declarations.
  • Format "pipe expressions" with |> across many lines.


  • Treat workspace.root as a glob pattern, to allow for multiple root groups.


  • Improve performance slightly.
  • Respect tab size options when formatting.
  • Improve showing directories in some errors.
  • Ignore CM preprocessor on the first line.
  • Give more context on why types were mismatched.


  • Show a hint by default about clicking the diagnostic code number for more information.
  • Improve auto-formatting to not discard new edits.


  • Improve range for statics errors on case, let, local, struct, and sig.
  • Improve formatting for fn, val, let, parenthesized expressions, withtype, and functor declaration arguments.
  • Warn when formatting is enabled but a comment prevents formatting.
  • Correctly error when using e.g. if or case as an argument to an infix operator without parentheses.
  • Add an error for fun with no parameters.


  • Add a specific diagnostic for unmatched closing delimiters.
  • Do not report statics errors if there are syntax errors by default.
  • Warn about shadowing the name of a containing fun in matcher patterns. (This is often a sign that a case or similar needs parentheses around it.)


  • Report errors with relative paths where possible.
  • Ignore some "realize type" errors when using where S = T. (This is probably unsound, but it silences errors seen in NJ-flavored SML accepted by SMLNJ.)


  • Improve performance by using smaller integer types.
  • Improve performance by using cheap integer comparisons instead of iterating over the entire basis.


  • Warn when using case on a bool.
  • Allow using the highly experimental SML formatter. It defaults to off.


  • Warn on mismatched sugar content for functor application.
  • Warn when using @ for empty lists (as either argument) or singleton lists (as the first argument).


  • Warn when using = on some special constants.
  • Publish to Open VSX as well as the VS Code marketplace.


  • Check for type variable scope escape.
  • Check for invalid \^ string escapes.
  • Fix pattern matching analysis for strings and characters.
  • Improve checking of where type and sharing type.
  • Report type names as fully qualified.


  • Fix some panics when encountering strange programs.


  • Support source exports in SML/NJ CM export lists.


  • Support union, intersection, and difference in SML/NJ CM file export lists.
  • Improve SML/NJ syntax highlighting.


  • Add more suggestions for booleans and options.
  • Add MLton libraries.


  • Correctly check for equality of type functions. This means we now correctly reject the following example program:
    structure S :
      sig    type ('a, 'b) t = 'a * 'b end =
      struct type ('a, 'b) t = 'b * 'a end
  • Change error severity to kebab case (e.g. warning instead of Warning).
  • Allow ignoring errors with a severity of ignore.
  • Automatically determine the order in which to analyze files for CM.
  • Handle group(path) in CM.


  • Improve where S = T involving polymorphic types.
  • Allow shadowing constructors with val rec.
  • Treat type variables bound at val or fun as out of scope in the right-hand side of datatype and type declarations.
  • Remove a cap on the number of errors the server may report.


  • Emit an error for numeric literals with trailing alphabetic characters.
  • Parse specifications as declarations and reject invalid ones later.
  • Emit more specific errors for some parse failures.


  • Emit a better error for type variable sequences on val specifications.
  • Warn on some cases of unnecessary parentheses.
  • Warn on unnecessary usage of op.
  • Warn on some overly complex expressions involving bools.
  • Warn on case expressions with only one arm.
  • Warn on unnecessary usage of ;.
  • Warn on multiple types on one pattern.


  • Add a println snippet.
  • Add SML of NJ libraries.


  • Emit warning on some unused variables.
  • Allow overriding severity for errors.


  • Allow top-level expressions.
  • Emit a better error when an expression is in an invalid position, like in let ... in.
  • Improve handling for language clients that do not support dynamic capability registration, by publishing diagnostics when open files are changed/saved.
  • Improve error for invalid fixity declarations.


  • Add an error code for no workspace root.
  • Support group(-) CM exports.
  • Add Real64 and PackReal64{Big, Little}.
  • Allow real literal overloads for e.g. LargeReal.real.
  • Reword and improve some token docs.


  • Add more suggestions, not just restricted to keywords, e.g. suggest Int for Integer.
  • Fix panics when checking invalid patterns that appear to be constructors but are not.


  • Emit better errors for unsupported CM exports like source(-) and group(-).
  • Syntax highlight the source keyword in CM files.
  • Emit a better error for structure-level declarations in invalid positions.
  • Suggest possible keywords when encountering an undefined identifier whose name is similar to a keyword.
  • Improve token docs to add more "contrast with" (e.g. contrast datatype with type).
  • Only dynamically register capabilities if the client supports it.
  • Show token docs even when the token is part of a parse error.
  • Emit a better error for op andalso and op orelse.


  • Add a button to errors displayed as a notification, to view more information about the error.


  • Add option for showing information about tokens on hover (default true).
  • Add option for re-calculating diagnostics when files change without saving (default false).
  • Add docs for std basis top-level aliases (e.g. map is an alias for
  • Parse (but reject later) <pat1> as <pat2>.


  • Change license from MIT to MIT OR Apache-2.0.


  • Change the setting for the language server path to have type string, default "". This means it's editable from the VS Code UI more easily.
  • Rename the setting to enable the language server to 'enable'.


  • Change doc comment syntax.


  • Add doc for primitive types, like int and bool.
  • Improve doc for ->.
  • Fix syntax highlighting for real literals.
  • Rename and doc VS Code config.
  • Add VS Code config to set the server path.
  • Mention the community Discord, for discussion and support.


  • Allow for doc comments written (*! ... *!). The delimiters must be on their own line, and the content is parsed as Markdown.


  • Add docs for std lib extras.
  • Ignore $(SML_LIB) paths in MLB.
  • Ignore $ and $SMLNJ-LIB paths in CM.
  • Allow using { path = ... } and { value = ... } for workspace.path-vars in the config.
  • Improve logo quality.


  • Stop parsing sooner if an error is encountered in some cases, leading to less error spam.
  • Report unknown types as _.
  • Tweak error codes.
  • Parse ... as a declaration, expression, and type hole.
  • Add docs for keywords (including punctuation) on hover.
  • Fix a panic with let expressions with nothing between in and end.
  • Improve generalization of type variables by adapting the approach in "Efficient ML Type Inference Using Ranked Type Variables" (doi:10.1145/1292535.1292538).
  • Add icon, by Yixin He.


  • Emit an error for the value restriction.
  • Add more error codes for errors.
  • Display errors more consistently in the CLI.
  • Fix crashes when interacting with unsaved additions at the end of the file.
  • Reposition error ranges for case expressions.
  • Add "fill case" quick fix for case expressions.


  • Reject empty open and include, and funs with no arguments.
  • Process paths with $(VARIABLES) in them. (Note that default variables like $(SML_LIB) are not set.)
  • Add more std basis extra, like Ref and Either.
  • Add syntax highlighting for upper-case identifiers (conventionally the names of structures, signatures, and functors).
  • Add syntax highlighting for common types (like int).


  • Get ARM builds working again.
  • Parse, but reject in later stages, some Successor ML features, like:
    • do declarations.
    • Leading | before cases for fun, fn, case, and handle.
    • withtype in specifications.
    • Expression row punning for records (like val _ = {a, b}).


  • Greatly improve analysis of ML Basis files.
  • Ignore all paths containing $, not just starting with it.
  • Add Word16 as another word structure and overloaded type.
  • Add error codes and descriptions for more errors.


  • Improve docs for errors.
  • (internal) Simplify handling of the "root" sequence of top declarations.
  • (internal) Update to a language-util that makes rustfmt no longer a hard dependency to build Millet.
  • (internal) Move SML library files to their own crate.
  • Stop making distributions for ARM. (They weren't working anyway; they were just x64 builds that we were calling ARM builds.)


  • Add type and expression holes (_) as valid syntax, but reject them in later stages.
  • Tweak error codes.


  • Add syntax highlighting for uppercase/lowercase CM keywords.
  • Mention the config file name in the "multiple root groups" error.
  • Update the vscode readme to link to the blog post and mention ML Basis.


  • Fix definition of structure IO in the std basis libraries.
  • Improve handling of type aliases in signatures.
  • Improve handling of datatype to allow the value constructors to reference all other datatypes being defined (as with and), as well as any withtype types.
  • Improve handling of where type when the path does not use all of the type variables, as in where type 'a t = int.
  • Improve handling of where type with type variables to not incorrectly swap the order of the variables in some cases.
  • Add more optional standard basis library definitions, and set some equal to each other, like Word32 = Word. This is technically an implementation detail, but it is depended on in e.g. cmlib.
  • Further improve reporting of overload errors.
  • Add overloads for int, like IntInf.


  • Allow upper and lower case Group, Library, etc in CM files.
  • Add more std basis structures, like Word32 and PackWord32Big.
  • Add initial ML Basis support. It is very rudimentary, and basically only works for ML Basis files that are just lists of files.
  • Improve syntax highlighting for ML Basis files.
  • Improve reporting of overloads in errors.
  • Allow word literals to have overloaded type.


  • Improve types for TextIO with a hack, to paper over the invalid SML used in the std basis docs.
  • Add optional functors from the std basis libs.
  • Improve error locations and messages for CM errors.
  • Do not panic if a type in a signature has the wrong number of type arguments.
  • Add SML/NJ libraries from the website.


  • Mark it as a special name in the syntax highlighting.
  • Allow more whitespace, like carriage return.
  • Improve error for unknown file class in CM files.
  • Allow any single CM file to be the root CM file, not just
  • Allow a config file for setting the single root CM file if more than one CM file exists in the root.


  • First publicly announced release.
  • Show some CM, etc errors on the files themselves instead of in notifications if possible.
  • Add 15-150 specific docs, update other docs.
  • Improve logic for ignoring $ paths in CM.


  • Add initial standard basis library documentation.
  • Improve matching on datatypes from signatures that were opaquely ascribed.
  • Improve matching on records with ... rest pattern rows.
  • Improve display of record patterns in error messages.


  • Add initial goto type def support.
  • Greatly improve performance of statics with faster cloning.
  • Add initial support of std basis documentation shown on hover (Option, List).


  • Add initial goto def support for values, types, structures, signatures, and functors.
  • Add initial hover support, showing the type of expressions, patterns, and types.
  • Display "meta" type variables better: ?a, ?b, etc instead of always _.


  • Add initial ML Basis support.
  • Support ... pattern rows, and thus # selectors.
  • Improve overload support.
  • Support some deviations from the Definition:
    • signature and functor in local.
    • where S = T NJ-style derived form.
    • Or patterns.


  • Add some non-standard std basis items like Fn and Random.
  • Allow (op *).
  • Handle the sharing derived form.
  • Improve support for pattern rows.


  • Add an error reference.
  • Ignore (but do not parse error) $ paths in CM.


  • Add most of the std basis.
  • Support CM files referencing other CM files.


  • Add snippets.
  • Fix issues with phantom types.
  • Improve overload support.
  • Parse more derived forms, like type a = b in specs.
  • Add initial std basis support (List, Option, ListPair).


  • Use CM files to discover what files to analyze.


  • Add initial CM support (syntax highlighting, etc).
  • Show witnesses to non-exhaustive matches.


  • Initial support for most of Modules.


  • Add more errors when lowering.
  • Add architecture doc.
  • Add initial Modules support.


  • Initial working release for windows.
  • Use different esbuild settings for debug and release builds.


Initial working release, now using esbuild.


Initial release, with some support for Core, none for Modules.

Although this is the first release with working CI to build and release the extension, the extension itself doesn't work at all because the node_modules were not packaged with the extension.