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Treezor - JavaScript client for treezor Treezor API. more info here. This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 0.1.1
  • Package version: 0.1.1
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.v3.generators.javascript.JavaScriptClientCodegen



Install it via:

npm install treezor --save


If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. then install it via:

    npm install azgar44/treezor --save

For browser

The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify, perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):

browserify main.js > bundle.js

Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.

Webpack Configuration

Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:

module: {
  rules: [
      parser: {
        amd: false

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:

var Treezor = require('treezor');
var defaultClient = Treezor.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure API key authorization: api_key
var api_key = defaultClient.authentications['api_key'];
api_key.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//api_key.apiKeyPrefix['Authorization'] = "Token"

var api = new Treezor.AcquirerMerchantIdGroupsApi()
var id = 789; // {Number} Merchant ID restriction Group internal id.
var opts = { 
  'fields': ["fields_example"] // {[String]} List of the object's properties you want to pick up.
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.deleteAcquirerMerchantIdGroups(id, opts, callback);

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
Treezor.AcquirerMerchantIdGroupsApi deleteAcquirerMerchantIdGroups DELETE /acquirerMerchantIdGroups/{id} cancel a merchant id restriction group
Treezor.AcquirerMerchantIdGroupsApi getAcquirerMerchantIdGroup GET /acquirerMerchantIdGroups search acquirer merchant id restriction groups
Treezor.AcquirerMerchantIdGroupsApi getAcquirerMerchantIdGroupsId GET /acquirerMerchantIdGroups/{id} get a acquirer merchant ID restriction group
Treezor.AcquirerMerchantIdGroupsApi postAcquirerMerchantIdGroup POST /acquirerMerchantIdGroups create a acquirerMerchantIdGroup
Treezor.AcquirerMerchantIdGroupsApi putAcquirerMerchantIdGroups PUT /acquirerMerchantIdGroups/{id} edit an acquirer merchant id restriction group
Treezor.BalanceApi getBalances GET /balances search balances
Treezor.BankaccountApi deleteBankaccount DELETE /bankaccounts/{id} deactivate a bank account
Treezor.BankaccountApi getBankaccount GET /bankaccounts/{id} get a bank account
Treezor.BankaccountApi getBankaccounts GET /bankaccounts search bank accounts
Treezor.BankaccountApi postBankaccount POST /bankaccounts create a bank account
Treezor.BeneficiariesApi getBeneficiaries GET /beneficiaries search beneficiary bank accounts
Treezor.BeneficiariesApi getBeneficiary GET /beneficiaries/{id} get a beneficiary bank account
Treezor.BeneficiariesApi postBeneficiary POST /beneficiaries create a beneficiary
Treezor.BeneficiariesApi putBeneficiary PUT /beneficiaries/{id} edit a beneficiary
Treezor.BusinessApi businessinformationsGet GET /businessinformations get business information
Treezor.BusinessApi businesssearchsGet GET /businesssearchs search businesses
Treezor.CardApi cardimagesGet GET /cardimages get a card image
Treezor.CardApi cardsCreateVirtualPost POST /cards/CreateVirtual create a virtual card
Treezor.CardApi cardsGet GET /cards search cards
Treezor.CardApi cardsIdActivatePut PUT /cards/{id}/Activate/ activate a card
Treezor.CardApi cardsIdChangePINPut PUT /cards/{id}/ChangePIN/ change card's PIN
Treezor.CardApi cardsIdConvertVirtualPut PUT /cards/{id}/ConvertVirtual/ convert card to virtual
Treezor.CardApi cardsIdGet GET /cards/{id} get a card
Treezor.CardApi cardsIdLimitsPut PUT /cards/{id}/Limits/ update card's limits
Treezor.CardApi cardsIdLockUnlockPut PUT /cards/{id}/LockUnlock/ update card's blocking status
Treezor.CardApi cardsIdOptionsPut PUT /cards/{id}/Options/ update card's options
Treezor.CardApi cardsIdPut PUT /cards/{id} update card informations
Treezor.CardApi cardsIdRegeneratePut PUT /cards/{id}/Regenerate/ regenerate card
Treezor.CardApi cardsIdSetPINPut PUT /cards/{id}/setPIN/ set card's PIN
Treezor.CardApi cardsIdUnblockPINPut PUT /cards/{id}/UnblockPIN/ unblock card's PIN
Treezor.CardApi cardsRegister3DSPost POST /cards/Register3DS Register 3D secure
Treezor.CardApi cardsRequestPhysicalPost POST /cards/RequestPhysical create a physical card
Treezor.CardDigitalizationsApi cardDigitalizationsId GET /cardDigitalizations/{id} Get a card digitalizations based on its internal id
Treezor.CardDigitalizationsApi deletecardDigitalizationsId DELETE /cardDigitalizations/{id} Deletes a payment Token
Treezor.CardDigitalizationsApi putcardDigitalizationsId PUT /cardDigitalizations/{id} Update the status of a payment Token
Treezor.CardDigitalizationsApi readcardDigitalizations GET /cardDigitalizations search for card digitalizations
Treezor.CardReserveApi cardReserveAddTo POST /cardReserves/AddTo add an amount to the reserved amount of a card
Treezor.CardReserveApi cardReserveCheck POST /cardReserves/Check check reserved amount
Treezor.CardReserveApi cardReserveGet GET /cardReserves/{id} get the reserved amount of a card
Treezor.CardtransactionApi getCardtransaction GET /cardtransactions/{id} get a card transaction
Treezor.CardtransactionApi readCardTransaction GET /cardtransactions search for card transactions
Treezor.CountryRestrictionGroupsApi deleteCountryRestrictionGroups DELETE /countryRestrictionGroups/{id} cancel a country group
Treezor.CountryRestrictionGroupsApi getCountryRestrictionGroups GET /countryRestrictionGroups search country restriction groups
Treezor.CountryRestrictionGroupsApi getCountryRestrictionGroupsId GET /countryRestrictionGroups/{id} get a country group
Treezor.CountryRestrictionGroupsApi postCountryRestrictionGroup POST /countryRestrictionGroups create a countryRestrictionGroup
Treezor.CountryRestrictionGroupsApi putCountryRestrictionGroups PUT /countryRestrictionGroups/{id} edit a country restriction group
Treezor.DocumentApi createDocuments POST /documents create a document
Treezor.DocumentApi deleteDocument DELETE /documents/{id} delete document
Treezor.DocumentApi getDocument GET /documents/{id} get a document
Treezor.DocumentApi getDocuments GET /documents search documents
Treezor.DocumentApi putDocument PUT /documents/{id} update a document
Treezor.HeartbeatApi getHeartbeat GET /heartbeats Get the status of the API
Treezor.IssuerInitiatedDigitizationDataApi tavRequestPOST POST /issuerInitiatedDigitizationDatas Request the issuerInitiatedDigitizationData
Treezor.IssuerInitiatedDigitizationDataApi tavrequestget GET /issuerInitiatedDigitizationDatas Search issuerInitiatedDigitizationData requests
Treezor.MandateApi deleteMandate DELETE /mandates/{id} revoke a mandate
Treezor.MandateApi getMandate GET /mandates/{id} get mandate
Treezor.MandateApi getMandates GET /mandates search mandates
Treezor.MandateApi mandatesIdResendOtpPut PUT /mandates/{id}/ResendOtp/ send an OTP
Treezor.MandateApi mandatesIdSignPut PUT /mandates/{id}/Sign/ sign a mandate
Treezor.MandateApi postMandates POST /mandates create a mandate
Treezor.MccRestrictionGroupsApi deleteMccRestrictionGroups DELETE /mccRestrictionGroups/{id} cancel a mcc group
Treezor.MccRestrictionGroupsApi getMccRestrictionGroups GET /mccRestrictionGroups search mcc restriction groups
Treezor.MccRestrictionGroupsApi getMccRestrictionGroupsId GET /mccRestrictionGroups/{id} get a mcc group
Treezor.MccRestrictionGroupsApi postMccRestrictionGroup POST /mccRestrictionGroups create a mccRestrictionGroup
Treezor.MccRestrictionGroupsApi putMccRestrictionGroups PUT /mccRestrictionGroups/{id} edit a mcc restriction group
Treezor.MerchantIdRestrictionGroupsApi deleteMerchantIdRestrictionGroups DELETE /merchantIdRestrictionGroups/{id} cancel a merchant id restriction group
Treezor.MerchantIdRestrictionGroupsApi getMerchantIdRestrictionGroup GET /merchantIdRestrictionGroups search merchant id restriction groups
Treezor.MerchantIdRestrictionGroupsApi getMerchantIdRestrictionGroupsId GET /merchantIdRestrictionGroups/{id} get a merchant ID restriction group
Treezor.MerchantIdRestrictionGroupsApi merchantIdRestrictionGroupsIdDeltaUpdatePut PUT /merchantIdRestrictionGroups/{id}/DeltaUpdate/ edit the merchant ID list for a restriction group
Treezor.MerchantIdRestrictionGroupsApi merchantIdRestrictionGroupsIdPresenceCheckGet GET /merchantIdRestrictionGroups/{id}/PresenceCheck/ check the presence of merchants IDs list for a restriction group
Treezor.MerchantIdRestrictionGroupsApi postMerchantIdRestrictionGroup POST /merchantIdRestrictionGroups create a merchantIdRestrictionGroup
Treezor.MerchantIdRestrictionGroupsApi putMerchantIdRestrictionGroups PUT /merchantIdRestrictionGroups/{id} edit a merchant id restriction group (Deprecated)
Treezor.PayinApi deletePayin DELETE /payins/{id} delete a pay in
Treezor.PayinApi getPayin GET /payins/{id} get a pay in
Treezor.PayinApi getPayins GET /payins search pay ins
Treezor.PayinApi postPayin POST /payins create a pay in
Treezor.PayinrefundApi getPayinrefund GET /payinrefunds/{id} get a pay in refund
Treezor.PayinrefundApi getPayinrefunds GET /payinrefunds search pay in refunds
Treezor.PayoutApi deletePayout DELETE /payouts/{id} cancel a payout
Treezor.PayoutApi getPayout GET /payouts/{id} get a payout
Treezor.PayoutApi getPayouts GET /payouts search payout(s)
Treezor.PayoutApi postPayout POST /payouts create a pay out
Treezor.PayoutRefundsApi getPayoutRefunds GET /payoutRefunds search pay outs refund
Treezor.RecallRApi getRecallR GET /recallRs get recalls or RRO
Treezor.RecallRApi getRecallRId GET /recallRs/{id} get recalls or RRO
Treezor.RecallRApi putRecallR PUT /recallRs/{id}/response/ Consent on a recall or RRO
Treezor.TaxResidenceApi taxResidencesGet GET /taxResidences search a residence
Treezor.TaxResidenceApi taxResidencesIdDelete DELETE /taxResidences/{id} delete a residence
Treezor.TaxResidenceApi taxResidencesIdGet GET /taxResidences/{id} read the informations of a residence
Treezor.TaxResidenceApi taxResidencesIdPut PUT /taxResidences/{id} update the residence
Treezor.TaxResidenceApi taxResidencesPost POST /taxResidences create a residence
Treezor.TransactionApi getTransaction GET /transactions/{id} get a transaction
Treezor.TransactionApi getTransactions GET /transactions search transactions
Treezor.TransferApi deleteTransfer DELETE /transfers/{id} cancel a transfer
Treezor.TransferApi getTransfer GET /transfers/{id} get a transfer
Treezor.TransferApi getTransfers GET /transfers search transfers
Treezor.TransferApi postTransfers POST /transfers create a transfer
Treezor.TransferrefundApi deleteTransferrefund DELETE /transferrefunds/{id} cancel a transfer refund
Treezor.TransferrefundApi getTransferrefund GET /transferrefunds/{id} get a transfer refund
Treezor.TransferrefundApi getTransferrefunds GET /transferrefunds search transfer refunds
Treezor.TransferrefundApi postTransferrefunds POST /transferrefunds create a transfer refund
Treezor.UserApi deleteUser DELETE /users/{id} delete a user
Treezor.UserApi getUser GET /users/{id} get an user
Treezor.UserApi getUsers GET /users search users
Treezor.UserApi putUser PUT /users/{id} update a user
Treezor.UserApi putUsers POST /users create user
Treezor.UserApi usersIdKyclivenessPost POST /users/{id}/kycliveness
Treezor.UserApi usersIdKyclivenessPut PUT /users/{id}/kycliveness
Treezor.UserApi usersIdKycreviewPut PUT /users/{id}/Kycreview/ review user information
Treezor.VirtualibansApi getvirtualiban GET /virtualibans/{id} get a virtualiban by Id
Treezor.VirtualibansApi getvirtualibans GET /virtualibans search virtualibans
Treezor.VirtualibansApi postVirtualIban POST /virtualibans create a virtual IBAN
Treezor.VirtualibansApi putVirtualIban PUT /virtualibans/{id} update a Virtual IBAN
Treezor.WalletApi deleteWallet DELETE /wallets/{id} delete a wallet
Treezor.WalletApi getWallet GET /wallets/{id} get a wallet
Treezor.WalletApi getWallets GET /wallets search wallets
Treezor.WalletApi postWallets POST /wallets create a wallet
Treezor.WalletApi putWallet PUT /wallets/{id} update a wallet

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header


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