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273 lines (214 loc) · 18.5 KB

File metadata and controls

273 lines (214 loc) · 18.5 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
getBeneficiaries GET /beneficiaries search beneficiary bank accounts
getBeneficiary GET /beneficiaries/{id} get a beneficiary bank account
postBeneficiary POST /beneficiaries create a beneficiary
putBeneficiary PUT /beneficiaries/{id} edit a beneficiary


InlineResponse2003 getBeneficiaries(opts)

search beneficiary bank accounts

Get beneficiary bank accounts that match search criteria.


import {Treezor} from 'treezor';
let defaultClient = Treezor.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure API key authorization: api_key
let api_key = defaultClient.authentications['api_key'];
api_key.apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//api_key.apiKeyPrefix = 'Token';

let apiInstance = new Treezor.BeneficiariesApi();
let opts = { 
  'accessSignature': "accessSignature_example", // String | Access signature can be mandatory for specific context. Treezor will contact you if so. More info [here]( 
  'accessTag': "accessTag_example", // String | Access tag is used for idem potency query. More info [here]( 
  'accessUserId': 56, // Number | Access user's id is used for user's action restriction. More info [here]( 
  'accessUserIp': "accessUserIp_example", // String | Access user's ip is used for user's action restriction. More info [here]( 
  'fields': ["fields_example"], // [String] | List of the object's properties you want to pick up.
  'filter': "filter_example", // String | You can filter the API response by using filter(s). Filterable fields are :  - id  - tag  - userId  - isActive (1 for yes, 0 for no)  - nickName  - address  - iban (encrypted IBAN)  - IbanInClear  - bic  - sepaCreditorIdentifier  - usableForSct  - createdDate  - modifiedDate  Filters should be separated by a \";\". Example for 3 filters : FILTER1;FILTER2;FILTER3. A single filter has the following syntax : \"fieldName criterion expression\". Where :  - fieldName : the name of a filterable field of this object.   - expression : the values to be included or excluded (see the table below for more information)   - criterion : a filter criterion.  Here are the possible values for criterion :   | Criteria |         Description    |                   Type                   | Expression Example |  |----------|------------------------|------------------------------------------|--------------------|  |     >    |      greater than      |            alphanumeric string           |         100        |  |    >=    | greater or equal than  |            alphanumeric string           |         100        |  |     <    |        less than       |            alphanumeric string           |         100        |  |    <=    |   less or equal than   |            alphanumeric string           |         100        |  |    !=    |      not equal to      |            alphanumeric string           |         100        |  |   like   |          like          |            alphanumeric string           |         100        |  |    in    |           in           | alphanumeric strings separated by commas |      100,30,25     |  |    ==    |         equals         |            alphanumeric string           |         100        | 
  'id': 56, // Number | Beneficiary bank account id.
  'userId': 56, // Number | Owner user's id. (deprecated, you must use the parameter filter)
  'iban': "iban_example", // String | Beneficiary bank account IBAN. (deprecated, you must use the parameter filter)
  'bic': "bic_example", // String | Beneficiary bank account BIC. (deprecated, you must use the parameter filter)
  'nickName': "nickName_example", // String | Beneficiary bank account's nick name. (deprecated, you must use the parameter filter)
  'name': "name_example", // String | Beneficiary bank account owner's name. (deprecated, you must use the parameter filter)
  'pageNumber': 56, // Number | Pagination page number. More info [here]( 
  'pageCount': 56, // Number | The number of items per page. More info [here]( 
  'sortBy': "sortBy_example", // String | The transaction element you want to sort the list with. Default value : _createdDate_. More info [here]( 
  'sortOrder': "sortOrder_example" // String | The order you want to sort the list. * **DESC** for a descending sort * **ASC** for a ascending sort.  Default value : DESC. More info [here]( 
apiInstance.getBeneficiaries(opts, (error, data, response) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);


Name Type Description Notes
accessSignature String Access signature can be mandatory for specific context. Treezor will contact you if so. More info here. [optional]
accessTag String Access tag is used for idem potency query. More info here. [optional]
accessUserId Number Access user's id is used for user's action restriction. More info here. [optional]
accessUserIp String Access user's ip is used for user's action restriction. More info here. [optional]
fields [String] List of the object's properties you want to pick up. [optional]
filter String You can filter the API response by using filter(s). Filterable fields are : - id - tag - userId - isActive (1 for yes, 0 for no) - nickName - address - iban (encrypted IBAN) - IbanInClear - bic - sepaCreditorIdentifier - usableForSct - createdDate - modifiedDate Filters should be separated by a &quot;;&quot;. Example for 3 filters : FILTER1;FILTER2;FILTER3. A single filter has the following syntax : &quot;fieldName criterion expression&quot;. Where : - fieldName : the name of a filterable field of this object. - expression : the values to be included or excluded (see the table below for more information) - criterion : a filter criterion. Here are the possible values for criterion : Criteria
id Number Beneficiary bank account id. [optional]
userId Number Owner user's id. (deprecated, you must use the parameter filter) [optional]
iban String Beneficiary bank account IBAN. (deprecated, you must use the parameter filter) [optional]
bic String Beneficiary bank account BIC. (deprecated, you must use the parameter filter) [optional]
nickName String Beneficiary bank account's nick name. (deprecated, you must use the parameter filter) [optional]
name String Beneficiary bank account owner's name. (deprecated, you must use the parameter filter) [optional]
pageNumber Number Pagination page number. More info here. [optional]
pageCount Number The number of items per page. More info here. [optional]
sortBy String The transaction element you want to sort the list with. Default value : createdDate. More info here. [optional]
sortOrder String The order you want to sort the list. * DESC for a descending sort * ASC for a ascending sort. Default value : DESC. More info here. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


InlineResponse2003 getBeneficiary(id, opts)

get a beneficiary bank account

Get a beneficiary bank account from the system.


import {Treezor} from 'treezor';
let defaultClient = Treezor.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure API key authorization: api_key
let api_key = defaultClient.authentications['api_key'];
api_key.apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//api_key.apiKeyPrefix = 'Token';

let apiInstance = new Treezor.BeneficiariesApi();
let id = 789; // Number | Beneficiary Bank Accounts internal id.
let opts = { 
  'fields': ["fields_example"] // [String] | List of the object's properties you want to pick up.
apiInstance.getBeneficiary(id, opts, (error, data, response) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);


Name Type Description Notes
id Number Beneficiary Bank Accounts internal id.
fields [String] List of the object's properties you want to pick up. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json


InlineResponse2003 postBeneficiary(opts)

create a beneficiary

Create a new benefeciary bank account in the system.


import {Treezor} from 'treezor';
let defaultClient = Treezor.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure API key authorization: api_key
let api_key = defaultClient.authentications['api_key'];
api_key.apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//api_key.apiKeyPrefix = 'Token';

let apiInstance = new Treezor.BeneficiariesApi();
let opts = { 
  'body': new Treezor.BeneficiariesBody(), // BeneficiariesBody | 
  'accessSignature': "accessSignature_example", // String | Access signature can be mandatory for specific context. Treezor will contact you if so. More info [here]( 
  'accessTag': "accessTag_example", // String | Access tag is used for idem potency query. More info [here]( 
  'accessUserId': 56, // Number | Access user's id is used for user's action restriction. More info [here]( 
  'accessUserIp': "accessUserIp_example", // String | Access user's ip is used for user's action restriction. More info [here]( 
  'sddB2bWhitelist': null, // Array | Each unique mandate reference, with its frequency type, must be explicitely allowed when doing B2B Direct Debit. **The entry is not case sensitive.** Furthermore, a mandate not used during more than 36 months will be automatically rejected even if in the white list. 
  'sddCoreBlacklist': ["sddCoreBlacklist_example"] // [String] | Core Direct Debit are accepted by default. If a Core mandate is to be refused on reception, its UMR has to be added to this list. **The entry is not case sensitive.** If wild char * (star) is used instead of a UMR, all Direct Debit from this beneficiary will be refused. 
apiInstance.postBeneficiary(opts, (error, data, response) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);


Name Type Description Notes
body BeneficiariesBody [optional]
accessSignature String Access signature can be mandatory for specific context. Treezor will contact you if so. More info here. [optional]
accessTag String Access tag is used for idem potency query. More info here. [optional]
accessUserId Number Access user's id is used for user's action restriction. More info here. [optional]
accessUserIp String Access user's ip is used for user's action restriction. More info here. [optional]
sddB2bWhitelist Array Each unique mandate reference, with its frequency type, must be explicitely allowed when doing B2B Direct Debit. The entry is not case sensitive. Furthermore, a mandate not used during more than 36 months will be automatically rejected even if in the white list. [optional]
sddCoreBlacklist [String] Core Direct Debit are accepted by default. If a Core mandate is to be refused on reception, its UMR has to be added to this list. The entry is not case sensitive. If wild char * (star) is used instead of a UMR, all Direct Debit from this beneficiary will be refused. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json


InlineResponse2003 putBeneficiary(id, opts)

edit a beneficiary

Edit a benefeciary bank account in the system.


import {Treezor} from 'treezor';
let defaultClient = Treezor.ApiClient.instance;

// Configure API key authorization: api_key
let api_key = defaultClient.authentications['api_key'];
api_key.apiKey = 'YOUR API KEY';
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//api_key.apiKeyPrefix = 'Token';

let apiInstance = new Treezor.BeneficiariesApi();
let id = 56; // Number | Beneficiary's id.
let opts = { 
  'body': new Treezor.BeneficiariesIdBody(), // BeneficiariesIdBody | 
  'accessSignature': "accessSignature_example", // String | Access signature can be mandatory for specific context. Treezor will contact you if so. More info [here]( 
  'accessTag': "accessTag_example", // String | Access tag is used for idem potency query. More info [here]( 
  'accessUserId': 56, // Number | Access user's id is used for user's action restriction. More info [here]( 
  'accessUserIp': "accessUserIp_example", // String | Access user's ip is used for user's action restriction. More info [here]( 
  'sddB2bWhitelist': null, // Array | Each unique mandate reference, with its frequency type, must be explicitely allowed when doing B2B Direct Debit. **The entry is not case sensitive.** Furthermore, a mandate not used during more than 36 months will be automatically rejected even if in the white list. 
  'sddCoreBlacklist': ["sddCoreBlacklist_example"] // [String] | Core Direct Debit are accepted by default. If a Core mandate is to be refused on reception, its UMR has to be added to this list. **The entry is not case sensitive.** If wild char * (star) is used instead of a UMR, all Direct Debit from this beneficiary will be refused. 
apiInstance.putBeneficiary(id, opts, (error, data, response) => {
  if (error) {
  } else {
    console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);


Name Type Description Notes
id Number Beneficiary's id.
body BeneficiariesIdBody [optional]
accessSignature String Access signature can be mandatory for specific context. Treezor will contact you if so. More info here. [optional]
accessTag String Access tag is used for idem potency query. More info here. [optional]
accessUserId Number Access user's id is used for user's action restriction. More info here. [optional]
accessUserIp String Access user's ip is used for user's action restriction. More info here. [optional]
sddB2bWhitelist Array Each unique mandate reference, with its frequency type, must be explicitely allowed when doing B2B Direct Debit. The entry is not case sensitive. Furthermore, a mandate not used during more than 36 months will be automatically rejected even if in the white list. [optional]
sddCoreBlacklist [String] Core Direct Debit are accepted by default. If a Core mandate is to be refused on reception, its UMR has to be added to this list. The entry is not case sensitive. If wild char * (star) is used instead of a UMR, all Direct Debit from this beneficiary will be refused. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json