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Azure RTOS 6.0

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@PProvost PProvost released this 18 May 20:24
· 177 commits to master since this release

About this release

This is the initial release of Azure RTOS. It is based on the industry leading ThreadX RTOS with well over 6.2 Billion deployments – everything from mobile phones and fitness trackers, to security systems and spacecraft. Azure RTOS is a small, fast, reliable, and easy-to-use real-time operating system (RTOS) for connecting deeply embedded sensors, devices, and gateways from the edge to the Internet of Things (IoT). Azure RTOS also represents one of the most comprehensive embedded run-time solutions, including middleware components FileX, GUIX, NetX/NetX Duo, and USBX. Most popular MCU/MPUs (32/64bit) are supported along with most popular development tools.

Azure RTOS ThreadX

This advanced real-time operating system (RTOS) is designed specifically for deeply embedded applications. Among the multiple benefits it provides are advanced scheduling facilities, message passing, interrupt management, and messaging services. Azure RTOS ThreadX has many advanced features, including picokernel architecture, preemption threshold, event chaining, and a rich set of system services.