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Terraform AzApi Provider Language Server

Experimental version of terraform-provider-azapi language server.

What is LSP

Read more about the Language Server Protocol at


This project only supports completion/hover/diagnostics for terraform-provider-azapi, not targeting support all language features for HCL or Terraform. To get the best user experience, it's recommended to use it with language server for Terraform.


  • Completion of azapi resources
  • Completion of allowed azure resource types when input type in azapi resources
  • Completion of allowed azure resource properties when input body in azapi resources, limitation: it only works when use jsonencode function to build the JSON
  • Better completion for discriminated object
  • Completion for all required properties
  • Show hint when hover on azapi resources
  • Show diagnostics for properties defined inside body


  1. Clone this project to local
  2. Run go install under the project folder.


The most reasonable way you will interact with the language server is through a client represented by an IDE, or a plugin of an IDE.

VSCode extension: azapi-vscode


We wish to thank HashiCorp for the use of some MPLv2-licensed code from their open source project terraform-ls.