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Python asciiTUI


This is a library of tools for you to use with your needs for an attractive type of terminal (console) display. Type print(dir(asciiTUI)) for further functions, then type print(asciiTUI.<func>.__doc__) for further document information of each function.


To install the Python libraries and command line utilities, run:

pip install asciiTUI

If you want to upgrade this library do the command:

pip install asciiTUI --upgrade


pip install asciiTUI==<version>

When the installation is complete, import the asciiTUI module

>>> import asciiTUI as tui

Libary usage - Variable


This is a lorem_ipsum variable which contains the lorem ipsum text in English form. With the following usage:

>>> print(tui.lorem_ipsum)
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Libary usage - Functions and Class


The remove_ansi() function is used to remove or clean existing ansi escape codes \033, \x1b, and others and return the cleaned text. As usage:

>>> text = '\033[32mHello World!\033[36m'
>>> len(text) # check length
>>> len(tui.remove_ansi(text=text)) # check length and removing ansi escape


  • text (required) (type: str[auto]) : The main text that will remove the ansi code


The terminal_size() function is used to get the terminal size x:width or y:height. As usage:

>>> tui.terminal_size(get='x')
>>> # The numbers above will not match the output results you get. It all depends on the size of your terminal when executed.
>>> tui.terminal_size(get='xy')
(120, 30)

You can directly get x and y in one function with get='xy' or get='yx' as usage:

>>> x, y = tui.terminal_size(get='xy')
>>> print(x)
>>> print(y)


  • get (required) (type: str[auto]) : The type of terminal size you will get. x: width, y: height


  • OptionNotFoundError : If the get option is not found for example searching for anything other than x and y the results will throw this exception


The rgb() function is used to display colored text with the number of colors depending on the code r, g, b entered and can display style format in the form of fg (foreground) or bg (background). As usage:

>>> print(tui.rgb(r=23, g=102, b=7, style='fg')+'Hello World!'+tui.rgb())
Hello World!
>>> # The resulting output is in the form of RGB colors in general. Style as foreground (fg) or background (bg) type. The resulting color depends on the type of console used.


  • r (default: 255) (type: int[None]) : Red value (0-255)
  • g (default: 255) (type: int[None]) : Green value (0-255)
  • b (default: 255) (type: int[None]) : Blue value (0-255)
  • style (default: 'fg') (type: str[auto]) : Color style, either fg for foreground or bg for background


  • TypeError : If type r, g, b is not int
  • ValueError : If r, g, b is one of the values less than 0 and more than 255
  • OptionNotFoundError : If style option is not found


The justify() function is used to load string text to be in the middle or on the left and can adjust the width size to suit the terminal size or not according to needs. As usage:

>>> print(tui.justify(
...   content=tui.lorem_ipsum,
...   width=50,
...   make='center',
...   fill=' ',
...   height=50,
...   align=False,
...   wrap=True
... ))
 Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing 
and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the
  industry's standard dummy text ever since the   
 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of  
  type and scrambled it to make a type specimen   
book. It has survived not only five centuries, but
    also the leap into electronic typesetting,    
     remaining essentially unchanged. It was      
   popularised in the 1960s with the release of   
 Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, 
and more recently with desktop publishing software
 like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem 

There are types of make that can be printed, namely:

 Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing 
and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the
  industry's standard dummy text ever since the   
 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of  
  type and scrambled it to make a type specimen   
book. It has survived not only five centuries, but
    also the leap into electronic typesetting,    
     remaining essentially unchanged. It was      
   popularised in the 1960s with the release of   
 Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, 
and more recently with desktop publishing software
 like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem 

  Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing
and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the
     industry's standard dummy text ever since the
   1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of
     type and scrambled it to make a type specimen
book. It has survived not only five centuries, but
        also the leap into electronic typesetting,
           remaining essentially unchanged. It was
      popularised in the 1960s with the release of
  Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages,
and more recently with desktop publishing software
  like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing  
and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the
industry's standard dummy text ever since the
1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of
type and scrambled it to make a type specimen
book. It has survived not only five centuries, but
also the leap into electronic typesetting,
remaining essentially unchanged. It was
popularised in the 1960s with the release of
Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages,
and more recently with desktop publishing software
like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem


  • content (required) (type: str[auto]) : Content string to be justified
  • width (required) (type: int[None]) : Set the width size
  • make (default: 'center') (type: str[auto]) : Make the string printed with the center center or to the right right or to the left left
  • fill (default: ' ') (type: str[auto]) : Fill character
  • height (default: 50) (type: int[None]) : Set the height size
  • align (default: False) (type: bool[auto]) : Makes text center align (depending on size in height)
  • wrap (default: True) (type: bool[auto]) : Word wrapping


  • TypeError : If width, height are not int
  • OptionNotFoundError : If typefmt option is not found


The table() function is used to create an art ASCII table with headers and data in list form. As usage:

>>> print(tui.table(
...   headers = ['NUM', 'Name'],
...   data    = [
...               [1, 'Alice'],
...               [2, 'Steve'],
...             ],
...   typefmt = 'table',
...   tjust   = ['center', 'left'],
...   borders = ['\u2500', '\u2502', '\u250c', '\u2510', '\u2514', '\u2518', '\u252c', '\u2534', '\u251c', '\u2524', '\u253c'] # need 11 borders
... ))
│ NUM │ Name  │
│ 1   │ Alice │
│ 2   │ Steve │

If you experience problems with the console displaying borders, you can change the borders as follows: borders=['-', '|', '+', '+', '+', '+', '+', '+', '+', '+', '+'] Output:

| NUM | Name  |
| 1   | Alice |
| 2   | Steve |

There are 3 types of table displays, namely table, table_fancy-grid, tabulate, here are some displays of each type:

│ NUM │ Name  │
│ 1   │ Alice │
│ 2   │ Steve │

│ NUM │ Name  │
│ 1   │ Alice │
│ 2   │ Steve │

NUM │ Name 
1   │ Alice
2   │ Steve


  • headers (required) (type: list[None]) : The header list is in the form of a list type. Example: ['NUM', 'Name'] [<col 1>, <col 2>]
  • data (requared) (type: (list[None] values> list[None]) ) : The data list is in the form of a list type. Example: [[1, 'Alice'], [2, 'Steve']] [<row 1>, <row 2>]
  • typefmt (default: 'table') (type: str[auto]) : Table model type (table or table_fancy-grid or tabulate)
  • tjust (default: ['center', 'left']) (type: list[None]) : Justify the layout of headers and data (center or right or left). (using justify() function). Index: [<make:headers>, <make:data>]
  • borders (default: ['\u2500', '\u2502', '\u250c', '\u2510', '\u2514', '\u2518', '\u252c', '\u2534', '\u251c', '\u2524', '\u253c']) (type: list[None]) : Changing borders


  • TypeError : If the header, data, tjust, borders type is not a list
  • ValueError : If the contents of the borders, tjust list are less or more than borders:11, tjust:2
  • OptionNotFoundError : If typefmt option is not found


The Init_cmd_split() class is an init character used to split command line arguments separated by delimiters defined in this class, such as escape characters, quotes, line breaks, and other special characters. As usage:

>>> cs = tui.Init_cmd_split(
...   esc_char='\\',
...   quotes_char='"',
...   ln_char=';',
...   backslash_char='\\',
...   param_char=' '
... )
>>> command = r'pip install asciiTUI; echo "Hello World!\""; py' # main command


  • esc_char (default: '\\') (type: str[auto]) : Escape character
  • quotes_char (default: '"') (type: str[auto]) : Quote character
  • ln_char (default: ';') (type: str[auto]) : Line character. To separate and create rows
  • backslash_char (default: '\\') (type: str[auto]) : Backslash character
  • param_char (default: ' ') (type: str[auto]) : Parameter character. To separate parameters

Functions (method):


This method will separate arguments and lines in list form as usage:

>>> cs.split_args(cmd=command)
[['pip', 'install', 'asciiTUI'], ['echo', 'Hello World!"'], ['py']]


  • cmd (required) (type: str[auto]) : Main command string


This method will separate only rows in list form as usage:

>>> cs.split_ln(cmd=command)
['pip install asciiTUI', 'echo "Hello World!\""', 'py']


  • cmd (required) (type: str[auto]) : Main command string


  • Init_cmd_split: ValueError : If all arguments or parameters are less or more than 1 in length


The Init_progress_bar() class is used to load a loading or progress display on the console. As usage:

>>> from time import sleep
>>> pb = tui.Init_progress_bar(
...   typefmt='simple-box',
...   width=50,
...   maxp=100,
...   showpercent=True,
...   bar_borders=["#", ".", "[", "]"]
... )

Here are some types of progress bars:

[#########################################] 100.0%

typefmt='simple-line', bar_borders=['=', '-', '[', ']']
=========================================== 100.0%


  • typefmt (default: 'simple-box') (type: str[auto]) : Type of progress model (simple-box or simple-line)
  • width (default: 50) (type: int[None]) : Width length of the progress bar
  • maxp (default: 100) (type: int[None]) : Maximum progress percentage
  • showpercent (default : True) (type: bool[auto]): Displays progress percent
  • bar_borders (default : ["#", ".", "[", "]"]) (type: list[None]) : Changing borders

Functions (method):


This method is a method for producing a progress bar output with specified progress. As usage:

>>> print(pb.strbar(progress=12.4)) # 12.4%
[#####....................................] 12.4%


  • progress (required) (type: int[None]) : Current percent progress


  • Init_progress_bar: TypeError : If width, maxp are not int
  • Init_progress_bar: ValueError : If the contents of the bar_borders list are less or more than 4
  • strbar: TypeError : If the progress type is not int or float
  • strbar: OptionNotFoundError : If typefmt option is not found


The pwinput() function is used to take input from the user, but the typed display is only a mask so that the input entered cannot be read. As usage:

>>> pw = tui.pwinput(prompt='Password: ', mask='*'); print(pw)
Password: ***********
Hello World


  • prompt (default: '') (type: str[auto]) : Appearance of prompt or text.
  • mask (default: '*') (type: str[auto]) : As the character mask displayed.


  • ValueError : If the mask length is more than 1 character



If an option or type entered is not found


If you are using Python version 2



  • Fix justify function
  • Fix Init_cmd_split
  • Documentation updates