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Configuration Guide

Stargate Common Configuration

Authentication & security configuration

Configuration for header-based authentication, defined by

Property Type Default Description
stargate.auth.header-based.enabled boolean true If the header based auth is enabled.
stargate.auth.header-based.header-name String X-Cassandra-Token Name of the authentication header.
stargate.auth.header-based.custom-challenge-enabled String ${stargate.exception-mappers.enabled:true} Provides possibility to disable the customized auth challenge defined.
stargate.auth.token-resolver.type String principal Token resolver type. If unset, empty token is used. Possible options are header, principal fixed, custom or unset.
stargate.auth.token-resolver.header.header-name String X-Cassandra-Token Header to get the token from, if the header type is used.
stargate.auth.token-resolver.fixed.token String unset Tenant identifier value, if the fixed type is used.

Data store configuration

Configuration of the data-store properties, defined by

Property Type Default Description boolean ${stargate.multi-tenancy.enabled} If the data store supported features cannot be read from the Bridge. In case of a failure to read, the properties listed below are taken as fall back. boolean true If the data store supports secondary indexes. boolean false If the data store supports SAI (storage-attached indexes). boolean true If the data store supports logged batches.

gRPC configuration

Configuration for the gRPC calls to the Bridge, defined by

Property Type Default Description Duration PT30S Defines the client deadline for each RPC call to the bridge.
stargate.grpc.retries.enabled boolean true If retries of bridge calls is enabled.
stargate.grpc.retries.policy String status-codes Retry policy type. Possible options are status-codes or custom.
stargate.grpc.retries.status-codes List UNAVAILABLE In case of a status-codes policy, provides a list of gRPC Status.Codes that must be returned in order for a call to be retried.
stargate.grpc.retries.max-attempts int 1 Maximum amount of retry attempts for a single call.

gRPC metadata configuration

Configuration for the gRPC metadata passed to the Bridge, defined by

Property Type Default Description
stargate.grpc-metadata.tenant-id-key String X-Tenant-Id Metadata key for passing the tenant-id to the Bridge.
stargate.grpc-metadata.cassandra-token-key String X-Cassandra-Token Metadata key for passing the cassandra token to the Bridge.
stargate.grpc-metadata.source-api-key String X-Source-Api Metadata key for passing the source API to the Bridge.

Metrics configuration

Configuration mapping for the additional metrics properties, defined by

Property Type Default Description Map<String,String> {"module": "docsapi"} Map of global tags that will be applied to every meter.
stargate.metrics.tenant-request-counter.enabled boolean ${stargate.multi-tenancy.enabled} If extra metric for counting the request per tenant should be recorded.
stargate.metrics.tenant-request-counter.metric-name String http.server.requests.counter Name of the metric.
stargate.metrics.tenant-request-counter.tenant-tag String tenant The tag key for tenant id.
stargate.metrics.tenant-request-counter.error-tag String error The tag key for the request error flag (true/false).
stargate.metrics.tenant-request-counter.user-agent-tag String user_agent The tag key for the user agent, if capturing is enabled.
stargate.metrics.tenant-request-counter.user-agent-tag-enabled boolean false If user agent information should be included as a tag. The user agent value will be trimmed to the first appearance of the whitespace or forward slash char.

Multi-tenancy configuration

Configuration mapping for multi tenant operation mode, defined by

Property Type Default Description
stargate.multi-tenancy.enabled boolean false If multi-tenancy operation mode is enabled.
stargate.multi-tenancy.tenant-resolver.type String unset Tenant identifier resolver type if multi-tenancy is enabled. Possible options are subdomain, fixed, or custom.
stargate.multi-tenancy.tenant-resolver.fixed.tenant-id String unset Tenant identifier value if the fixed type is used.
stargate.multi-tenancy.tenant-resolver.subdomain.max-chars String unset Optional, takes only a defined number of max characters from the resolved sub-domain as tenant id. If config value is negative, then it's ignored.
stargate.multi-tenancy.tenant-resolver.subdomain.regex String unset Optional, validates the resolved tenant id against the provided regular expression. If not matching the regex, resolves to empty (unknown) tenant.

Queries configuration

Configuration mapping for the query properties, defined by

Property Type Default Description
stargate.queries.consistency.schema-changes String LOCAL_QUORUM Consistency level to use for C* queries that are performing the schema changes.
stargate.queries.consistency.writes String LOCAL_QUORUM Consistency level to use for C* queries that are inserting or updating the data.
stargate.queries.consistency.reads String LOCAL_QUORUM Consistency level to use for C* queries that are reading the data.
stargate.queries.serial-consistency String SERIAL Serial consistency level to be used for C* queries.

Additional Logging Configuration

Configuration mapping for the additional logging that are not covered by Quarkus out of the box such as request body, defined by

NOTE: In order to use these features, you need to set the log level of io.stargate.sgv2.api.common.logging.LoggingFilter to DEBUG by doing below:

Property Type Default Description
stargate.api.logging.enabled boolean false API level request logging is enabled.
stargate.api.logging.enabled-tenants Set all If set to value other than all, only the requests from the tenants listed here will be logged.
stargate.api.logging.enabled-paths Set all If set to value other than all, only the requests to the paths listed here will be logged.
stargate.api.logging.enabled-path-prefixes Set all If set to value other than all, only the requests to the paths that start with the prefixes listed here will be logged.
stargate.api.logging.enabled-error-codes Set all If set to value other than all, only the requests that return the error codes listed here will be logged.
stargate.api.logging.enabled-methods Set all If set to value other than all, only the requests that use the methods listed here will be logged.
stargate.api.logging.request-body-logging-enabled boolean false If the request body logging is enabled.

Stargate Development Configuration

NOTE: This properties cre usually helpful when you are using sgv2-quarkus-common to develop custom APIs.

Exception mappers

Property Type Default Description
stargate.exception-mappers.enabled boolean unset If set to false it disables all common exception mappers defined. You would need to define your own exception mapping strategy.