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NN-MNIST Experiment

This experiment takes a very simple and straight forward approach of training a Neural Network to classify the MNIST dataset, consisting of handwritten numbers from 0-9 saved in 28x28 images. Here's what a sample of what the numbers in MNIST look like:

Get Started

To get started, use the terminal to navigate to ml-in-tf/experiments/nn-mnist/and run python

To see the graph and plots using tensorboard, use the terminal to navigate to ml-in-tf/ and run tensorboard --logdir logs/. Wait for the following message:

Starting TensorBoard on port <port>

And then open up a browser and go to localhost:<port>.


The network in this experiment has one fully connected layer. It takes every single image pixel as input represented as a one-dimensional of size 784 (=28x28) and outputs a softmax layer of size 10, one for each number-class.

Input Output
784 10


The customizable parameters of this experiment - and their default values - are as follows:

  • minibatches - 1000 -Number of minibatches to run the training on.
  • minibatch_size - 100 - Number of samples in each minibatch.
  • status_update - 100 - How often to print an status update.
  • random_seed - 123 - Number of minibatches to run the training on.
  • learning_rate - 0.05 - Learning rate of the optimizer.
  • optimizer - gradient_descent - If another optimizer should be used [adam, rmsprop, gradient_descent]. Defaults to gradient_descent.
  • run_test - True - If the final model should be tested.
  • use_gpu - False - If TensorFlow operations should run on GPU rather than CPU.

Experiment Results

The implementation is really straight forward and should receive an accuracy of ≈88% on the test set. The plot below shows a standard run will all default parameters.