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☀️ Part 3: Selector playground

📚 You will learn

  • Cypress Selector Playground tool
  • best practices for selecting elements
  • Cypress Studio for recording tests


  • keep todomvc app running
  • open 03-selector-playground/spec.js

How do we select element in cy.get(...)?

  • Browser's DevTools can suggest selector


Chrome suggests selector


Open "Selector Playground"

Selector playground button


Selector playground can suggest much better selectors.

Selector playground


⚠️ It can suggest a weird selector

Default suggestion


Read best-practices.html#Selecting-Elements

Best practice



  • add test data ids to todomvc/index.html DOM markup
  • use new selectors to write cypress/integration/03-selector-playground/spec.js
// fill the selector, maybe use "tid" function
cy.get('...').should('have.length', 2)

Note: The updated test should look something like the next image




Cypress is just JavaScript

import { selectors, tid } from './common-selectors'
it('finds element', () => {

  // "tid" forms "data-test-id" attribute selector
  // like "[data-test-id='item']"
  cy.get(tid('item')).should('have.length', 1)

Cypress Studio

Record tests by clicking on the page

  "experimentalStudio": true

Watch 📹 Record A Test Using Cypress Studio and read


Start recording

open Cypress Studio

🏁 Selecting Elements


🏁 Quickly write tests

  • pick elements using Selector Playground
  • record tests using Cypress Studio

➡️ Pick the next section or jump to the 04-reset-state chapter