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Processing of Connections and Requests

Establishment of Connection

The listener processing Goroutine of BFE (function BfeServer.Serve) circularly accepts the newly received client connection and creates a new Goroutine to process the connection.

// bfe_server/http_server.go

func (srv *BfeServer) Serve(l net.Listener, raw net.Listener, proto string) error {
	  for {
			  // accept new connection
			  rw, e := l.Accept()
			  // start goroutine for new connection
			  go func(rwc net.Conn, srv *BfeServer) {
				    c, err := newConn(rw, srv)
			  }(rw, srv)

Processing of Connection

BFE connection bfe_server.conn executes the serve function to process the connection, mainly including:

  • Step 1 Callback point processing: Execute the callback function chain of callback point HandleAccept
// bfe_server/http_conn.go

// Callback for HANDLE_ACCEPT
hl = c.server.CallBacks.GetHandlerList(bfe_module.HandleAccept)
if hl != nil {
    retVal = hl.FilterAccept(c.session)
  • Step 2 Handshake and negotiation: Perform TLS handshake (if the user initiates TLS connection)

    After the TLS handshake is successful, execute the callback function of the callback point HandleHandshake

// bfe_server/http_conn.go

// Callback for HANDLE_HANDSHAKE
hl = c.server.CallBacks.GetHandlerList(bfe_module.HandleHandshake)
if hl != nil {
    retVal = hl.FilterAccept(c.session)

​ Then select and execute the application layer protocol handler (HTTP2/SPDY/STREAM) based on the negotiation.

// bfe_server/bfe_server.go

tlsNextProto[tls_rule_conf.SPDY31] = bfe_spdy.NewProtoHandler(nil)
tlsNextProto[tls_rule_conf.HTTP2] = bfe_http2.NewProtoHandler(nil)
tlsNextProto[tls_rule_conf.STREAM] = bfe_stream.NewProtoHandler(
		&bfe_stream.Server{BalanceHandler: srv.Balance})
  • Step 3 Connection protocol processing: Distinguish connection protocols, and execute:

    • If it is an HTTP (S) connection, read and process the requests in the current Goroutine in sequence

    • If it is an HTTP2/SPDY connection, read and process the request concurrently in the new Goroutine

    • If it is a STREAM connection, the two-way forwarding of data is processed in the new Goroutine (omitted below)

​ For details of protocol implementation, please refer to the chapter [Core Protocol Implementation](../protocol/protocol. md).

Processing of Request

The object for connection bfe_server.conn executes the serveRequest function to process the request. Although HTTP/HTTPS/HTTP2/SPDY use different methods to transmit data, BFE receives HTTP requests from the protocol layer and converts them to the same internal request type (bfe_http.Request) at the upper layer, and performs unified logical processing.

The specific process of request processing is as follows:

  • Step 1 Callback point processing

    Execute the callback function chain of the callback point HandleBeforeLocation

// bfe_server/reverseproxy.go

// Callback for HandleBeforeLocation
hl = srv.CallBacks.GetHandlerList(bfe_module.HandleBeforeLocation)
if hl != nil {
    retVal, res = hl.FilterRequest(basicReq)
  • Step 2 Tenant Routing:

    Find the tenant to which the request belongs. See the description in [Request Routing](../routing/routing. md) for details.

// bfe_server/reverseproxy.go

// find product
if err := srv.findProduct(basicReq); err != nil {
  • Step 3 Callback point processing:

    Execute the callback function chain of the callback point HandleFoundProduct

// bfe_server/reverseproxy.go

// Callback for HandleFoundProduct
hl = srv.CallBacks.GetHandlerList(bfe_module.HandleFoundProduct)
if hl != nil {
    retVal, res = hl.FilterRequest(basicReq)
  • Step 4 Cluster routing:

    Find the destination cluster to which the request belongs. See the description in [Request Routing](../routing/routing. md) for details.

// bfe_server/reverseproxy.go

if err = srv.findCluster(basicReq); err != nil {
  • Step 5 Callback point processing: Execute the callback function chain of the callback point HandleAfterLocation
// bfe_server/reverseproxy.go

// Callback for HandleAfterLocation
hl = srv.CallBacks.GetHandlerList(bfe_module.HandleAfterLocation)
if hl != nil {
  • Step 6 Request pre-processing:

    Before the final forwarding of the request, preprocess the request and obtain the forwarding parameters (such as the timeout)

  • Step 7 Load balancing and forwarding:

    Forward HTTP requests to the downstream cluster. See the description in [Load Balancing](../balancing/balancing. md) for details

// bfe_server/reverseproxy.go

res, action, err = p.clusterInvoke(srv, cluster, basicReq, rw)
basicReq.HttpResponse = res
  • Step 8 Callback point processing: Execute the callback function chain of the callback point HandleReadResponse
// bfe_server/reverseproxy.go

// Callback for HandleReadResponse
hl = srv.CallBacks.GetHandlerList(bfe_module.HandleReadResponse)
if hl != nil {
  • Step 9 Response sending: send the response to the client
// bfe_server/reverseproxy.go

err = p.sendResponse(rw, res, resFlushInterval, cancelOnClientClose)
if err != nil {

End of Request

  • Execute the callback function chain of the callback point HandleRequestFinish
// bfe_server/reverseproxy.go

// Callback for HandleRequestFinish
hl := srv.CallBacks.GetHandlerList(bfe_module.HandleRequestFinish)
if hl != nil {
  • Check whether the connection needs to be closed (for example, the request is blocked or HTTP KeepAlive is not enabled)

  • If it needs to be closed, the connection will stop reading subsequent requests and perform the closing operation

End of Connection

Before the connection ends, you need to perform the following operations:

  • Execute the callback function chain of the callback point HandleFinish
// bfe_server/http_conn.go

// Callback for HandleFinish
hl := srv.CallBacks.GetHandlerList(bfe_module.HandleFinish)
if hl != nil {
  • Write the "connection outgoing" buffer data and close the connection


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