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Install OpenEdge on Raspbian

OpenEdge is mainly developed in Go programming language and supports two startup modes: docker container mode and native process mode.

This document focuses on the installation of the environment required for OpenEdge and the rapid deployment of OpenEdge on the Linux-like system.


  • The test system for this article is based on Raspbian. The kernel and CPU architecture information are viewed by executing the uname -ar command as follows: raspbian kernel detail
  • In the OpenEdge deployment section, the deployment process is demonstrated using the docker container mode.

Environment Configuration

OpenEdge provides docker container mode and native process mode. If you are running in docker container mode, you need to install the Docker environment; if you are running in native process mode, you need to install Python and its runtime dependencies.

Install Docker in docker container mode

To start using docker container mode (recommended), you need to complete the docker installation first.


  • The official Dockerfile is offered for multi-stage builds. If you need to build the relevant image yourself, The version of Docker you installed should be above 17.05.
  • The production environment can run the image using a lower version of Docker, which is currently tested to a minimum usable version of 12.0.
  • According to the Official Release Log, the version of Docker lower than 18.09.2 has some security implications. It is recommended to install/update Docker to 18.09.2 and above.

Can be installed by the following command(Suitable for linux-like systems, Supported Platforms):

curl -sSL | sh

For more details, please see the official documentation.

Install prerequisites in native process mode

OpenEdge provides Python and Node runtime. If you plan to use the native process mode, you need to install prerequisites first. The corresponding versions for Python runtime are Python2.7 and Python3.6, and Node8.5 for Node runtime. Besides, users can also choose other versions, but they must ensure compatibility.

Install Python runtime

The system provides Python2.7 by default, and the Python3.6 installation is below.

  • Step 1:Check Python3.6 or above is already installed or not. If yes, goto Step 3, otherwise goto Step 2.
which python3
  • Step 2:Install Python3.6:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install gcc make zlib1g-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev wget
tar -xvf Python-3.6.5.tgz
sudo chmod -R +x Python-3.6.5
cd Python-3.6.5/
sudo make install
  • Step 3:Install dependencies required by OpenEdge:
# python2
sudo yum install -y python-pip
sudo pip2 install grpcio protobuf pyyaml
sudo pip2 install -U PyYAML

# python3
sudo pip3 install -y grpcio protobuf pyyaml
sudo pip3 install -U PyYAML

Install Node runtime

  • Step 1:Check Node8.5 or above is already installed or not. If not, goto Step 2.
node -v
  • Step 2:Install Node8:
# Using Debian, as root
curl -sL | bash -
apt-get install -y nodejs

Quick Deployment

A complete OpenEdge includes main program and configurations. The following is an introduction to OpenEdge's quick deployment using the latest official release and a sample configuration.

Step 1: Download

Download OpenEdge and Example Configuration

Step 2: Unzip

Open the terminal and enter the directory of downloaded zips for decompression:


If the above operation is normal, the resulting file directory structure is as shown below:

OpenEdge directory

The bin directory stores the openedge executable binary file of main program, the etc directory stores the configuration of OpenEdge, and the var directory stores the configuration and resources for the modules of OpenEdge. About Configuration, you can read Configuration Interpretation to learn more.

Meantime, you can place the openedge in the directory specified in PATH, suggest /usr/local/bin, then copy the var and etc directories to / Usr/local.

Step 3: Start

Enter the directory of openedge, then start it:

sudo openedge start

Step 4: Verify

OpenEdge may encounter an abnormal condition during the startup process. You can verify whether OpenEdge is successfully started according to the following steps:

  • executing the command ps -ef | grep openedge to check whether openedge is running, as shown below. Otherwise, openedge fails to start.


  • executing the command docker stats to view the running status of docker containers. openedge will pull the required images first. After completed, the running status of containers are as shown below. If some containers are missing, it says they failed to start.

docker stats

  • Under the condition of two above failures, you need to view the log to check more. Log files are stored by default in the var/log/openedge directory of working directory. Then check and correct one by one according to the detailed error information. If necessary, just Submit an issue for help.

As mentioned above, if all the steps are executed correctly, it says OpenEdge has deployed successful on Raspbian system.

NOTE: The above deployment uses docker container mode. If you want to use native process mode or learn more, please refer to source compiled.